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Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation: Giving Users What They Want"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Presented by Carey Morgan Point Loma Nazarene University June 7, 2006

2 Point Loma Nazarene University
Private, Christian 4-year + Graduate Founded 1902 San Diego, California 4000+ Students (3000+ FTE) Grad Program Locations: San Diego Los Angeles Riverside Bakersfield Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

3 PLNU Information Systems
ERP: Jenzabar CX Unix-based Client for 25 Years Portal: Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution (JICS) First Live Users – Fall 2005 Full Rollout – Spring 2006 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

4 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

5 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Carey Morgan Systems Analyst/Programmer Web Application Development Info. Systems Liason to Grad Programs Portal Committee - Technical Lead Portal Implementation Team - Architect Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

6 Giving Users What They Want
Strategy: Differences Demand Flexibility Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver Next: A Portal Is a Process Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

7 Strategy: Differences Demand Flexibility
Because a Portal is by definition a personalized environment, selection decisions must be driven by the degree to which the technology will likely address the present and future needs of its many users. There is no "perfect" portal Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

8 Strategy: Differences Demand Flexibility
Needs Identification Alumni: Past & Future Relationships Newly Accepted Students: Decisions & Direction Faculty, Staff & Students: Continuity & Centralization Parents: Information & Involvement Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

9 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Cycle of Delivery Listen to needs as identified by departments (what) Determine priority based on IT resources (when) Develop/Configure desired functionality (how) Deploy Repeat Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

10 Strategy: Differences Demand Flexibility
Needs Identification Investigation Phase Portal Search Committee (2003) Commercial: Vignette, BEA AquaLogic Higher Ed: uPortal, Blackboard ERP Vendor: Sungard Luminis, Jenzabar ICS Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

11 Strategy: Differences Demand Flexibility
Needs Identification Investigation Phase Decision Drivers Integration out of the box New Tools out of the box Flexibility to match uncertainty Optional customizability Invested vendor A Portal, not a Content Management System Developer community Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

12 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
New Abilities in JICS Group/Community Calendars + subscriptions Targeted Announcements Webmail sign-on Document Folders LMS Delegated administration Portlet development Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

13 JICS Developer Community –
Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

14 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Questions? Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

15 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Every higher education Portal deployment will be as unique as the differing needs, priorities, resources, and skills found within each institution. It will be as successful as its implementers are good observers of these differences. Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

16 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Meeting Greatest Needs Alumni Directory Candidate Status Human Resources Paperless Paystubs PowerFAIDS NetPartner Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

17 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Meeting Greatest Needs Making Compelling Improvements Make sure the Portal has some new “stuff” Modern interface Empowering administration Group/Community features Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

18 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Meeting Greatest Needs Making Compelling Improvements Minimizing Surprises Help Desk preparedness Formal and informal pilots Features must follow policy & plan Not all users are power users Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

19 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Jenzabar ICS Configuration Authentication Strategy Now: Stand-alone with Synchronization Later: Integration with LDAP Visual Customizations - CSS Custom Enhancements External content portlet Push account info to JICS Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

20 – External Content
Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

21 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Jenzabar ICS Configuration Departmental Needs Met Alumni: Directory – Sept '05 Advancement: Query Tool – Jan '06 Admissions: Candidate Status – Jan '06 Financial Services: Financial Aid Tools – Jan '06 Human Resources: Leave & Paystub – Mar '06 Records: Continuity – April '06 Support Staff: Sensible Menus – April '06 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

22 – Alumni Directory (mod)
Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

23 – Employee Leave (dev)
Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

24 Deployment: Decide How You'll Deliver
Road to Buy-in Paved with Value Jenzabar ICS Configuration Departmental Needs Met Departmental Needs Pending Athletics: Calendar & Announcements Student Services: Group Features Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

25 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Questions? Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

26 Next: A Portal Is a Process
A Portal deployment is more like the first mile of a long journey than it is like building a house – the initial effort represents a start in a new direction, not the completion of a single task. Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

27 Next: A Portal Is a Process
Implementing Remaining Features Community-building tools From Personal to Personalizable LDAP authentication Calendar Announcements Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

28 Next: A Portal Is a Process
Implementing Remaining Features Expanding Portal Constituencies Parents of Students Student Body by Segments Alumni with Students Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

29 Next: A Portal Is a Process
Implementing Remaining Features Expanding Portal Constituencies Vendor-driven Development Opportunities Source Code for all but the core framework From Web Server Plug-in to Web Service Middleware Client-developed portlet sharing Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

30 Next: A Portal Is a Process
Implementing Remaining Features Expanding Constituencies Vendor-driven Development Opportunities New Spheres of Collaborative Effort Thinking with co-workers in new ways "Can we use the Portal to ______?" Training an expanding sphere of administrators Broadening our sources of innovation & development Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

31 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
Questions? Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

32 Implementation: Giving Users What They Want
For More Information Carey Morgan Presentation: Point Loma Nazarene University Web: Portal: JICS Client Site: Jenzabar, Inc: Implementation: Giving Users What They Want

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