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HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN INTERACTIVE. HMP REQUIREMENTS statutory regulations – EPBC Act, ACT PALM Act organisational requirements Outside influences Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "HERITAGE MANAGEMENT PLAN INTERACTIVE. HMP REQUIREMENTS statutory regulations – EPBC Act, ACT PALM Act organisational requirements Outside influences Budget."— Presentation transcript:


2 HMP REQUIREMENTS statutory regulations – EPBC Act, ACT PALM Act organisational requirements Outside influences Budget forecasting Industry standards

3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Protection of all the heritage values Capture all risks and opportunities Effective management tool Robust, reportable decision making process Ease of understanding

4 MAP HERITAGE VALUES Set of criterion Expert Advisory Panel Mapped on all levels Tolerance for change (high or low)


6 MANAGEMENT ZONES Patterns in the mapped values and tolerance for change. Established 6 key management zones. Statements of intent and objectives – ways to implement the policies. Use as a guide for proposed actions in the place: events, building works etc.


8 Link to decision making Accessibility of data Ease of understanding Capturing and changing data Links to policies and permitted actions schedules

9 RESULT Hard copy only - not feasible. Look for alternatives.



12 Context OPH has: 2 full time collection staff (database is managed by one if these staff members) Outsourced IT management and services Result: External assistance required to develop desktop application and assist with KE modifications

13 KE modifications – OPH needed in KE: Management Zone – Statement of Intent, Objectives Link to areas/rooms of each management zone Mapped values and tolerance for change Permitted Actions and Schedules Records of decisions made and methods to report. Relevant data entry from existing studies

14 Lower Floor level: 212 Attendants Box 214 L84 Staff, Minister for Information 215 L85 Social Security Committee (though the room was later occupied by H.C. Barnard, ALP).12 216 L86 W.M. (Billy) Hughes [LIB], former Prime Minister 217 L87 Dame Enid Lyons [LIB], widow of Prime Minister Joseph Lyons and, in 1943, the first woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. [Note: Dorothy Tangney was elected to the Senate at the same election, the first woman to be elected to this body.] 218 L88 & L88A House of Representatives Committee




18 Where to from here? Complete KE modifications Build desktop interactive Go live the interactive Jan-Feb 07 Monitor effectiveness Modify and attach to OPH website May 07

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