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Physical Activity for Children 0-5yrs

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1 Physical Activity for Children 0-5yrs

2 History A child’s brain is still developing from age 0-3yrs
Behaviours/attitudes etc are ‘learnt’ when a child is 0-3yrs Movement is the basis of who we are today because it develops and strengthens the body and brain thru childhood as we grow

3 Quality early education is the most important factor in determining a child’s life chances
The Childcare Bill (2005) requires local authorities to improve the outcomes of all children under 5yrs – places a statutory duty on top tier local authorities The Children Act (2004) gives legal force to the five outcomes for children

4 Knowing the whole child, their strengths and interests
Learning and practising fundamental movement skills Contribution to brain, sensory development and learning Positive motivation towards long-term health and well-being Appreciating the child as both an intellectual and social being

5 Engaging children in quality physical movement experiences which develop and enhance emotional, social, physical and mental growth of the child

6 What is Active Play Crawling, Jumping, Throwing, Gripping, Swinging, Kicking, Balancing, Climbing – developing/improving a child’s basic skills through play Running, Kicking, Climbing, Skipping, Throwing, Hopping, Tunnelling – developing/ improving parents, carers, teachers basic skills so they can play

7 Health Benefits Maintains a healthy weight CHD prevention
Diabetes prevention & control Primary prevention of some cancers Injury prevention and control Positive mental health

8 Also … Improves balance & movement skills Improves sense of vision
Improves sense of touch

9 How Can We Achieve these Health Benefits?
By improving/developing fundamental movement skills for all children 0-5yrs: Locomotor moving body from 1 place to another Manipulation imparting or receiving direct force from an object Stability moving or standing still with 1 body part still attached to the ground or equipment Movement & Body Awareness having knowledge of own body and movement capabilities

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