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FIRST QUARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 24 August 2011

Introduction First Quarter Performance Report Financial Performance Report

3 Introduction In March 2011 the DPSA tabled its Revised Strategic Plan to Parliament The revision was done to align the Department’s Strategic Plan and the Annual Performance Plan to the Delivery Agreement for Outcome 12 : “An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship” Consequently the strategic focus for the Department in Year One of the Delivery Agreement ( ) was the conclusion and adoption of the Delivery Agreement whilst continuing with key ongoing projects and activities that are part of the Departments Strategic Plan Year Two ( ) focuses on the establishment of baselines and enabling mechanisms

4 Introduction Year Three and Four ( and ) will focus on implementation support including monitoring and evaluation This Quarterly Report therefore covers performance report against targets from both the Strategic Plan/Annual Performance Plan and the Delivery Agreement Outcome 12 focuses on three main areas where things will be done differently, and these are: New implementation model; Anti-corruption intervention; and Monitoring and evaluation

5 Introduction Out of the seven outputs that underpins Outcome 12, the DPSA is implementing the following four: Service Delivery Quality and Access This includes improving the responsiveness of Government to citizens’ needs, conducting service user satisfaction, ensuring value for money in implementing Government programmes, and improving citizens’ access to Government services Human Resource Management and Development Deals with performance development, performance assessment, recruitment, retention, career pathing, discipline, human resource planning, and skills development Business Process, Systems, Decision Rights and Accountability Management This includes improving PERSAL functionality and accuracy, SITA effectiveness, supply chain management and procurement, delegations and decision rights, implementation of PAIA and PAJA, financial management, organisation design and business processes Tackling Corruption Effectively This deals with putting and implementing measures to combat corruption in the public service

6 First Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report A sustainable methodology developed and implemented to monitor compliance with the signing of Performance Agreements 2.1 A reporting template has been developed towards the development of a sustainable methodology. A web-based system has been developed. Amended SMS PMDS completed by March 2012 for piloting in 2012/13 Support has been provided to the D: PME in connection with the development and later piloting of the draft organisational performance assessment tool (MPAT) to measure organizational performance and linking this to the SMS PMDS. DPME, the DPSA and the Public Service Commission are exploring options regarding the relocation of the responsibility for performance evaluation of HoDs. The work of DPME in terms of the MPAT and Evaluation of HOD’s has impacted significantly on the original approach to review the SMS PMDS and the initial target will have to be reviewed in terms of alignment with the MPAT and HOD evaluations as they are interdependent. The need to amend and synchronise these activities in the relevant delivery agreements has been identified.

7 First Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report A strategy to reduce the recruitment period to 6 months and the vacancy rate in the public service developed 2.2 Consultations with SAPS, DoD, DoBE and OTPS (5 individual meetings) and 1 HRM&D Branch steercom with all Departments have been completed on the draft strategy to reduce the recruitment period. The draft strategy has been circulated to all departments for inputs. A report has been compiled on the vacancy rate based on the data emanating from the MPSA survey. Generally departments reported a much lower vacancy rate than what is indicated on PERSAL. This confirms the challenges with PERSAL information in establishing a credible baseline on vacancies. Determine and implement the methodology to measure the extent and depth of skills of Public Servants with the view of extending the skills 2.4 Ongoing support has been provided to Cohort 2 and 3 departments as requested. A workshop was held with Cohort 1 departments in which they were provided with the revised methodology and tasked with completing the job titles and relevant mapping to public service occupational profiles.

8 First Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Organisational and SMS members skills gaps identified and analysed in 46 departments 2.4 Skills gaps of SMS members from 15 departments have been analysed. The results will inform the development of a policy on mandatory training programmes for SMS members. All departments are implementing competency based assessments for SMS using the revised process Site visits to all the accredited Service Providers have been conducted and feedback letters sent to the respective Service Providers. HR Practitioners from 45 Departments have been workshopped on the effective use of competency assessment results. The new Directive on the implementation of SMS competency assessment has been circulated to all Departments.

9 First Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Policy for the optimum utilization of training budgets developed and approved for implementation by departments with effect from 1 April 2012 2.4 Research on the available information and case studies has been conducted. Information on training programmes which will inform the basis for formulating a policy on the utilization of training budgets has also been collated. graduates, including a percentage from rural areas and unemployed young graduates, have completed either an internship or learnership programme Discussions within the DPSA were held between HRD and M&E Units to streamline reporting mechanisms on Internships and learnerships. To date 3760 and 1502 have been enrolled on Learnerships and Internships respectively. DPSA has initiated the revitalization of the GSETA forum and agreed on coordinating GSETA meetings and thereafter PSETA will takeover this responsibility to ensure continued management of learnership and internship programmes. Development of E-Learning Policy and Guidelines Draft e- learning policy (which includes guidelines) has been completed. Final inputs from GITOC on legislative elements are being incorporated. Both PALAMA and PSETA were consulted on the policy.

10 First Quarter Performance Report
Human Resource Management and Development Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report 20% of Departments have approved Simultaneous Mainstreaming plans and implementation is commenced in 5% of departments N/A Draft 3 of the Simultaneous Mainstreaming plans has been developed. Consultation on the concept of Simultaneous Mainstreaming of HIV&AIDS, Gender and Human Rights concluded at the SADC, SANAC, and the Government HIV&AIDS Inter Departmental Committee(IDC). Second lead site implementation of the IFMS HR system in the Free State’s Department of Education completed and a Strategy for the full roll out of the system to the rest of the public service developed together with SITA The Business blueprinting process has been completed and the blueprints have been signed off by the DoE: FS Work continued in the IFMS governance structures (IFMS SLA and Steering Committee) to finalize a number of frameworks that will inform the implementation strategy Approved Policy on Reasonable Accommodation, Assistive Devices and other Measures for the Public Service. The draft policy was produced and is currently under review by the Legal Unit following extensive input from the Labor Relations and Remuneration Management Branch.

11 First Quarter Performance Report
Labour Relations and Remuneration Management Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Effective exit/termination mechanisms developed 2 A research tool was developed to understand why there are delays in the processing of exit documents. Meetings were also held with stakeholders to understand the causes of delays in the processing of exit documents. Frameworks and guides to improve the management of discipline within the public service developed and implemented Precautionary Suspension and Sanctioning guidelines have been developed and are being consulted on. A Task Team (AG, PSC and DPSA) to review the current discipline reporting mechanism has been established. Strategy on discipline and sanctioning for improving the management of poor performance of DGs, DDG’s and Municipal Managers developed. Desktop study and resource mobilisation currently underway towards the development of the first draft strategy.

12 First Quarter Performance Report
Labour Relations and Remuneration Management Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Framework on the efficient and effective management of annual and sick leave in the public service developed. 2 A survey was conducted on all national and provincial departments as part of a benchmarking exercise that will inform the development of the Framework. Out of 156 departments, 82 (53%) have responded to the survey. Revised housing policy in the public service developed and implemented A concept paper on the Government Employees Housing Scheme (GEHS) has been developed. A Technical Task Team comprising of the Employer and Labour representatives has been established to develop the new GEHS. Personnel expenditure review conducted whose findings and recommendations will inform the review of the remuneration policy of the public service Terms of reference for the personnel expenditure review have been developed.

13 First Quarter Performance Report
Public Service Information and Communication Technology Management Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report 123 Thusong Service Centres connected 1 50 Thusong Centres were LAN cabled. Vsat connectivity was deployed to 41 Thusong Centres, the remaining centres which are either being renovated or have power problems will be connected on case by case basis. Draft blueprints for the connectivity of schools, libraries, clinics and municipalities developed Schools Connectivity Blueprint was developed Facilitated the development of User Requirements Specifications (URS) for school connectivity. Project Governance Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Schools ICT Connectivity between DPSA, DBE and DOC, signed off by all parties.

14 First Quarter Performance Report
Public Service Information and Communication Technology Management Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Expenditure review and cost saving initiatives identified N/A The DPSA and National Treasury formed a Working Group to analyse and agree on ICT-related SCOA codes Green IT Policy adopted and implemented The Draft Green IT Policy is being consulted with relevant stakeholders The draft E-waste discussion paper has been developed.

15 First Quarter Performance Report
Service Delivery Organizational Transformation Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Accessibility study conducted and draft report compiled 1.3 Bilateral meetings held with the Offices of the Premier in Gauteng (30 June 2011) and KZN (9 June 2011) to obtain support for the project and to discuss the way forward. Service provider recommended. Concept document and the service delivery steering committee completed and approved. N/A National Steering Committee launched. Draft NSDOT framework developed and consultations commenced. Delegations principles and guide approved and issued 3.5 HR and Financial delegation principles documents consolidated into one document and draft Cabinet memorandum prepared Cabinet Approved job grading system for the public service 2 Conceptual framework has been developed and forwarded to Cabinet for approval.

16 First Quarter Performance Report
Service Delivery Organizational Transformation Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Citizen Participation and Citizen Care Guideline developed 2 of Part B of the Delivery Agreement Desktop research completed 4 sector specific generic organizational structures for the targeted sectors developed 3.7.3 Concept document on the development of generic structures that include OD principles completed. Consultative workshops with the departments of Health, Social Development, Education and OTPs were conducted. Agreement reached with Education, Health and Social Development. The MPSA has already engaged the North West, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga and Gauteng EXCOs on OD Principles and practices. Social Development MinMec has adopted generic structure for approval and implementation. The OTP Task Team adopted the final draft of the functional generic structure.

17 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Approved Integrity Management Framework and guidelines implemented by all departments and government components in the Public Service 04 Framework finalised and was presented to the G&A Cabinet Committee for inputs Participate in all International working groups and conferences on anti-corruption N/A RSA is currently participating in the review of Morocco as part of the United Nations Convention against corruption (UNCAC). Desktop review and the onsite visit were conducted. The DPSA participated in the 1st quarterly meeting of the OECD Working Group on Bribery which was held from March 2011, in Paris France. The DPSA also participated in the 2nd quarter meeting which was held in June 2011. The DPSA participated during the G20 working group meeting which was held from May in Bali, Indonesia. A paper on the initiatives to fight corruption in the country was also presented.

18 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Service-user satisfaction survey conducted in the health sector Output 1 Sub-output 1.1.1 Consultations with National Department of Health held where the survey methodology and data collection tools were discussed. The developed methodology is currently being adjusted by the working group to suit the Health sector. 4 Employee Satisfaction Surveys conducted in the public service Consultation session with Northern Cape OTP held and the project plan presented to management. This survey was also conducted within the DPSA and a report submitted. Improvement of quality of information on PERSAL Output 3 Sub-output 3.1.1 Various initiatives were implemented to improve the quality of information on PERSAL and the unfunded ratio went down from 21% in December to 18,5% in March 2011.

19 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Infrastructure establishment phase of the Urban Mall concept tested and adjustments undertaken; framework for internal operations and workflow processes developed and implemented; and documentation of the lessons learnt and the blueprint commenced. 1 A high level project plan on the development of the feasibility study, the concept document and implementation strategy was initiated The Draft MoA for the Urban Mall was signed by three departments A Queue Management System was procured. Additional ICT requirements such as the Telephone Management System, solution and cabling are in the process of being procured. The centre is functioning smoothly. Internal management structures have been established and weekly meetings are held. Participation in the Africa Day Celebration N/A The DPSA participated in the Africa Day Celebrations. Successfully exhibited APRM during the Africa Day celebration at DIRCO on the 25 May 2011

20 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Bilateral and institutional relations established and managed N/A Facilitated the DRC BNC and attended planning meetings at DIRCO for the Burundi BNC and Kenyan study tours. Facilitated and attended the CAFRAD 7th Forum and Board meeting held on June 2011 in Rabat Morocco Facilitated the meeting between the DPSA and the French Ministry of Interior to explore formalization of bilateral relations. Convened the Interdepartmental consultative meeting on the Bilateral relationship with India. MPSA International Multilateral Relations managed Facilitated MPSA implementation of the IBSA WGPA 2011 PoA Facilitated and attended the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration meeting held on 4-8 April at the UN Head Quarters in New York .

21 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report DPSA Continental Multilateral Relations managed N/A Facilitated and attended the Africa Public Service Day held on June 2011 in Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Establishment and functioning of SACU 4 Eastern Cape Department of Health selected as department to be assisted with disciplinary hearings flowing from the WAM initiative SCM clean-up. Request received from Office of Premier for assistance with disciplinary hearings on backlog of cases in 5 departments in the province

22 First Quarter Performance Report
Governance and International Relations Annual Target Outcome 12 Output Performance Progress Report Establishment and functioning of SACU 4 Consultations with PSC, SITA , DoD and NIA on the development of a comprehensive case management system were held Consultations on the security requirements of the building were held between SACU, NIA and SITA. Evidence collected from the SIU, National Treasury, walk-ins, whistle blowers and the relevant departments involved to serve as basis for conducting the investigations. Evidence validated on 80% cases and referred back to departments for further investigations – 5 SIU Investigators assigned to SACU

23 First Quarter Performance Report
Financial Performance Report Description Appropriation Actual Expenditure 30 June 2011 Budget Available % Spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees 208,792 44,409 164,383 21.27 Goods and Services 188,724 29,500 159,224 15.63 Interest and Rent on Land 54 -54 Transfers and Subsidies 290,891 48,897 241,994 16.81 Machinery and Equipment 2,662 2,349 313 88.26 Total Allocation 691,069 125,209 565,860 18.12

24 First Quarter Performance Report
Financial Performance Report – Spending Per Programme Description Appropriation Actual Expenditure 30 June 2011 Budget Available % Spent R'000 % P1 - Admin 166,259 37,081 129,178 22.30 P2 - HRMD 33,966 7,483 26,483 22.03 P3 - LRRM 23,273 3,831 19,442 16.46 P4 - PSICTM 40,862 3,992 36,870 9.77 P5 - SDOT 50,630 9,126 41,504 18.03 P6 - GOVN 70,815 10,632 60,183 15.01 Total 385,805 72,145 313,660 18.70 CPSI 14,848 4,176 10,672 28.12 PSETA 21,044 4,968 16,076 23.61 PALAMA 118,321 8,760 109,561 7.40 PSC 151,051 35,160 115,891 23.28 Entities 305,264 53,064 252,200 17.38 691,069 125,209 565,860 18.12

25 Thank you


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