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Chapter 8 Review Political Geography

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1 Chapter 8 Review Political Geography

2 What is a political state?

3 Define a political state An independent political unit (country)

4 Approximately how many members did the U. N
Approximately how many members did the U.N. have when it was established in 1945? How many members today?

5 Approximately how many members did the U. N
Approximately how many members did the U.N. have when it was established in 1945? How many members today? 51/193

6 Name the only large landmass not part of any political state

7 Name the only large landmass not part of any political state

8 Give an example of a nation divided into more than one state

9 Give an example of a nation divided into more than one state

10 Taiwan is a province of the Republic of China
T or F Taiwan is a province of the Republic of China

11 T or F Taiwan is a province of the Republic of China
True…according to the Chinese govt False…according the US and its allies

12 Most microstate are found in what two areas of the world?

13 Most microstate are found in what two areas of the world?
European mainland or island nations

14 How does a colony differ from a country?

15 How does a colony differ from a country?
It is connected to a state rather than being completely independent

16 Where are most colonies located today?

17 Where are most colonies located today? Pacific and Caribbean Sea

18 Name the 3 major reasons Europeans sought colonies between the 1500s – 1900s.

19 Name the 3 major reasons Europeans sought colonies between the 1500s – 1900s.
Gold, God, Glory

20 Most African colonies were controlled by which two European states?

21 Most African colonies were controlled by which two European states?
The United Kingdom & France

22 Puerto Rico is the largest colony in the world today, is considered whose territory?

23 Puerto Rico is the largest colony in the world today, is considered whose territory?
The United States

24 Pitcairn Island is the smallest colony
Pitcairn Island is the smallest colony. Describe Pitcairn Island’s situation.

25 Describe the difference between a boundary and a frontier.

26 Describe the difference between a boundary and a frontier.
A boundary is a line …a frontier is an area.

27 Name at least 3 regions where border conflict has occurred recently.

28 Name the following states and what shape its border illustrates.

29 Explain why the following states are good examples of
A perforated border…South Africa A prorrupted border…Namibia A compact border…Kenya A fragmented border…Indonesia A elongated border…Chile

30 Why are landlocked countries at an economic disadvantage compared to other states?

31 Why are landlocked countries at an economic disadvantage compared to other states?
Must pay for transportation cost and other fees/taxes through another states land…this adds to the cost of a resource or product making it hard to complete.

32 Geometric, religious, and language are examples of _________________ boundaries

33 Rivers, mountains, and deserts are examples of __________ boundaries.

34 Rivers, mountains, and deserts are examples of __________ boundaries.
Geometric, religious, and language are examples of _________________ boundaries Physical Cultural

35 Federal Government State Government County Government City Government In a ___________ state, power is shared between different level of government.

36 In a __________ state, all power comes from a central source.

37 In a __________ state, all power comes from a central source.
In a ___________ state, power is shared between different level of government. Unitary/Federal

38 What term is used to describe the act of redrawing voting districts in order to favor one political party?

39 What term is used to describe the act of redrawing voting districts in order to favor one political party or another. Gerrymandering

40 Why is the UN considered a “supranational” organization?

41 Why is the UN considered a “supranational” organization?
Countries have come together for a common cause, even though their individual power maybe somewhat limited.

42 Who “fought” the Cold War?

43 What two military alliances were formed as a result of the Cold War?

44 The European Union is primarily an _________ alliance of mostly western European nations.

45 What do the letters NAFTA stand for?

46 How was NAFTA affected the US?

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