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“Day D” March 27, :01 - 9:01 Exploratory 9: :03

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Presentation on theme: "“Day D” March 27, :01 - 9:01 Exploratory 9: :03"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day D” March 27, 2018 8:01 - 9:01 Exploratory 9:03 - 10:03
8: :01 Exploratory 9: :03 10:05 -11:05 Social Studies 11:07 -11:37 11: :41 LUNCH (1st Lunch- need $) Science 12: :43 English 1: :45 Math Bring your lunch with you, lockers will be after lunch. Cell phones are in lockers Gum is in trash Your schedule for today!

2 DO NOW: Take out packet/H.W.
 Take one net and make into a 3-D shape  Put the net back, and take a different net. Repeat  Do this until you’ve made 3-D shapes of all the nets. 3. What are some things that you notice, what are some things that you wonder? (5minutes)

3 construct three-dimensional figures through the use of nets
I will be able to construct three-dimensional figures through the use of nets Determine the appropriate net of prisms and pyramids So that I can Make sketches of the nets and use this knowledge to use this in the future to determine surface area of shapes. I will show that I understood when I can solve at least 4 out of the 6 real world and mathematical problems independently or with a partner with at least 80% accuracy. 6.G.A.4

4 Language Objective By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will listen to and verbally communicate with their partners, to write and construct three-dimensional figures through the use of nets to determine the appropriate net of prisms and pyramids. They will make sketches of the nets and use this knowledge to be able to determine surface area of shapes in later lessons. Academic Math Language Vocabulary: construct, three-dimensional, net, prism, pyramid

5 H.W. Check. Pg.73

6 H.W. Check. Pg.73 V=

7 H.W. Check. Pg.74

8 H.W. Check. Pg.74

9 Right Triangular Prism
I/We do…. Pg. 78 Rectangular Prism Right Triangular Prism

10 I/We do…. Pg. 78 Rectangular Pyramid

11 Pg. 79

12 I/We do…. Pg. 79 Base: pentagons Base: rectangle Pentagonal Prism Rectangular Pyramid

13 YOU do…. Pg. 79 Base: triangle Base: triangles Triangular Pyramid Triangular Prism

14 YOU do…. Pg. 79 Base: hexagon Base: rectangles Hexagonal Pyramid Rectangular Prism

15 How do you feel about this lesson?

16 I/We do…….Pg. 84

17 You do…….Pg #4

18 How do you feel about this lesson?

19 “Net” Worksheets Ticket to Go

20 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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