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Political Fragmentation in the 1850s

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1 Political Fragmentation in the 1850s

2 Whig Party Northern “conscience” Whigs Southern “cotton” Whigs
Whigs divided over Slavery Fugitive Slave Act Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act 1834 & died in 1854 Northern “conscience” Whigs Southern “cotton” Whigs Whig Party

3 1792-Present Election of 1860 splits into Northern and Southern Branches Some N. Dems support slavery b/c afraid of collapse of cotton industry Democrats

4 Free-Soil Party 1844-Civil War
Not all abolitionists, all oppose slaves in territories #1 goal: prevent labor competition Many were racists Free-Soil Party

5 Know-Nothing Party (1849-1854) Belief in nativism
Mostly middle-class Protestants Anti-immigrant Anti-Catholic Split over slavery in territories Know-Nothing Party

6 Republican Party (1854-present)
An “umbrella” party: members agree on prohibiting slavery in territories Included: free-soilers, N. Whigs, N. Dems, nativists, radical abolitionists Republican Party

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