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Multiple Transformations

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1 Multiple Transformations
How did that shape change?

2 Learning Goal 1 (8.G.A.3 & 4): The student will understand and use informal arguments to prove congruency and similarity using physical models, transparencies or geometry software. 4 3 2 1 In addition to level 3.0 and above and beyond what was taught in class, I may: Make connection with real-world situations Make connection with other concepts in math Make connection with other content areas. I understand and use informal arguments to prove congruency and similarity using physical models, transparencies or geometry software. informally prove similarity of triangles Use scale factors to create and analyze dilations. I understand congruency and similarity using physical models, transparencies or geometry software. construct triangles Calculate dilations with scale factors. With help from the teacher, I have partial success with the unit content. Even with help, I have no success with the unit content.


4 How did the shape change? (From figure A to b)
How many transformations did it take? What was the scale factor for the dilation? How was the shape reflected?

5 How did the shape change? (From figure A to b)
How many transformations did it take? How was the shape translated? What was the scale factor for the dilation? Are these two shapes similar?

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