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Human Evolution 17.1 pp. 319-321 As a species, humans, Homo sapiens, are thought to have evolved around 100,000 years ago Is this very long ago in evolutionary.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Evolution 17.1 pp. 319-321 As a species, humans, Homo sapiens, are thought to have evolved around 100,000 years ago Is this very long ago in evolutionary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Evolution pp As a species, humans, Homo sapiens, are thought to have evolved around 100,000 years ago Is this very long ago in evolutionary time?

2 Hominids = humans and their recent ancestors Does not include apes
Human Evolution pp Hominids = humans and their recent ancestors Does not include apes Key features: Opposable thumbs, thumbs can close against other fingers Teeth arrangement What natural selection is selecting for opposable thumbs?

3 Primates = order (group) that includes humans, apes, monkeys…
Human Evolution pp Primates = order (group) that includes humans, apes, monkeys… Similarities Movable fingers and toes Forward facing eyes DNA Old world monkeys don’t have a prehensile tail New World monkeys do (tail that grabs) Why the difference in monkey tails?

4 Evolution of bipedalism = walking upright on 2 feet.
Human Evolution pp Evolution of bipedalism = walking upright on 2 feet. Cup-shaped pelvis: supports organs in chest and stomach S-shaped spine: supports body upright What are the natural selection pressures for bipedalism?

5 Other important changes in Human evolution: Tool-making
Human Evolution pp Other important changes in Human evolution: Tool-making Complex Language Large brain-to-body ratio Is it only about how big the brain is? Species E/S ratio small birds 1/12 lion 1/550 human 1/40 elephant 1/560 mouse horse 1/600 cat 1/100 shark 1/2496 dog 1/125 hippopotamus 1/2789 frog 1/172 (Kuhlenbeck, 735)

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