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Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) implemented The Project on Local Scholar Network Learning Centers Development since the fiscal year 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) implemented The Project on Local Scholar Network Learning Centers Development since the fiscal year 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) implemented The Project on Local Scholar Network Learning Centers Development since the fiscal year 2007. The project is to support farmers for learning by doing and training to transfer knowledge, methodology, and share experiences on the process of sustainable agriculture development by following the Kings New Theory of Agricultural Development based on Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The New Theory of agricultural development is the implementation under the King initiatives called Sufficiency Economy philosophy. 2

3 The New Theory of agricultural development consists of: The first phase is the adaptable production process, farmers have to understand agricultural sustainable development aspect and apply it into their own farmland. The second phase is to set up the farmers unite in the form of groups or cooperatives to carry out activity work in the areas of production, marketing, living conditions, welfare, education and society. The third phase is the farmers connection, the farmers should move into this phase by making contacts with banks or private sector to obtain funds to assist in investment or developing their quality of life. In this phase, farmers can get more benefits, improve the quality of their life and strengthen their capacity building into the network both in community and national level. 3

4 MOAC support budget for developing farmer groups (Step 2 &3 of New theory Agriculture) under Pratch Chao Baan Centers especially for human resource development. (30,000 baht/group/province) 4 Approx. 1,000 US dollar/yr. Background (Cont)

5 Impact of the implementation on developing farmer groups under LSNLCs Project (Kasetsart University, 2011) For the first phase, most farmers gained knowledge from the learning center and applied in their farm. For the second phase and third phase, most of the farmer groups are not strength and have to develop in group management, production, and marketing. The strengthen farmer groups lead to the better quality of life for farmers. 5

6 To develop capacity of farmer groups and network toward self efficient (depend on themselves). 6

7 To increase the net income of farmers. To increase farmer group networks. 7

8 Government Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry of Commerces Ministry of Interior Educational Institution Private Sector Farmer Group LSNLCs Bank Company Mass communication 8

9 StrengthWeakness The committee of farmer group are self-reliance by apply Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for their living. Local wisdom Natural resources Low capacity of group management The administration of group production and marketing. Low technology Revolving fund Capacity building OpportunityThreat Government Policy & National plan Educational institution Mass media Fiscal budget Unstable politic and government administration Law and government rules 9

10 FG -production factor - product -Knowledge - etc. Bank Mass Media Educational Institution Private Company Government Learning Centers Applied PPP for Project - Budget - Facility - Cooperate - Control for fair trade - Marketing extension - Export - Business management - Promote - Soft loan - Research for development - Knowledge - Technology - Knowledge - Local wisdom - Center in the communities

11 Increase income Increase net income for farmers Reduced cost Increase Productivity Marketing Development Production Factor Exchange Economy of scale Produce Production Factor Increase net income, Self reliance, Increase quality of life, and Balance of economic social and environment -Farm management -Increase yield -Grading -Packaging -Expanding market Knowledge (Appropriate Technology + Local wisdom Knowledge (Appropriate Technology + Local wisdom

12 Government benefit Reduced cost of supporting farmers Social benefit New knowledge Safety food for consumer Environmental friendly Company benefit Good quality products (Standard products) Reduced cost by contacted group farmer Stable raw materials 12

13 ActivityPPP Selected farmer groups.MOAC and local government Study and SWOT analyze of farmer group MOAC,Educational Institution and Farmer groups Farmer groups development plan.All related organizations Contact PPP.MOAC and local government ImplementationAll related organizations Monitoring and EvaluationMOAC and Educational Institution Project DevelopmentAll related organizations

14 Month Process 123456789101112 1. Selected, studied and analyzed farmer group 2. Group developing plan 3. Support for production and marketing plan 4. Support for capacity building 5. Project management 14

15 Month Process 123456789101112 6. Support for production and marketing plan 7. Support for capacity building 8. Project management 15

16 Risk Epidemic The member group can not continuous attend the meeting. Changing of farmer group leader 16 Guideline to manage Study and solve the problems with the related organization. Rules and regulation in the group Capacity building of leadership

17 Selected, studied and analyzed farmer group (20 groups x 3 days x 2 times) = 2,564,000 ThB. Group developing plan (2 times x 4 regions) = 1,600,000 ThB. Support for production and marketing plan (200,000 ThB./group) = 4,000,000 ThB. Support for capacity building (3,000 x 3 times/group x 20 groups) = 1,800,000 ThB. Project management (10% x 9,964,000) = 996,400 ThB. Total budget = 10,960,400 ThB. = 365,347 US$ 17

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