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HOARD Robotics Horde of Autonomous Robotic Devices Project Overview

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1 HOARD Robotics Horde of Autonomous Robotic Devices Project Overview
ECE 477 Digital Systems Senior Design Project  Spring 2011 HOARD Robotics Horde of Autonomous Robotic Devices Project Overview Horde of Autonomous Robotic Devices is a team of robots that utilize swarm behavior to accomplish tasks. The robots interact with their environment and each other through an ad-hoc RF network, IR LEDs and sensors. Swarm commands are sent from a central control unit. Brad Nowak, Trenton Andres, Jamis Martin, Jay Zifer Project Specific Success Criteria An ability for each agent to avoid obstacles autonomously. An ability to detect direction and proximity of other objects to each agent using IR sensors. An ability to transmit data packets among agents using an ad-hoc RF network. An ability to utilize swarm behavior to find a simulated chemical spill. An ability to utilize swarm behavior to avoid a predator. Block Diagram Chassis Design PCB Layouts Digijock(ette)-Strength Digital System DesignTM

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