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Vocabulary Unit 9 Level F
What do you know? We stood on the dock that moonless night, waiting for the storm to abate. Athletes have little choice but to enjoy the sometimes puzzling adulation of their fans. The author’s views on bringing up children are anathema to my dad but a delight to my mother.
Abate V. to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; nullify; to deduct, omit Syn: diminish, decrease, subside, let up Ant: Intensify, increase, magnify, wax
adulation N. praise or flattery that is excessive
Syn: Adoration, idolization, hero-worship Ant: ridicule, derision, odium
anathema N. an object of intense dislike ; a curse or strong denunciation Syn: Malediction, imprecation, abomination Ant: benediction, blession
What do you know? The astute management of money is a valuable skill but may not by itself make a good executive. Her career exhibited both the miser’s ever-growing avarice and the miser’s diminishing charm. It was the inspectors’ culpable neglect of duty that left such old buses in service.
astute Adj. shrewd, crafty, showing practical wisdom
Syn: Acute,sagacious, judicious, wily, Ant: Obtuse, doltish, empty-headed, dumb
avarice N. a greedy desire, particularly for wealth
Syn: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness
culpable Adj. deserving blame, worthy of condemnation
Syn: guilty, blameworthy, peccant, Ant: blameless, innocent, laudable, meritorious Who is culpable for Michigan's loss? Who is culpable for FSU’s loss?
What do you know? She hired an assistant because, on her own, she was always dilatory in paying her bills. Whoever allowed that man on a stage is guilty of an egregious blunder. I won’t soon give my vote to a candidate who shows such a marked tendency to equivocate. Looking back, I see that the magic of that summer was evanescent.
dilatory Adj. tending to delay or procrastinate, not prompt; intended to delay or postpone Syn: stalling, slow, tardy, laggard Ant: prompt, punctual, speedy, expeditious,
egregious Adj. conspicuous, standing out from the masses
Syn: glaring, flagrant, blatant, Ant: unnoticeable, paltry, piddling
equivocate V. to speak or act in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous Syn: Talk out of both sides of one’s mouth, palter, hedge Ant: To speak one’s mind plainly
evanescent Adj. vanishing, soon passing away, light and airy
Syn: ephemeral, transient, transitory, Ant: elverlasting, immortal, imperishable
irresolute Adj. unable to make up one’s mind, hesitating
Syn- Indecisive, Vacilating, Ant- Determined, decisive
nebulous Adj. cloud-like, resembling a cloud, cloudy in color, vague, confused, indistinct Synonym: Hazy, fuzzy, cloudy, opaque. ANT: distinict, definite, clear
novice Ant- Veteran, Pro, expert
N. one who is a beginner at some activity requiring skill or experience Syn-Neophyte, Trainee, aprentice, (scrub!) Ant- Veteran, Pro, expert
penury N. extreme poverty, barrenness, insufficiency
Syn-Destitution, indigence, Ant- affluence, luxury
pretentious Adj. done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; making demands on one’s skill or abilities, ambitious Syn-Ostentatious, Inflated Ant- Unaffected, modest
recapitulate V. to review a series of facts, to sum up
Syn- Summarize, review, go over
resuscitate V. to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence
SYN- revitalize, reanimate, restore, reactivate
slovenly Adj. dirty, untidy, careless Syn- Unkempt, slatternly, lax.
Ant- Neat, meticulous
supposition N. something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence Syn- assumption, presumption, hypothesis
torpid Adj. inactive, sluggish, dull Syn: Lethargic, languid
Ant: energetic, vigorous
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