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 s(E) = S(E) e–2ph E-1 s Nuclear Burning in Stars s(Estar) s

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1  s(E) = S(E) e–2ph E-1 s Nuclear Burning in Stars s(Estar) s
LUNA and the neutrinos from the Sun Carlo Broggini, INFN-Padova Men in pits or wells sometimes see the stars…. Aristotle Nuclear Burning in Stars s(Estar) s(E) = S(E) e–2ph E-1 2ph = Z1Z2 m/E Reaction Rate(star)  F(E) s(E) dE m = m1m2 / (m1+m2) Gamow Peak Extrap. Meas. s Maxwell Boltzmann s

2 Laboratory for Underground
Nuclear Astrophysics

3 LUNA1 ( 50 kV) LUNA2 (400 kV) Voltage Range :50-400 kV Voltage Range :
Output Current: 1 mA 400 kV) Absolute Energy error ±300 eV Beam energy spread: <100 eV Long term stability (1 h) : 5 eV Terminal Voltage ripple: 5 Vpp Ge detector Voltage Range : kV Output Current: 1 mA Beam energy spread: 20 eV Long term stability (8 h): 10-4 Terminal Voltage ripple: 5 10-5

4 pp chain p + p  d + e+ + ne d + p  3He + g 3He +3He  a+2p
3He +4He  7Be + g 7Be+e- 7Li + g +ne 7Be + p  8B + g 7Li + p  a + a 8B 2a + e++ ne 84.7 % 13.8 % 13.78 % 0.02% pp chain

5 F  S34 3He(,g)7Be Solar Neutrinos: 7Be,8B BBN 7Li Q=1.6 MeV
Cross section from prompt gamma using 4He beam on 3He target from off-line radioactive decay of the 7Be atoms collected in the beam catcher All with a final error < 5 %

6 s down to 93 keV S34(0) = 0.560  0.017 keV barn 7Be ≈ prompt g
ΔΦ(B) reduced from 12% to 10% (C. Pena-Garay) ΔΦ(Be) reduced from 9.4% to 5.5% Borexino-Kamland

7 F  Globular Cluster Age S1,14 14N(p,g)15O cno cno  Q=7.3 MeV 278
7556 1/2 + 14N(p,g)15O 7297 7276 7/2 + 14N+p 6859 5/2 + -21 6793 Q=7.3 MeV 3/2 + - 504 6176 3/2 - F S1,14 5241 5/2 + cno cno 5183 1/2 + Globular Cluster Age 15O 1/2 -

8 solar core metallicity homogeneous zero-age Sun
St(0)=1.61±0.18 keV b * ½cno from the Sun * Globular cluster age * C yield in AGB stars New study with a ‘clover’ detector of the capture to the ground state St(0)=1.57±0.13 keV b (to be published in PRC) From a measurement of cno from the Sun solar core metallicity homogeneous zero-age Sun

9 ............ Rich program of Nuclear Astrophysics:
25Mg(p,g)26Al Q=6.3 MeV (almost completed) 2H(α,g)6Li Q=1.47 MeV 17O(p,g)18F Q=5.6 MeV 18O(p,g)19F Q=8.0 MeV 22Ne(p,g)23Na Q=8.8 MeV 23Na(p,g)24Mg Q=11.7 MeV 15N(p,g)16O Q=12.13 MeV (already started)

10 3He (3He,2p)4He: s down to 16 keV
no resonance within the solar Gamow Peak 3He(,g)7Be: 7Be ≈ prompt g ΔΦ(Be) reduced from 9.4% to 5.5% 14N(p,g)15O: s down to 70 keV (T=60 T6) cno reduced by  2 with 8% error core metallicity Globular cluster age increased by Gy Higher C yield in AGB stars

11 New underground accelerators:
Gran Sasso, DUSEL, Boulby mine, Canfranc, Romania… 12C(a,g)16O 13C(a,n)16O 22Ne(a,n)25Mg (a,g) on 14N, 15N, 18O……

12 LUNA INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
D.Bemmerer,R.Bonetti,C.Broggini, A.Caciolli,F.Confortola,P.Corvisiero, H.Costantini, Z.Elekes, A.Formicola, Z. Fülöp, G.Gervino,A.Guglielmetti, C.Gustavino, G. Gyurky, G. Imbriani, M.Junker, A.Lemut, B.Limata, V.Lozza,M.Marta,R.Menegazzo, P.Prati, V.Roca, C.Rolfs, M.Romano, C.RossiAlvarez, O.Straniero, F.Strieder, E.Somorjai,F.Terrasi, H.P.Trautvetter •INFN : Genova, LNGS, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Torino •Inst.Physik mit Ionenstrahlen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum •Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf •Atomki Debrecen

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