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Seven Deadly Sins.

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1 Seven Deadly Sins

2 Self-Destructive Behaviors
Although Saint Thomas of Aquinas (Catholic scholar who believed in both faith and reason/logic) is usually given credit for these ideas, much of what he perceived originally came from the Greeks. A "sin" in the context of Thomas of Aquinas, can be defined as "something human beings do which causes them to be unreasonable and unhappy." Another way to define "sin" is "self-destructive behavior that one performs because he/she has never truly educated him/herself as to the passions which may drive and control him/her".

3 The Seven Deadly Sins A painting by Hieronymus Bosch
c.1485 (50 Kb); Prado, Madrid The Seven Deadly Sins is a painted rectangle with a central image of the eye of God, with Christ watching the world. The Seven Deadly Sins, depicted through scenes of worldly transgression, are arranged around the circular shape. The circular layout with god in the center represents gods all seeing eye No sin goes unnoticed. In the corners of the image appear the "Four Last Things" mentioned in late medieval spiritual handbooks: Deathbed, the Last Judgment, Heaven, and Hell, all of which are favorite themes of separate Bosch panels. (The next slide is a clearer picture of Bosch’s famous work.)


5 Pope Gregory the Great  According to many historians, Pope Gregory the Great revived the idea of "The Seven Deadly Sins" in the sixth century. He listed the spiritual offenses with Pride being the first. Historians explained that pride is the first and gravest of the seven because it can lead to the other six. The seven deadly sins are usually committed against one's self and can destroy a person's spiritual health.

6 Capital Vices  During the 13th century, the Roman Catholic Church incorporated these sins into its teaching. The church called them "capital vices" that can lead to sin. Literature such as Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" and various paintings have illustrated the seven deadly sins.

7 PRIDE/Vanity (a desire to be important or attractive to others)
A person thinks he/she already "knows it all" and "has it all". "Pride" is a "sin" when it is in excess because it prevents one from growing and evolving, and from accepting oneself and others fairly and realistically.

8 Vanity: the Narcissus myth
In Greek mythology, Narcissus was an extremely beautiful young man. He was obsessed with his own beauty. When he saw his face in the water, he fell in love with it and could not stop looking at the reflection. He gradually turned into a flower, now commonly known as Narcissus.

9 Vanity: the Narcissus myth
In another version of the myth, Narcissus drowns after trying to kiss his own reflection. Narcissism is a term meaning “excessive self love.”

10 2. GREED/AVARICE (a desire to possess more than one has need or use for.)
One allows material items control his/her sense of contentment. People under the influence of greed want more and more and are never satisfied.

11 (resentment of others for their possessions; jealous competitiveness.)
3. ENVY (resentment of others for their possessions; jealous competitiveness.) Those suffering from envy wish they were someone else because of the qualities and/or possessions a person has. Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive. Envy is almost indistinguishable from pride at times. Envious people betray themselves – in a sense play Judas to themselves. Instead of honoring what they do have, they dishonor the gift of life they were given by being dissatisfied with it.

12 4. ANGER (Uncontrollable feelings of resentment, revenge or even denial,it is also known as Wrath. ) One becomes angry at someone or something to the point that one loses control over actions and words. rage, fury, ire, wrath, resentment, indignation, offense, rant, temper, seethe, livid, annoyance, antagonism, rile… “Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding.” --Mahatma Gandhi

13 5. Lust (Lust: seeking sex for impulsive pleasure; overindulgence in sex; fornication.) self-indulgent sexual desire; Licentious craving; sexual appetite Sufferers of lust may have a strong sexual attraction towards a person and can't get him/her out of their minds. (They are "miserable" because they don't have "him" or "her" and this lustful feeling does not change the reality that the sufferers cannot have the person they desire.)

14 6. GLUTTONY (eating for pleasure; overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants.) Instead of being satisfied with what one has, he/she wants more, more, more. The chief error about Gluttony is to think it only pertains to food. Some people can't have enough toys, television, entertainment, sex, or company. It is about an excess of anything.

15 (laziness or idleness)
7. SLOTH (laziness or idleness) Slothful people occasionally do something, but they only do it haphazardly -- only enough to get it done. Instead of giving life their best, they give much less than their best.



18 Seven Deadly Sins End of presentation

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