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BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

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1 BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

2 Assess and Prioritise Workload
Now that the job requirements of the employee have been agreed and understood, the next step is to prepare the work schedule In order to do this, we need to assess the workload

3 Assess workload Before we write up the schedule, there are several that need to be considered 1. Review the objectives and any requirements, particularly outcomes that are expected, which were provided or communicated to the employee 2. Write, in draft form, all the necessary actions that are required to achieve the desired outcomes 3. At this stage, this list is in draft form, so don’t be concerned about the order, just note down the ideas, as they form in your mind 4. You should not criticise this list – refer to section 1.2 of the text book for an example of a list 5.. Do not focus on estimating the time it will take to complete the actions – this will occur later, when you prioritise the actions

4 Q: How many days in an average life span
Q: How many days in an average life span? Write down the answer in 3 seconds! – i.e. don’t work it out!!

5 Prioritising tasks Once you have done the list of actions that need to be completed, you need to order them A number of factors could be used to sequence the actions – for instance Actions that are still outstanding from previous lists, actions that are easy to finish quickly, actions that are complex and hard to understand, what is the time taken to complete the tasks, are some tasks dependent on others (hence they need to done first?) What resources do you have, what is your level of interest, what is the rank or status of the person requesting you to do the work (manager or CEO etc) Safety issues, critical issues to ensure the success of the schedule

6 Activity: Think of an instance where you had to complete several tasks at about the same time. What factors did you use to prioritise the order in which you did these tasks? Provide examples…..

7 Text book Activity – Organise an office meeting
Employees and managers spend a lot of time in meetings. Several actions are required for the successful organisation of a meeting The text book provides an example – please review and discuss

8 Importance is the first factor of establishing the priority equation
Urgency is the second. Must it be done now or can it wait? High 4 1 Importance 3 2 Low Urgency

9 Steps in Prioritising your list
A number of actions are required to be performed, when you make up your list and then arrange the items by priority – the text book provides a detailed analysis This exercise is not as easy as it sounds – a number of factors could impact on one action. In order to get a different perspective, you should not do this alone, but with a colleague

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