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Chapter 5: Population Theories

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1 Chapter 5: Population Theories
Unit 2: Human Population

2 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Demographic Transition: Phenomenon of a country’s high birth and death rates changing over time to low death and birth rates

3 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Stage 1: Pre-Transition Sweden was a great benchmark to monitor demographic transition (Figure 5-1, p. 62) Birth rate was relatively stable, but death rate fluctuated b/c of wars, famine Now, Mexico is used b/c it is in a pre- transition stage (Figure 5-2 p. 62)

4 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Decrease of pop. in each age group indicates high birth rates, and high death rates in all age groups (Fig 5-3, p. 62) Life expectancy in Sweden in 1750 was barely 35 years Birth and death rates are relatively high in pre-transition stage

5 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Stage 2: Early Transition All societies in the world are now at least in the early transition stage, with lower death rates (Figures 5-4 & 5-5, p. 63) The death rate dropped, while birth rate remained high Developing countries are at this stage

6 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Germ Theory: Theory that some diseases are caused by microscopic organisms It was not widely accepted but proved to reduce death rates by doctors disinfecting their hands. (Ignaz Semmelweis, Austria) Infant mortality rates drop increasing family sizes and society’s child dependency load (Fig 5-6, p. 64)

7 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Stage 3: Late Transition Large families were no longer sustainable, birth rates began declining, while death rates remained low Early transition has “death control”, while late transition has “birth control” (Fig 5-8 & 5-9, p. 66) Population explosion still occurs since birth rates are still high but continue to decline as time goes on

8 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Birth control here is how couples decide to have less children Movement into cities also lead to this “birth control” Also, women entering the workforce Birth rates began approaching death rates (Fig 5-10, p. 66)

9 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Stage 4: Post-Transition Birth and death rates are low and very close to each other (Fig 5-11, p. 67) High dependency load of seniors (Fig 5- 12, p. 67) It takes a long time for countries to enter post-transition b/c more people enter child bearing years than leave them Very new stage of demographic transition, so future pop. trends are all theoretical

10 The Theory of Demographic Transition
Summary All countries are diff. b/c of their history (Fig 5-13, p. 68) As a country goes through these stages, they are progressing economical and socially (Fig 5-14, p. 68) Pyramids show whether pop. is stable or changing (Fig. 5-15, p. 69)

11 Differing Ideas About Population Growth
Optimists focus on adaptation, pessimists look at problems Optimistic Views Expressed by religious leaders, and secular leaders interested in economic and militaristic expansion

12 Define: pages 70-73 Optimistic Views Cornucopians
Bogue, Theory of demographic regulation Pessimistic Views Malthus Catton, phantom carrying capacity Population Projections for the future.

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