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“ I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.”

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Presentation on theme: "“ I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “ I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.”
What is Twain saying here? Mark Twain, an American author and humorist

2 Imperialism Quotes For Imperialism Against Imperialism Cut out the quotes and identify if they are “for” or “against” imperialism Paste them onto your poster Under the quote…. Write what country the author is from What is their argument? What are they saying? "We deliver freedom, and it's up to them to build democracy.“ - G.W. Bush, Former US president "“ I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” - Mark Twain, an American author and humorist 1. USA 2. He is arguing that spreading into the Middle East is supporting the freedom of the people and therefore supporting the spread of democracy through Imperialism 1. USA 2. He is arguing that America should not be interfering with other countries. Also the “talons” comment suggestion violent American imperialism being that the Eagle is a representation of America.

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