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Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5

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Presentation on theme: "Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Rigor Breakdown Part 3: Application Grades 3–5 NOTE THAT THIS SESSION IS DESIGNED TO BE 120 MINUTES IN LENGTH; 10 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR THE SESSION OPENING (SLIDES 1-4). Turnkey Materials Provided in Addition to PowerPoint: Grade 3—Module 5 Video Clip: G3—M5 Application 4–5 Standards from the NF Domain Calling for Word Problems or Story Contexts Additional Suggested Resources: A Story of Units: A Curriculum Overview for Grades P-5 How to Implement A Story of Units This three-part series on the components of rigor demonstrates examples of all three components of rigor in G3—M5 and gives guidance to participants in other grades for enacting rigor in in other grades levels. The three-part series, preceded by a session on coherent development of fractions across the grades, also explores the expression of coherence through the application component of rigor. The previous two sessions addressed the other two components: conceptual understanding, and procedural skill and fluency. During this session, you will build upon your work in the previous sessions.

2 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Session Objectives Examine the application component of rigor in G3—M5 and related content from grades 4 and 5. Explore a deep understanding of modeling and its application in the standards. Experience how proficiency in the tape diagram method can be developed in students and colleagues. Experience writing word problems that are well suited to the tape diagram. Let’s begin by looking at our new objectives. Examine the application component of rigor in G3—M5. Explore the application component of rigor in related content from grades 4 and 5. Explore a deep understanding of modeling and its application in the standards. Experience how proficiency in the tape diagram method can be developed in students and colleagues. Experience writing word problems that are well suited to the tape diagram.

3 Application Revisited
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Application Revisited “Students are expected to use math and choose the appropriate concept for application even when they are not prompted to do so. Teachers provide opportunities at all grade levels for students to apply math concepts in “real world” situations. Teachers in content areas outside of math, particularly science, ensure that students are using math – at all grade levels – to make meaning of and access content.”  (excerpt from the Shifts) Let’s begin by revisiting what is meant by application. Here we have an excerpt from the Instructional Shifts. Take 30 seconds to read and reflect on the excerpt. (Allow up to 1 minute for participants to read and reflect.) What stands out to you about this excerpt? Is anyone willing to share? (Allow 2-3 participants to contribute. If no one suggests it, put forth the following observation.) How about the fact that students are being asked to know what to do with an application problem even when they are given no guidance. It reads, “choose the appropriate concept… even when not prompted to do so.”. Isn’t that what true problem solving is? Is it really problem solving if you are merely doing what someone else has guided you to do, or doing the same procedure as the problem that was just demonstrated only this time with different numbers? Let’s keep this idea in mind as we go through this session – our objective is to prepare students with the understanding and application experiences needed for true problem solving. When we practice and assess problem solving, we need to be careful that we are not inadvertently giving students too much guidance. If you are always setting the students up with guidance and predictability, are you really assessing their readiness to choose an appropriate concept when not prompted to do so?

4 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute AGENDA Application in G3—M5 Modeling in the Standards Building Proficiency with Tape Diagrams Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems 10 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR APPLICATION IN G3—M5 (SLIDES 5-10). This session, like the previous two, will start off with a quick look at application, and specifically modeling in Grade 3—Module 5. Next we will deepen our understanding of modeling by looking at the two main uses of modeling and how they occur in the standards of PK-12. Then we will embark on a sequence of problems designed to build proficiency with tape diagrams. And, finally we will have our hand at writing word problems related to the grade 4 and 5 lessons we’ve been studying in the previous sessions.

5 Application in the PK–5 Standards
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Application in the PK–5 Standards PK–5 Standards call for application in 3 ways: Word Problems Real-World Problems Modeling Those of you in attendance at our last NTI may recall that the PK-5 standards call for application in three ways. Can anyone share what those ways are? (Allow for contributions ensuring that the three areas are accurately reflected as: word problems, real-world problems, and modeling.) (CLICK TO ADVANCE BULLETS.) Application in G3—M5 is largely addressed through modeling. Since this module stops short of adding or subtracting fractions, the bulk of application is through modeling the fractions in meaningful and visual ways and connecting it to measurement.

6 Video Clip: G3—M5 Application
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Video Clip: G3—M5 Application Reflection How does this lesson challenge students to use what they know about fractions? We are going to watch a video of a problem from one of the first lessons in G3—M5 where students are developing the skill of representing fractions like 1 sixth using equal areas of a rectangular region. Let’s watch as the students work on their models of 1 sixth. While you watch the video, reflect on the students’ experiences. How does this lesson challenge students to use what they know about fractions? After the video clip, you will have a chance to share your thoughts.

7 Video Clip: G3—M5 Application
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Video Clip: G3—M5 Application (Play Video Clip: G3—M5 Application.)

8 Video Clip: G3—M5 Application
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Video Clip: G3—M5 Application Reflection How does this lesson challenge students to use what they know about fractions? Take a moment to consolidate your thoughts on the reflection question posed before the video. Who would like to share their thoughts?

9 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Application in G3—M5 Look through the application section of the lessons in G3—M5. What model(s) other than rectangular regions are being used to facilitate students understanding of fractions? Take 2-3 minutes to look through the application section of the lessons in G3—M5. What models other than rectangular regions are being used to facilitate students understanding of fractions? (Allow 2-3 minutes, and then call on volunteers to share their findings. Results should include the number bond.)

10 Key Points – Application in G3—M5
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Key Points – Application in G3—M5 Application is called for in the PK–5 standards in three distinct ways: word problems, real-world problems, and modeling. Each of these areas of application can be used to coherently bridge gaps in prerequisite knowledge. Many activities that promote application, also address the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Let’s review some key points of this session. (CLICK TO ADVANCE EACH BULLET.) Application is called for in the PK–5 standards in three distinct ways: word problems, real-world problems, and modeling. Each of these areas of application can be used to coherently bridge gaps in prerequisite knowledge. Many activities that promote application, also address the Standards of Mathematical Practice.

11 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute AGENDA Application in G3—M5 Modeling in the Standards Building Proficiency with Tape Diagrams Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems 20 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR MODELING IN THE STANDARDS (SLIDES 11-19). If you were in attendance for Day 2 of this NTI, you have heard a great deal about modeling and the modeling process as it develops over grades In this session, we’ve been using the word modeling in the context of promoting understanding through concrete and visual models and in reference to application. This use of the word is not unrelated to the use of the term for higher grades. Indeed, modeling is an area that begins in PK and continues to be developed and used through high-school and beyond into college and career. In line with today’s theme of coherence, we’re going to deepen our understanding of modeling, considering the two types of modeling and how those types are developed through the Standards from PK to 12.

12 Modeling – A Closer Look
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Modeling – A Closer Look Think of an example of modeling that you would share with a colleague who wanted to better understand modeling in the context of a math curriculum. The fact that there is more than one use or meaning of the term modeling can make it difficult to define. Before we look at this distinction between the two uses, think of an example of modeling that you might share with a colleague who asked you, ‘What is modeling?’ (Allow for 1 minute before proceeding to the next slide.)

13 Modeling – A Closer Look
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Modeling – A Closer Look Descriptive modeling – using concrete materials or pictorial displays to study quantitative relationships Analytic modeling – using graphical representations, equations, or statistical representations to provide analysis, revealing additional insights to the relationships between variables. - See CCLS for Mathematics p The purpose and method of modeling falls into two categories: descriptive modeling and analytic modeling. Descriptive modeling is using concrete materials or pictorial displays to study quantitative relationships. The materials or pictures provide for ease of visualization and communication, and highlight attributes and relationships of quantities and measures. Analytic modeling can also make use of graphical representations, but it is primarily thought of as using equations or statistical representations that lead to an analysis (possibly involving manipulation of the equations for example). The analysis is used to reveal otherwise hidden or non-obvious characteristics of the relationships between the variables. Think back to your example of a modeling that you composed in the last slide. Which category best describes its purpose? The distinction is not always obvious, but it is a useful distinction none-the-less, as it clarifies what can seem disconnected uses of the term modeling. Let’s continue to examine each category.

14 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Descriptive Modeling PK-K: Modeling their environment / real world objects using geometric shapes and figures K-1: Modeling forms of addition and subtraction situations using concrete materials or diagrams 2-5: Place value models, multiplication models (equal groups, array, area), visual fraction models, and number line models. 6-12: Tables or graphs of observations, geometrical and/or 3-D models of real world objects. Examples of descriptive modeling in the Standards begin in PK and K with students modeling objects in their environment using geometric shapes and figures. The next example is one that for me can in some cases cross over into analytic modeling – modeling forms of addition and subtraction situations using concrete materials or diagrams. If students’ use of materials or diagrams is merely a demonstration of what is already accessible, then I would say it fits well into the descriptive modeling category. However, one might argue that this is the very beginning of something more analytical, if they are using the model to decide on and complete an operation that reveals something not previously known or obvious. Continuing on through the grades, place value models, multiplication models, visual fraction models, and the number line model all lead to more clear representation of quantities. In middle-school, high-school, and beyond, tables and graphs of data as well as 2-D and 3-D models using geometry software or other software continue to display relationships of quantities and measurements that are helpful and fall into the category of descriptive modeling.

15 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Analytic Modeling 4-7: Use tape diagrams and/or equations to model relationships between two or more quantities. 6-12: Use equations and/or functions to model relationships between two or more variables. 9-12: Use probability models and statistical representations to analyze chance processes. Analytic modeling suggests that once you apply the model, you are empowered with new tools that come with that model – such as algebraic methods. In some cases those algebraic methods are accessible through tape diagrams. That being said, what more often comes to mind as analytic modeling is the use of equations, functions, or statistical and probability models.

16 Modeling – A Closer Look
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Modeling – A Closer Look Summarize with a partner what the key difference is between descriptive and analytic modeling. The key difference lies in whether the modeling simply facilitates informative visualization, or allows for new and deeper analysis. Take a moment now to share with your partner about what the key difference is between descriptive and analytic modeling. (CLICK TO ADVANCE 2nd BULLET.) So the key difference here is in whether the modeling of the situation is leading to an analysis that reveals something previously inaccessible, or is it simply facilitating clarity through visualization of the quantities or measurements.

17 The Modeling Process: G9–12 and Beyond
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute The Modeling Process: G9–12 and Beyond Choose variables to represent essential features. Formulate the model (e.g., create the equations). Analyze the model (the relationships depicted) to draw conclusions. Interpret the results in terms of the original situation. Validate the conclusions by comparing them to the situation, then either improve model and repeat. Report the results incl. assumptions, approx. made. The high school standards have a specific modeling process that they expect students to become proficient with during grades While participants who were here for Day 2 of this NTI have already explored this process, for those of you who were not here, it is worthwhile to review this process in the interest of coherence and in knowing what you are preparing students for down the line. Students are provided with a sometimes incomplete description of a situation for which there is a problem or opportunity for improvement, or, they are given an undefined problem that they devise a plan for and solve. The students are asked to independently reason through what features and relationships (assumptions, constraints) in the situation are relevant and need to be modeled. Next they are asked to formulate the model to represent the relevant relationships. That brings them a series of analytic tools to apply to their model to come to some conclusion about how to improve or solve the problem they have detected and modeled. The solution that is arrived at should then be translated from the symbols of the model back into the context of the problem. Since models are inherently ‘wrong’ or, not an exact match of reality, the results should then be validated by comparing them to the situation and asking if this solution makes sense. If it doesn’t make sense, they may need to improve their model, perhaps adjusting some assumptions and repeat. Finally when they arrive at a solution that seems to make sense, they must report their findings including a ‘disclaimer’ of sorts listing what assumptions and approximations were made in formulating the model that produced this result. Competence in this cycle and in the higher order thinking that is required and developed through learning modeling is vitally important to the long term success of students not only in college but in career. How does knowing about the modeling cycle and expectations for high school students inform our view of modeling in grades PK-5?

18 Modeling – A Closer Look
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Modeling – A Closer Look How does knowledge of the modeling cycle and expectations for high school students inform our approach to modeling in grades PK–5? Take a moment now to reflect on how knowledge of the modeling cycle and expectations for high school students inform our approach to modeling in grades PK-5. Is anyone willing to share their thoughts?

19 Key Points – Modeling in the Standards
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Key Points – Modeling in the Standards Application is the students’ ability to use relevant conceptual understandings and appropriate strategies and tools even when not prompted to do so. Modeling can be descriptive, using concrete materials or pictorial displays to study quantitative relationships, or analytical, using equations or statistical representations to provide analysis of the relationships between variables (quantities). A curriculum rich in application, including modeling, provides coherence from PK–12 and beyond, to college and career. Let’s review some key points of this session. (CLICK TO ADVANCE EACH BULLET.) Application is the students’ ability to use relevant conceptual understandings and appropriate strategies and tools even when not prompted to do so. Modeling can be descriptive, using concrete materials or pictorial displays to study quantitative relationships, or analytical, using equations or statistical representations to provide analysis of the relationships between variables (quantities). A curriculum rich in application, including modeling, provides coherence from PK – 12 and beyond, to college and career.

20 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute AGENDA Application in G3—M5 Modeling in the Standards Building Proficiency with Tape Diagrams Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems 50 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR BUILDING PROFICIENCY WITH TAPE DIAGRAMS (SLIDES 20-43). The next session is designed in consideration of the fact that proficiency in tape diagramming will need to be developed for both students and teachers who have not been working with them in prior years. We’ve prepared a series of problems to walk us through how use of tape diagrams begins and how new complexities are worked in one at a time.

21 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Using Tape Diagrams Promote perseverance in reasoning through problems. Develop students’ independence in asking themselves: “Can I draw something?” “What can I label?” “What do I see?” “What can I learn from my drawing?” Before we begin, consider that the use of tape diagrams goes hand in hand with word problems and that our delivery should promote perseverance in problem solving and develop independence in students’ ability to work through problems. We want the process and the questioning to be naturally internalized by students. The repeated pattern of reading, questioning, drawing, labeling and finally writing an answer is commonly referred to as RDW, for Read, Draw, Write.

22 Forms of the Tape Diagram
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Forms of the Tape Diagram 8 5 ? 5 8 ? There are two basic forms of the bar diagram model. The first form is sometimes called the part-whole model; it uses bar segments placed end-to-end. The second form, sometimes called the comparison model, uses two or more bars stacked in rows that are left-justified; in this form the whole is depicted off to the side. We will reflect on the nuances of the two forms when we have finished this section. For now, you can use whichever works best for you with any given problem.

23 Foundations for Tape Diagrams in PK–1
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Foundations for Tape Diagrams in PK–1 In the very early grades, we count out objects, and do comparisons of quantities (e.g., Who has more? Who has fewer? How many more? How many fewer?). It is important that students see groups of objects in many arrangements and learn to instantly recognize quantities up to 5 or 6. But it is equally important that we begin modeling for students the laying out of objects in an organized fashion that previews bar modeling, in both the end-to-end fashion and the comparison fashion. This is especially appropriate when working with word problems of addition and subtraction. As the teacher, model a comparison of two quantities in the manor that makes the comparison easiest to see. It is not recommended to become overly structured in forcing students to model it a certain way every time. The suggestion, ”This time can you lay yours out like I have mine” will serve to build this habit of setting up items in rows to support counting, comparison, and the model of using rectangular bars.

24 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 1: Sara has 5 stamps. Mark brings her 4 more stamps. How many stamps does Sara have now? Beginning the tape diagram process can sometimes bring rise to student comments of, “But, I can solve this without a diagram.” In general you can convey to students that you are requiring them to explain their work so that you understand their thinking and so that they can share their thinking with their friends and justify their answers. In particular, if you are introducing tape diagrams to a 3rd, 4th or 5th grade student, you may find it helpful to simply say, “Bear with me – by the end of the week/month/year I promise you will see the value in this process.” (EXAMPLE 1) Let’s consider the first example. (The indented text is to be read as though leading a class of students, thereby modeling for participants how this delivery can be executed in the classroom.) Read the first sentence with me. “Sara has 5 stamps.” Let’s draw something. Make your drawing look like mine. (Demonstrate on a flip chart, and then refer to the PPT slide to see completed drawing.) Read the next sentence with me. “Mark brings her 4 more stamps.” Let’s draw again. Make your boxes look like mine today. Read the next sentence with me. “How many stamps does Sara have now?” Where in my picture can I see how many she has now? (Call on a participant to describe for you where you can see it. Then place the question mark on the diagram.( (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.)

25 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 2: Sara has 16 stamps. Mark brings her 4 more stamps. How many stamps does Sara have now? We have many of these problems to do, so while I will demonstrate quite a bit of delivery as I just did, I am not going to go through the entire delivery of every problem. And, in particular we will not be taking time to write out the number sentence and the answer in a complete sentence as shown here. Those steps are very important with students, but to make most efficient use of our time, we will focus on the tape diagram leading to the answer and then move on to the next example. You would work at least one other problem with the class in this same way where individual stamps are represented, perhaps even spend a few days working in this fashion before moving to an example like this next one where you have a quantity large enough that it makes drawing discrete segments inconvenient. Simply suggest using a plain rectangular bar to represent the entire quantity. (EXAMPLE 2) (Continue to demonstrate with a flip chart and marker.) Read the first sentence with me. “Sara has 16 stamps.” I want to draw something but 16 is a lot of boxes; I’m going to just draw this long rectangle and make a note here that this is 16. Is that okay? Can you imagine that there are 16 stamps in this row? (Add the label, “Stamps Sara has.”) Read the next sentence with me. “Mark brings her 4 more stamps.” If this is 16 stamps, can you imagine how long of a rectangle I should make to show 4 more stamps? Can you see it? I’m going to start drawing, and you tell me when to stop. (Begin to draw the second bar slowly waiting for participants to say, “stop.” Add the label, “Stamps Mark brings.”) So this is how we get students to model using the simple, rectangular bar. The approach of imagining the length of the bar, and ‘tell me when to stop’ should be used often until students begin to demonstrate independence in that judgment process. (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.)

26 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 3: Sara brought 4 apples to school. After Mark brings her some more apples, she has 9 apples altogether. How many apples did Mark bring her? Before we solve this problem, let’s review quickly how we transitioned the students into using this bar to begin with. The transition into bar diagrams requires transitioning from sets of actual objects to pictures of objects, to bar-shaped pictures that still depict individual objects, and then to rectangular bars with no distinct markings of individual items. A benefit of using rectangular bars without the markings of individual items is that students can now model non-discrete quantities – like measurements of distance or weight – as well as being able to represent unknown quantities. The next jump in complexity is in moving from a problem where both bar segments represent known quantities and the unknown is the total or the difference, to a problem where the total or difference is known and the bar is representing an unknown. (EXAMPLE 3) Go ahead and try depicting this problem. (Allow a moment for participants to work.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) How does your depiction compare to this one? Are we all on the same page? (Address any questions or concerns.)

27 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 4: Matteo has 5 toy cars. Josiah has 2 more than Matteo. How many toy cars do Matteo and Josiah have altogether? (EXAMPLE 4) Work example 4. (Allow a moment for participants to work.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) Does your diagram look like this one? What complexities are added here, that were not present in Example 3? (Call on a participant to answer.) So this example required two computations in order to answer the question. This is an example of a two-step problem as called for in the standards beginning in Grade 2.

28 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 5: Jasmine had 328 gumballs. Then, she gave 132 gumballs to her friend. How many gumballs does Jasmine have now? (EXAMPLE 5) Read and work Example 5. (Allow a moment for participants to work.) Did this problem lend itself to a part-whole model or a comparison model? Did anyone present it this way? Is it wrong to present it this way? Is this problem more or less complex that the previous problem? (Allow for group response.) So we have removed the two-step complexity, but we’ve added computational complexity of working with 3-digit numbers. What else added complexity to this problem? (Allow participants to comment. Some may have found it difficult to address being given the whole first, and thereby feeling forced into starting with a part-whole model.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) Before we move to the next example, let’s take a poll. The question is, “Was the use of the tape diagram model in Example 5 an example of descriptive modeling or analytic modeling?” Raise your hand if you think it is descriptive? Analytic? Have no idea? (Allow for hand-raising and summarize the result.) This is subtle, and there is no clear-cut answer, but here is the key: If the student is using the diagram to reveal to them what operation should be applied, then the model is analytic. If they are using the diagram to simply provide more clarity of visualization, then it is purely descriptive. Let’s move now into some multiplication and division problems. As with addition and subtraction, the ‘compare to’ situations are the ones that benefit most from use of the tape diagram. So, that is where we will begin.

29 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 6: Jose has 4 paper clips. Harry has twice as many paper clips as Jose. How many paper clips does Harry have? (EXAMPLE 6) Read and work Example 6. (Allow 2 minutes for independent work.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) With multiplication and division problems, we introduce use of a consistently shaped bar to represent equal parts in the problem. We refer to this quantity as a unit, and then reason through the problem with this language: 1 unit is 4 paper clips, so 2 units would be 8 paper clips. Often times the reasoning applies in a division context. We might see that, “4 units is 28 paperclips, so 1 unit would be 7 paperclips.”

30 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 7: Jose has 4 paper clips. Harry has twice as many paper clips as Jose. How many paper clips do they have altogether? (EXAMPLE 7) Read problem 7. (Participants do not need to work this problem.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) How is this problem more complex than the previous? (Expected response – by asking how many paper clips they have altogether, it becomes a two-step problem, requiring you to first calculate how many Harry has, and then combine it with Jose’s to get the total.)

31 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 8: William’s weight is 40 kg. He is 4 times as heavy as his youngest brother Sean. What is Sean’s weight? (EXAMPLE 8) Read problem 8. Work the problem and share your tape diagram and answer with a partner. (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) What mistake are students most likely to make when solving this problem? (Allow someone to share – we are looking for them to say that students might take the information ‘4 times as heavy’ and interpret that as Sean is 4 times as heavy as William, leading to an answer of 160 kg.) This reason right here is a case in point of why teachers want students to internalize a specific habit from the RDW process. Whenever a second quantity is introduced in any of the comparison styles, ask the students, ‘who has more’ or, in this case, “Who weighs more, William or Sean?” That simple reflection should be a standard part of reading a word problem with a comparison. Once internalized, students will be much less likely to make these mistakes of misrepresenting the relationship stated. They will instead have a habit of reflecting on who has more, and when asked directly they are much more likely to make a thoughtful reply, double checking the wording if they are unsure.

32 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 9: Jamal has 8 more marbles than Thomas. They have 20 marbles altogether. How many marbles does Thomas have? (EXAMPLE 9) Let’s work Example 9 together. Read the first sentence with me. “Jamal has 8 more marbles that Thomas.” Do I know how many marbles Jamal has? Do I know how many marbles Thomas has? What do I know? So who has more marbles Jamal or Thomas? Can I draw something to show this? Who can describe for me what I can draw? (Call on a participant to answer.) OK, so I can draw a bar for each boy. And whose bar will be longer? I’m going to draw Jamal’s bar first. (Demonstrate on a flip chart.) Now, I’m going to draw Thomas’ bar. Can you tell me when to stop? (Stop when participants say to stop.) Is this right? Does this show that Jamal has more than Thomas? Can I label anything yet? So I can label that this piece of Jamal’s bar represents 8 marble. Is there anything else I can label? Do you notice anything else? Do my last two questions seem inappropriate – why would I ask them when there is nothing else that I really need the students to label or notice yet? (Call for a participant to share, add or summarize with the following - ) I don’t want the students developing a dependency on the teacher to suggest what to do next, instead I want them internalizing the habit of pausing after each reading or drawing to ask if there is anything more to see or note. Let’s read the next sentence together. “They have 20 marbles altogether.” How can I include this new information in my diagram? Where does it go? What else do I see in my diagram? Is there anything else I can label? Raise your hand if you see something else in your diagram. (Allow participants to contribute and document their findings. If there are none, move on to reading the next sentence.) Let’s go ahead and read the final sentence in the problem. “How many marbles does Thomas have?” What are we being asked to find? Can you see Thomas’s marbles in the diagram? So where can we place the ? in this problem. (If participants have not already noticed the solution method, scaffold with the following questions.) Is this piece (the part that is separated from the 8) of Jamal’s bar longer or shorter than Thomas’ bar? Or is it the same? Do we know how many marbles is represented by this piece of the bar? What do we know? Could it be a number as big as 20? Could it be as big as 10? (Participants can reason than it could not be 10 because that would lead to a total more than 20 for the entire diagram.) If this is 8 and there are 20 marbles altogether, how many marbles are in these two bars combined? So if two of these bars represent 12 marbles, then one of these bars would represent how many marbles? (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) This problem illustrates a more subtle use of the consistently sized rectangular strip representing a unit within the problem.

33 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 10: The total weight of a football and 10 tennis balls is 1 kg. If the weight of each tennis ball is 60 g, find the weight of the football. (EXAMPLE 10) Let’s work example 10 together. Let’s read the first sentence together. “The total weight of a football and 10 tennis balls is 1 kg.” Can we draw something? What can we draw? Can we draw a bar to represent the football? Does my bar represent how many footballs? What does the length of the bar represent? (Weight of the football.) So making it longer would imply it weighed more and making it shorter would imply it weighed less? So now I need to represent the tennis balls. What should I draw to represent the tennis balls? (Allow participants time to think and make suggestions. Guide participants with questions like these - ) Should I have 10 bars or 1 bar for the tennis balls? (note that either approach is reasonable) Will the bar(s) represent how many tennis balls I have, or how much they weigh? (how much they weigh) Should the bar(s) be longer or shorter than the bar I drew for the football? We don’t know, right, perhaps we need to make an assumption. What would you like to assume? We can adjust our drawing when we have more information. Would it be okay if we drew the bar lengths as the same size as each other? (No, this is too likely to lead us to a false assumption.) OK, so we’ve drawn something and we made an assumption in the drawing, realizing that we may need to adjust the drawing when we have more information. Is there anything I can see from my drawing? Let’s read the next sentence. “If the weight of each tennis ball is 60 g, find the weight of the football.” What can I draw or label now? (Label the total weight as 1 kg and the weight of each tennis ball as 60 g and/or label the 10 balls as totaling 600 g.) Is there anything that you notice? What can you see? (Notice the presence of both kg and g in the units of the problem.) Shall we do a conversion? (Convert 1 kg into 1000 g). Is there anything else see in the drawing? Is there something else we can label? (See that the weight of the football is 400 g and label it.) Do I need to adjust the size of my bars to match what I know now? (If so, make the adjustment.) From here we, of course, answer in a complete sentence using the context of the problem. (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) In the solution of this last example shown on the slide, notice that there are 10 bar segment representing the tennis balls and that they are not the same width as the bar segment representing the football. Is it feasible that a problem will need two types of bar units? What if this problem had read 2 footballs and 10 tennis balls? Can you imagine how the diagram would change? What complexities were present in this last example? (Allow participants to contribute.) Changing units. Also, the bar length did not represent how many footballs, rather we drew 10 bars for 10 tennis balls because the bar length was representing the weight of the balls. Of course, not every problem should be led by the teacher, once students have been led through 1 – 4 or more examples of a given type of problem, they should begin to work problems with increasing levels of independence. To challenge high-performing students, or even typical students, it can be appropriate to add a new level of complexity to their seatwork without leading them through an example. Just be prepared to step in and ask them the scaffolding questions if they are not able to reason through it on their own.

34 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 11: Two pears and a pineapple cost $2. Two pears and three pineapples cost $ Find the cost of a pineapple. (EXAMPLE 11) In the spirit of that thought, try Example 10 on your own. (Allow participants 1-3 minutes to work the problem.) Compare your model with a partner at your table. (Allow participants 1 minute to compare their work.) Who has answer? (Allow for 1 or more people to answer.) Is he/she right? Did anyone get something different? (If there is any difference of opinion, allow 2 participants with different answers to draw their solutions on flip charts. Allow each participant a chance to explain their reasoning.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) Notice that again in this situation, length of the bar did not represent the quantity of pears or pineapples, but rather their cost. We used multiple bars of the same length to show when we had 2 pears and to show we had 1 or 3 pineapples. The use of the length to represent something other that quantity of items is another form of complexity. Would you agree that this added complexity is a fairly significant one relative to the others? Let’s move now into word problems involving using the tape diagram as a visual fraction model.

35 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 12: David spent 2/5 of his money on a storybook. The storybook cost $20 how much did he have at first? (EXAMPLE 12) (Use judgment to either allow participants to try on their own, or follow the optional scaffold provided below.) I think based on the previous work we’ve done from sessions 2 and 3 that you can try this first problem independently. (Allow participants 1-3 minutes to work the problem.) Compare your model with a partner at your table. (Allow participants 1 minute to compare their work.) Who has answer? (Allow for 1 or more people to answer.) Is he/she right? Did anyone get something different? (If there is any difference of opinion, allow 2 participants with different answers to draw their solutions on flip charts. Allow each participant a chance to explain their reasoning.) (CLICK TO REVEAL SOLUTION.) Optional scaffold: Let’s read the first sentence together, “David spent 2/5 of his money on a storybook.” Who is the story about? (David.) What do we know so far? (That he spent 2/5 of his money on a book.) Can we draw something? What will our bar represent? (David’s money) (Draw one bar that is long enough to be partitioned into five equal parts.) What does two fifths of David’s money look like? Can you imagine it here? Go ahead and show me on the diagram. (Partition it into five equal parts.) What can we label on our diagram? Use’s whale’s tale’s to show 2/5 and label it book. Write David’s money to the left of the bar. Is there anything else we can draw, or label? What do we see? Let’s read the next sentence. “The storybook cost $20.” Can we revise or add a label to our diagram to include this new information? What else do we see? (That each fifth represents $10.) Can we label something else? What else does our diagram tell us? (That the whole is representing $50.) Where can we add that information?

36 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 13: Alex bought some chairs. One third of them were red and one fourth of them were blue. The remaining chairs were yellow. What fraction of the chairs were yellow? (EXAMPLE 13) Let’s read the first sentence. “Alex bought some chairs.” Do we know how many chairs he had? Can we draw something? We can start with one bar and see if we need to adjust the drawing later. And we can label it Alex’s Chairs. Let’s read the next sentence. “One third of them were red and one fourth of them were blue.” So now we have some new information. Do we know how many chairs we have? What do we know? We know that some are red and some are blue. Do we know how many are red or how many are blue? No. We just know that a fraction of them were red and a fraction of them were blue. Can we draw something? Do we need to adjust our drawing? Are we happy with one bar or do we need two bars? Take a minute to try working with what you have or try something new if you’d like, and see if you can create a drawing to show that one third of Alex’s chairs were red and one fourth of them were blue.” (Allow 1-2 minutes for participants to work quietly.) Show your work to your partner and see if you and your partner can agree on a good representation. If both of you are unsatisfied, see if anyone at your table thinks they have a good way to show this. Is there anything we can label? When we look at our drawing is there anything else that we see? Anything else we can label? Let’s read the next sentence. “The remaining chairs were yellow” How can we add this information to our drawing? Is there anything else I can see from this? Let’s read the next sentence. “What fraction of the chairs were yellow?” Why did I ‘lead you down the wrong path’ by saying ‘are we happy with one bar or do we need two bars?’ Students will have to make these decisions on their own. We won’t be there for them in real life or on an exam telling them, ‘in this problem you’re going to be better off with two bars.’ The value in working these problems is in developing their own habit to think each decision through on their own and make a judgment, hey this isn’t working out to be helpful… let me try it with one bar again. Notice what happened after we read “The remaining chairs were yellow.” We labeled them yellow, that was the obvious thing to do with that information. But what did I say next. Did I say, “ok we’ve done that, we’re done with it, let’s move on to the next sentence?” No, we said, what else can we see in our diagram. Let’s go ahead and fill that in, we want to internalize in the students the habit of asking and reflecting, is there anything more I can reveal from my model before they move on to the next piece of information? What should happen, is that by the time they read the question, the answer is already spelled out, because, unless there is additional information embedded in the sentence containing the question, by the time we read the question, we have hypothetically been given all the information needed. So we encourage students to begin to analyze the model, using it to garner new information right away. It is a great exercise in fact to leave the question off and have students come up with all the different questions that could be asked. And then say, what questions could we ask if we had even more information?

37 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 14: Jim had 360 stamps. He sold 1/3 of them on Monday and ¼ of the remainder on Tuesday. How many stamps did he sell on Tuesday? (EXAMPLE 14) Let’s read the first sentence of the problem. “Jim had 360 stamps.” Can we draw something? What can we draw? Can we add a label to our drawing? Is there anything else that we can draw or label? Let me read you the next sentence. “He sold a fraction of them on Monday and a fraction of the remainder on Tuesday.” What fraction did he sell on Monday? Can we draw something to show what he sold on Monday? How should I label this? What fraction did he sell on Tuesday? One fourth of the remainder. Where is the remainder shown in this diagram? Can you imagine what one fourth of the remainder looks like? How can I show one fourth of the e remainder. If I mark this like so. Is the whole of the stamps still partitioned into equal parts? What can I do to make sure I am partitioning my whole into equal parts? Does anybody know? (Allow for contributions). Oh, ___ is suggesting that I partition the whole into sixths. (Demonstrate partitioning the whole into sixths.) Can I still see one third. Is this still one third? Can I see one fourth of the remainder? Is there anything else I can label or draw? What can I see when I look at my diagram? Let’s read the final sentence. “How many stamps did he sell on Tuesday?” Where can I see this on the diagram? There are two ways to model this for students, one way is within the existing bar, another way is to redraw ‘the remainder’ just below and then partition only the remainder. (CLICK TO REVEAL BOTH DIAGRAMS.)

38 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 15: Max spent 3/5 of his money in a shop and ¼ of the remainder in another shop. What fraction of his money was left? If he had $90 left, how much did he have at first? (EXAMPLE 15) (If time allows, have participants try Example 15 on their own. Otherwise, move on to example 16.)

39 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 16: Henry bought 280 blue and red paper cups. He used 1/3 of the blue ones and 1/2 of the red ones at a party. If he had an equal number of blue cups and red cups left, how many cups did he use altogether? These last 3 examples clearly demonstrate how the model serves as an analytic tool. Without the model the operations and solution is not apparent, but with the model, you can see what computations need to be made to solve the problems. Read the first sentence with me. “Henry bought 280 cups.” Can we draw something? Can we label something? Looking at my diagram can I draw or label something else? Let’s read the next sentence. “Some of the cups were red and some were blue.” Do we know how many were red? Do we know how many were blue? Is there something I can draw or adjust in my drawing? (If no one else suggests it, provide - ) Now that I know that some are red and some are blue, maybe it would be helpful to draw two separate bars instead of just 1. It is up to you. Do what you think will help you the most. Is there anything else we can draw? What do we see here? Can we add any labels? Right now, this process of questioning may seem overly repetitive. When you have worked with a class for the better part of a year, you will not need to repeat every question every time. It would suffice to ask one question that suggests the students should look deeper, like “What else could we add to the diagram?” Let’s read the next sentence. He used one third of the blue ones and half of the red ones at a party. Can you show this on your diagram? What else can you see in your diagram? Let’s read the last sentence. “If he had an equal number of blue cups and red cups left, how many cups did he use altogether?” How does this new information change what we have drawn? Can we adjust our drawing to reflect an equal number of blue cups and red cups left? (Allow 2 minutes for participants to work, and then suggest that participants share their diagrams with a partner. After 2 more minutes, call for a volunteer to present their diagram and solution.) (CLICK TO REVEAL THE DIAGRAM.)

40 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 17: A club had 600 members. 60% of them were males. When 200 new members joined the club, the percentage of male members was reduced to 50%. How many of the new members were males? (EXAMPLE 17) Read example 17 to yourself. This problem adds a new complexity, of a before and after scenario. We get some information about the relationships of the quantities in the problem. Then we learn of an event that will change one or more of those quantities and perhaps their relationships. We might be given some additional information of relationships after the change. I think it’s valuable to go through this problem as a class so you can experience guiding students through modeling the before and after. Let’s read the first sentence. “A club had 600 members. Can you draw something? What labels can you add? Is there anything else you can see? Let’s read the next sentence. “60 % of them were males.” Can you add something to your drawing? What else can you label? Is there anything else you can see? Let’s read the next sentence. “When 200 new members joined the club, the percentage of male members was reduced to 50%.” How can we reflect this new information in our diagram? What ideas do you have for showing that 200 people are joining and that the relationships between the quantities are changing? (Ask participants to verbalize ideas? If no one suggest it say - ) Perhaps the information we already have is good to maintain. Could we draw another diagram that shows how things are after the 200 members join? Try that now. What can you see from your diagram? What can you label? Is there anything else you can see? Let’s read the last sentence. “How many of the new members were males?” (If time allows, work the last example, given on the next slide.)

41 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Example 18: The ratio of the length of Tom’s rope to the length of Jan’s rope was 3:1. The ratio of the length of Maxwell’s rope to the length of Jan’s rope was 4:1. If Tom, Maxwell and Jan have 80 feet of rope altogether, how many feet of rope does Tom have? In the interest of coherence, I’ve included a word problem using ratios. This type of problem addresses a 6th grade standard. Through the experience of working this problem, we will see how students will be using the tape diagraming skills they have been developing, to meet the ratio and proportional reasoning standards of grades 6 and 7. (Allow students to work the problem independently, or scaffold with the following script - ) Let’s read the first sentence, “The ratio of the length of Tom’s rope to the length of Jan’s rope was 3:1.” Can you draw something? What labels can you add? Is there anything else you can see? Let’s read the next sentence. “The ratio of the length of Maxwell’s rope to the length of Jan’s rope was 4:1. Can you add something to your drawing? What else can you label? Is there anything else you can see? Let’s read the next sentence. “If Tom, Maxwell and Jan have 80 feet of rope altogether, how many feet of rope does Tom have? Can you add something to your drawing? What else can you label? Is there anything else you can see? How would changing the total feet of rope from 80 to 32 change the complexity of the problem? Would it be more or less difficult? (Facilitate a discussion; there is no wrong or right answer.)

42 Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems Write a word problem or real-world problem aligned with one of the following standards: 4.NF.3d, 5.NF.2, 5.NF.4a, or 5.NF.6 Exchange problems with a partner and solve using a visual fraction model. Try writing your own problem to address one of the other standards listed here. (Allow 3-4 minutes for participants to work.) Find a partner with whom you can exchange problems. First solve your partner’s problem using a tape diagram. Next, identify which standard the problem is addressing. (Allow 3-4 minutes for the partner exchange. If time allows invite participants to present their problems to the whole group.)

43 Key Points – Proficiency with Tape Diagrams
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Key Points – Proficiency with Tape Diagrams When building proficiency in tape diagraming skills start with simple accessible situations and add complexities one at a time. Develop habits of mind in students to reflect on the size of bars relative to one another. Part-whole models are more helpful when modeling situations where you are given information relative to a whole. Compare to models are best when comparing quantities. Let’s review some key points of this section. When building proficiency in tape diagraming skills start with simple accessible situations and add complexities one at a time. Develop habits of mind in students to continue to ask, ‘is there anything else I can see in my model’ before moving on to the next sentence in the problem. Develop habits of mind in students to reflect on the size of bars relative to one another, by asking, ‘who has more’ type questions. Part-whole models are more helpful when modeling situations where you are given information relative to a whole. Compare to models are best when comparing quantities.

44 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute AGENDA Application in G3—M5 Modeling in the Standards Building Proficiency with Tape Diagrams Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems 20 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR WRITING WORD PROBLEMS AND REAL-WORLD PROBLEMS (SLIDES 44-51). Our experiences with tape diagrams have also provided us with a more informed idea of how word problems progress in complexity from grades PK-5. Keep in mind, however, that our view was taken from the vantage point of problems that lend themselves to tape diagrams, and that not all word problems are best served by tape diagrams. In the last NTI, we practiced writing word problems that fell into the category of real world problems. Perhaps someone who was at that NTI can share what the difference is between a word problem and a real-world problem? (Allow a participant to contribute. If needed, clarify the following.) Let’s take the example given in the last NTI – I believe it went like this: Jason’s allowance is 2 fifths as much as Sarah’s. Sarah’s allowance is half of Max’s allowance. If Max earns an allowance of $20 per week, what is Jason’s allowance? In the real world if I want to know Jason’s allowance, I would do what? Ask him of course. So this problem is not a real-world problem. What word problems do provide is a real-world context that enable students to develop their ability to recognize contexts where a given operation or concept applies. Now in this final section on application, we will keep with the theme of word problems that do lend themselves to tape diagrams, and we will practice writing them ourselves.

45 Standards Calling for Word Problems or Story Contexts
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Standards Calling for Word Problems or Story Contexts 4.NF.3d 4.NF.4c 5.NF.2 5.NF.3 5.NF.4a 5.NF.6 5.NF.7a 5.NF.7c Let’s also keep our focus on problems related to fractions. Here are the standards from grades 4 and 5 that specifically call for word problems or real-world problems related to fractions, including the standards that call for ‘creating a story context’ for an equation. Refer to the handout, “Standards from the NF Domain Calling for Word Problems or Story Contexts.” (4.NF.3d, 4.NF.4c, 5.NF.2, 5.NF.3, 5.NF.4a, 5.NF.6, 5.NF.7a, 5.NF.7c) Again, not all word problems will lend themselves to the tape diagram. Further, keep in mind that visual fraction models do not have to be tape diagrams - they can be number line models or other area model diagrams. For example, standard 5.NF.3; take a moment to read and think about what that standard is asking.

46 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute 5.NF.3 There are 3 snack-size Hershey bars provided for 4 boys. If the boys insist that everyone gets the same share of candy, what fraction of a bar will each boy receive? This is an example of a word problem addressing 5.NF.3: There are 3 snack-size Hershey bars provided for 4 boys. If the boys insist that everyone gets the same share of candy, what fraction of a Hershey bar will each boy receive? A visual diagram is helpful. Students might draw something like this. (CLICK TO ADVANCE DRAWING.) While it uses rectangular areas like a tape diagram, it is not quite the same. To make this point more obvious, imagine the problem is about chocolate moon pies. Then our diagram might look like this. (CLICK TO ADVANCE NEW DRAWING.)

47 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute 5.NF.3 There are 3 snack-size Hershey bars provided for 4 boys. If the boys insist that everyone gets the same share of candy, what fraction of a bar will each boy receive? These are area model diagrams, but not tape diagrams per say. One could argue, if the area model is rectangular, that it is a form of a tape diagram. Perhaps this will shed more light on the debate: Recall that the two basic forms of the tape diagram are the part-whole form and the comparison form. So, problems referring to parts of a given whole or problems referring to two or more quantities where we are given comparative information – those are the problems best served by the tape diagram.

48 Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Writing Word Problems and Real-World Problems 4.NF.3d 4.NF.3d 5.NF.2 5.NF.4a 5.NF.6 So, for today’s exercises let’s limit ourselves to these 4 standards - 4.NF.3d, 5.NF.2, 5.NF.4a, and 5.NF.6 - and build a word problem that is well supported by a tape diagram. Let’s build one together first. We’ll start by choosing a standard. This will give us direction regarding what operation we will be modeling. Let’s take the first standard from our list. (CLICK TO ADVANCE ANIMATION.) Read 4.NF.3d. (Allow 1 minute to for participants to read silently.) So, we want a problem representing addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and with like denominators. Let’s sketch a diagram, using it to guide development of our problem.

49 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute We need to refer to a whole. We’ll be using like denominators, so let’s pick what denominator we want to use – how about fifths? (CLICK TO ADVANCE ANIMATION.) What would we like our bar to represent? This standard calls for that bar to represent one whole of something. It is true that we could think of a whole as being all of my marbles, say 42 marbles, or a measurable quantity like $40 dollars or 2.5 hours. To be true to this standard, we must only refer to the quantity as a whole. So our reference would be things like 1/4 of my marbles, and 2/4 of my marbles and ask questions that are still a fraction of the marbles. Perhaps a suitable whole for our problem might be a pie, a candy bar, or a book. Let’s use a book. We could say, “She read 1 fifth of the book on Monday, and 2 fifths on Tuesday. What fraction of the book did she read on Monday and Tuesday combined?” Does this meet the standard well? (Yes.) How could we adjust the problem to meet 5.NF.2? (Ask for suggestions from participants. If struggling suggest - ) We could change the amount read on Tuesday to be 1 half. Let’s consider this. That same problem could have said, “If the book was 200 pages long, how many pages had she read on Tuesday and Wednesday combined?” This would no longer be addressing 4.NF.3d - adding or subtracting fractions referring to the same whole. Which standard would it address? (Ask for answers from the audience. If needed, provide the answer of 5.NF.4a because we want to find 3/5 of 200.)

50 Key Points – Writing Word Problems
Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5 February 2013 Network Team Institute Key Points – Writing Word Problems Tape diagrams are well suited for problems that provide information relative to the whole or comparative information of two or more quantities. Visual fraction models includes: tape diagrams, number line diagrams, and area models. When designing a word problem that is well supported by a tape diagram, sketch the diagram for the problem before or as your write the problem itself. Here are some key points about writing word problems: Tape diagrams are well suited for problems that provide information relative to the whole or comparative information of two or more quantities. Visual fraction models includes: tape diagrams, number line diagrams, and area models. When designing a word problem that is well supported by a tape diagram, sketch the diagram for the problem before or as your write the problem itself

51 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Key Points Use of tape diagrams, as described in the progressions documents provides visualization of relationships between quantities thereby promoting conceptual understanding, provides coherence through standards from Grade 1 through Grade 7, and supports standards for mathematical practice. Proficiency in the tape diagram method can be developed in students and teachers new to the process through a natural development of problems and representations. Content knowledge directed by the standards and the progressions is required to provide coherent and balanced instruction. 10 MINUTES ARE ALLOTTED FOR THE SESSION CLOSING (SLIDES 52-53). Let’s review the key points of this session. (CLICK TO ADVANCE BULLETS.) Use of tape diagrams, as described in the progressions documents provides visualization of relationships between quantities thereby promoting conceptual understanding, provides coherence through standards from Grade 1 through Grade 7, and supports standards for mathematical practice. Proficiency in the tape diagram method can be developed in students and teachers new to the process through a natural development of problems and representations. Content knowledge directed by the standards and the progressions is required to provide coherent and balanced instruction.

52 Rigor Breakdown – Application for Grades 3-5
February 2013 Network Team Institute Next Steps How will you share your understanding of modeling with your colleagues? How will you share your understanding of coherence through application with your colleagues? How will your school address standards involving the use of tape diagrams with students new to the process? As we end this session, take a moment to reflect, either privately or with your colleagues, on these next steps: How will you share your understanding of modeling with your colleagues? How will you share your understanding of coherence through application with your colleagues? How will your school address standards involving the use of tape diagrams with students new to the process?

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