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Presentation on theme: "The SIOP® Model OVERVIEW"— Presentation transcript:

NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP® Model OVERVIEW 2 min Begin by welcoming participants, giving an overview of the presenter’s work with ELs and SIOP, and acknowledging the various teams present. 1

2 NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview
What is The SIOP® Model? Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol 4 min Have participants read the 3 paragraphs on p in MCC under “Effective Instructional Practice for English Learners: The SIOP Model”. 2

3 NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview
Define SIOP… An approach for teachers to integrate content and language instruction into students’ learning through a new language. Teachers employ techniques that make the content concepts accessible and also develop students’ skills in the new language. How does SIOP do this? 2 min Explicit teaching of academic English is crucial. Both SIOP & WIDA have realized this. We know that WIDA has underscored this necessity to be explicit about teaching academic language in its 2012 edition of the amplification of the ELD Standards. As teachers/administrators we cannot assume that students will just pick up academic language. There are no native speakers of academic language. We must teach what we expect students to learn. Which comes first – the chicken or the egg? Same with academic learning; which comes first – academic content proficiency or academic language proficiency? Can you be proficient in content without being proficient in the language of that content? Embedding language instruction in content enhances content knowledge and language proficiency. CLICK and How does SIOP do this? Will appear…then go to next slide. 3

4 The SIOP Model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short)
NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP Model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short) Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice & Application Lesson Delivery Review & Assessment 3 min Header will show. Tell participants there are 8 components and 30 features and now we will immerse ourselves in the SIOP Model Click once for each component to appear until all 8 components are visible. As you click each component ask participants to predict what the component will be about and/or provide a brief description: Lesson Preparation – content and language objectives, appropriate content concepts, supplementary materials, adaptation of content, meaningful activities Building Background – vocabulary development, student connections to background knowledge and past learning Comprehensible Input – ESL techniques, clear explanations, appropriate speech Strategies – metacognitive and cognitive strategies, scaffolding, tasks promoting higher-order thinking Interaction – oral language opportunities, strategic use of the students’ first language Practice & Application – practice an apply content and language knowledge in all 4 language areas (listening, speaking, reading, writing) Lesson Delivery – meet objectives while keeping students engaged Review & Assessment – review vocabulary and content concepts, provide feedback, assess learning HIGHLIGHT: 8 Components are integrated into every teacher’s lessons although at first we can slowly integrate them; Use of components are NOT optional for ELs if our goal is to raise students achievement; Research shows when teachers use the model with fidelity, all students achieve at a higher level! SIOP provides teachers with a comprehensive frameworks for selecting, sequencing, and delivering instruction over the course of an entire year and from year to year. Ask if these 8 things look familiar or if they are new or strange. Do any of these things look like they would be beneficial ONLY for ELs? Think about the native speakers of English in your classes that would find these things helpful for academic success. Point out that what makes SIOP SIOP is the focus on the language. 4

5 NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview
3 min **The focus of this slide is for the presenter to really prompt and draw out a discussion with the participants. As this is done, the specific details of the particular audience will emerge and bring depth to the discussion and sharing of information. Q: With SIOP, what happens to all of the other initiatives? (1 – 2mins for discussion, then 3 for debrief from notes below) SIOP acts as an umbrella. It allows teachers the flexibility to choose techniques they know work! SIOP shares many features recommended for high quality instruction for all students, such as: cooperative learning strategies for reading comprehension emphasis on the writing process differentiated instruction SIOP accommodates the distinct second language development needs of ELs. SIOP underscores the WIDA ELD Standards, LinguaFolio, and the Common Core State Standards because a distinctive feature of SIOP is the focus on language – such as in the use of Language Objectives in addition to Content Objectives so that language is an explicit part of all lessons. SIOP and ExC-ELL work well together as both emphasize acquisition of content-related vocabulary emphasis on academic literacy practice SIOP allows for variation in classroom implementation and gives students multiple paths to success – it is not a step-by-step type of instruction in which teachers are given a script to read.

6 The SIOP Model: Application and Use
NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview The SIOP Model: Application and Use The SIOP Model is: A lesson planning and delivery system An observation protocol (rating instrument) 5 min handout: Lesson Planning Checklist Look at 2 different versions of the SIOP components and features protocol. 1) Lesson Planning Checklist (HO) 2) Full SIOP Protocol p in Making Content Comprehensible Why would the SIOP Model be a framework for students we described earlier? Are there any component or features that would apply to all kids? 6

7 You are about to begin the SIOP Road to Success!
NC Guide to the SIOP Model Institute The SIOP Model Overview You are about to begin the SIOP Road to Success! But first… 2 min Ask what does SIOP Stand for? If someone answers, ask how they know. If no one answers, tell them to use their resources! Point out that it is NOT cheating to use your resources (The answer is on the screen and the cover of the handouts!) It is an important learning strategy to teach the Ss to USE the resources that we place all around our rooms and to remind them from time to time. Often they do NOT figure it out or remember on their own! Read title…You are about to begin… CLICK and “But first” appears 7

8 First we begin with Lesson Preparation Building Background Information
Comprehensible Input Stir – in the Strategies Meaningful Interactions Practice and Application Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment Building background from Lesson – Preparation – hold up your index finger and put your hands together like an open book BB – Put your right hand on your left hip, then your left hand on your right hip. Put your right hand to the back of your right hip, then your left hand to the back of your left hip CI – tap your temple S – Stirring a big pot Interactions – Sign language for talk – do to one side (“meaningful”) then other side (“Interactions”) P &A – Arm muscle pose LD – Serve a platter – right hand at chest and then reach out – as right foot steps forward R &A – Cha-cha right foot back and then forward again If Possible, teach the following way (Scaffolding) – whole group: Read it together – have participants point to the phrases as we read (about 30 minutes later) Do it with the music (just the words not actions) (30 or so minutes later) Sing and add actions (lights off are best – lowers inhibitions)

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