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A – Z Project 6th 6 Weeks.

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Presentation on theme: "A – Z Project 6th 6 Weeks."— Presentation transcript:

1 A – Z Project 6th 6 Weeks

2 A When a writer wants to emphasize something really important, how can he or she accomplish this?

3 B 1st Person Point-of-View (POV) 3rd Person Point-of-View (POV) Explain which POV you prefer to read (why). Explain which POV you prefer to write (why).

4 C Write about a time when you taught someone else how to do something, or explained something to someone else. Describe it!

5 D How can you tell what an author REALLY thinks about the topic he or she is writing about?

6 E Time yourself! Free write for three minutes about the following quote.


8 F Tell about a time you read a book AND watched the movie. What parts were better in the book? What parts were better in the movie?

9 G What are the reasons that a writer would use ellipses?

10 H How can a generalization be like a stereotype?

11 I Write a brief story using any of your three favorite types of figurative language. Label each type of figurative language.

12 J Write the days of the week and the months of the year. How can you check to see if they are all spelled correctly?

13 K Why is it so important to use text evidence when you’re explaining your thoughts?

14 L Time yourself! Free write for three minutes about the following paired images.



17 M Tell about the two meanings of the word “argument” that you learned about this year.

18 N Explain ways to make your writing interesting for someone else to read.

19 O What does it mean if you “claim” that you did something?

20 P Explain the difference between an adjective and an adverb.

21 Q Time yourself! Free write for three minutes about the following image.


23 R Explain the similarities and differences between biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs.

24 S We’ve visited the library quite a bit this year. What are your two favorite genres? Tell what you like about those two genres.

25 T If you are reading something and you come across a word you don’t know, what can you do about it BESIDES using a device or a dictionary to look it up?

26 U Write a six word memoir about your sixth grade year at school. Choose those six words wisely!

27 V Time yourself! Free write for three minutes about the following quote.


29 W Explain the steps (sequence) of a lab you did in science class this year.

30 X Describe how a theme is different from a topic.

31 Y Write about something that surprised you in Language Arts this year.

32 z Reflect on what you’ve learned this year as a sixth grader. What advice do you have for new kids about to start sixth grade?

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