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UM D0RACE STATION Status Report Chunhui Han June 20, 2002

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Presentation on theme: "UM D0RACE STATION Status Report Chunhui Han June 20, 2002"— Presentation transcript:

1 UM D0RACE STATION Status Report Chunhui Han June 20, 2002

2 UM d0race system overview
Machine name: System admins: Bing Zhou, Qichun Xu Phase 0: Running RedHat Linux, Kernel 2.4.9 Phase I: ROOT 3.02/07 installed Phase II: D0 RunII software releases installed p p p Phase III: CVS access, KAI compiler available Phase IV: Running SAM station (station name: umdzero)

3 Kerberos System Kerberos system installed in dzero machine  necessary for checking out packages from CVS. I use ‘kinit –f ‘ to obtain a forwardable Kerberos principal, and then am able to telnet directly to d0mino , and DØ Linux Build machines, but not to ClueD0 nodes.

4 Installing SAM Problems during initial set-up:
Installation: (by Bing) followed the instructions on the web After installation: cannot retrieve files from SAM. But I can do other tasks: locate files, define dataset, etc. Solution: Reinstalling SAM a couple of times did not help. I ed sam-admins. A project disk for umdzero was set up in d0mino. Problem solved.

5 Using SAM SAM station configuration:
SAM external delivery: constrained to quotas: projects = 4; disk: 1GB authorized groups: dzero I mainly use umdzero SAM system to retrieve MC data files (reco output, rootuples) stored by physics groups. But due to some problems, I mostly retrieve files on d0mino, and then ftp to dzero for analysis. I did not test retrieving files from umdzero cache to d0mino.

6 Using SAM (2) File delivery problems:
Quite often the system hangs after delivering several data files. Is it because the transfer is slow or any problem with the sytem? When the system stops delivering files, the project will remain indefinitely in the system, saturating the project quota. I have to manually remove a project. --> anyway to time-out a project automatically if it hangs too long?

7 Using DØ software I mostly use the d0race machine to run MC generations, simulations, and reconstructions. No problem compiling and running DØ software packages. No problem updating changes to DØ packages into CVS. Setting up DØ products: Can setup most of the DØ products, but cannot “setup d0tools”. Currently batch system is not installed, so large jobs are run directly from the shell window.

8 Final Words Umdzero is helpful to use for data analysis:
reasonable CPU power and storage space is accessed by relatively few users. The system is quite stable so far. A couple of Linux machines are clustered to umdzero. Easy installation of DØ software releases. But how to uninstall a DØ software release?

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