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Age of the Railroads.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of the Railroads."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of the Railroads

2 Railroads span Time and Space
Transit reliable Huge land grants

3 National Network 1856 extended to Mississippi River
Decade later span the continent Transcontinental railroad

4 Romance and Reality Dreams of land Fresh start
On backs of railroad workers Chinese, Irish immigrants Central Pacific and Union Pacific 2000 dead 20,000 injured in building

5 Railroad Time Problems with time differential 24 time zones
International conference

6 Opportunities and Opportunists
Influenced industry and business Iron, Coal, Steel, Lumber, glass industries grew Growth of towns New opportunities

7 New Towns and Markets Isolated cities linked Promoted trade
Towns specialized Large quantities sold nationwide Western cities grow

8 Pullman Built a factory for manufacturing railroad cars
Created town around factory Offered everything employees needed Tightly controlled

9 Credit Mobilier Construction company created by Union Pacific
Self serving corruption $23 Million taken Republican party tarnished by Garfield

10 Railroad Abuses Misuse of government land grants
Sold to business vs settlers Fix prices Different rates

11 Ganger Laws Sponsored political candidates Laws passed to help people
Munn v. Illinois granger laws upheld States regulate railroad

12 Interstate Commerce Act
State could not set rates on interstate commerce Federal government could supervise railroad activities Interstate Commerce Commission Supreme court ruled couldn’t set rates No Power till Theodore Roosevelt

13 Panic and Consolidation
Mismanagement, abuse, overbuilding pushed railroads towards bankruptcy Panic of 1893 1894 ¼ of railroads taken over by financial companies Seven companies controlled 2/3 of the nations tracks

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