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Presentation on theme: "Electronic PRINCIPLES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic PRINCIPLES

2 Chapter 11 CC and CB Amplifiers

3 Topics Covered in Chapter 11
CC amplifier Output impedance Cascading CE and CC Darlington connection Voltage regulation CB amplifier

4 CC amplifier Known as an emitter follower
The collector is at ac ground Stable voltage gain High input impedance Low distortion

5 The common-collector or emitter follower amplifier +VCC
ac ground vout vin R2 RE RL

6 T model of the emitter follower amplifier
re = RE RL re re + re’ AV = R1 R2 re’ vin vout = iere re vin= ie(re + re’)

7 p model of the emitter follower amplifier
zin(stage) = R1 R2 b(re + re’) R1 R2 b(re + re’) re vout vin

8 The output side of a common-emitter amplifier
Applying Thevenin’s theorem: RC RL vth RC RL The output impedance is equal to RC.

9 T model of the emitter follower amplifier
Apply Thevenin’s theorem to point A: vth zout RL A RG R1 R2 re’ A RL RE

10 ( ) Output impedance of the emitter follower amplifier R1 R2 RG
re’ + R1 R2 RG b ( ) zout = RE The current gain of the amplifier steps down the impedance of the base circuit. Thus, the output impedance of this amplifier is small.

11 Common-collector buffer
A common-emitter (CE) stage with a low resistance load overloads with a small voltage gain A common-collector (CC) stage placed between a CE stage and the load reduces overload and acts as a buffer

12 Darlington pair Two transistors connected with the emitter of the first transistor connected to the base of the second transistor The overall gain is equal to the product of the individual current gains

13 Darlington connection Darlington transistor
Q1 Q2 b = b1b2 Darlington transistors are manufactured with transistors in one case

14 Zener follower A combination of a zener diode and an emitter follower
Provides a regulated output voltage with a large load current The zener current is much smaller than the load current

15 Zener follower circuit
+VCC RL RS Vout VZ Vout = VZ - VBE IB = Iout bdc zout = re’ + RZ

16 Two-transistor voltage regulator
Two transistors and a zener diode Uses an amplified feedback voltage to regulate the output voltage

17 Two-transistor voltage regulator R3 + R4 R4 (VZ + VBE) Vout = +Vin Vout Q2 R2 R1 R3 RL Q1 R4 VZ

18 Common-base amplifier
The base is at ac ground The input drives the emitter and the output is taken from the collector No current gain but has a high voltage gain Low input impedance High output impedance High frequency applications

19 CB amplifier circuit

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