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Bodies of Water on Earth

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1 Bodies of Water on Earth
Unit 4 Bodies of Water on Earth

2 Bell Ringer As you come in… Get out your notebooks!
Quietly read the article. When finished with the article, answer the question “Where has all the soil gone?” in your notebook. Try answering the question using the TPEQEA format.

3 Worksheet 1: Connecting the Spheres
Define and draw a sketch of each of the following systems in your notebook. System Definition Sketch Sun Hydrosphere Atmosphere Geosphere Biosphere

4 Worksheet 1: Continue… From the video, class discussion, or prior knowledge provide an example of each of the following… Sun- biosphere interaction Hydrosphere- geosphere interaction Biosphere- atmosphere interaction Geosphere- biosphere interaction Atmosphere- sun interaction

5 Activity 2- Investigate the Water Cycle
Think back to the activity you just completed and answer these questions in your notebook. Where is the evaporation taking place? Why does the water evaporate? Where is condensation taking place? Why does the water condensate? Would condensation occur in the box without ice? Explain. Where is precipitation occurring? What is the energy source (What is it representing)? Draw a diagram to show how this simulation is showing water cycling/moving. Label where evaporation, condensation, and precipitation are occurring.

6 Water Cycle Bead Activity
The ocean is a dark blue body of water, which is heated by the yellow sun. Then EVAPORATES into a clear gas, cools and then CONDENSES into white clouds. Water travels over the green land and mountains, where the plants TRANSPIRE when water vapor is released from their leaves. The water then PRECIPITATES by raining light blue rain drops. And then runs off the land where it INFILTRATES into the pore spaces between black soil particles. And finally travels back into the deep blue body of water.

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