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ECG rounds: The ECG in (pre)syncope

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1 ECG rounds: The ECG in (pre)syncope
Jay Green PGY-4, Emergency Medicine Resident August 13, 2009

2 Objectives Appreciate some significant ECG changes in the context of the patient with (pre)syncope Briefly review some potentially worrisome diagnoses that can present with (pre)syncope and an abnormal ECG

3 Case 1 17y M Lightheaded, diaphoretic, nausea x ?minutes
Felt fine afterwards Occasional similar episodes, none this bad Occasional palpitations No CP/SOB Exam unremarkable

4 Case 1 - ECG WPW

5 WPW Issue? Preexcitation through accessory tract
Risk of tachydysrhythmia/death (0.1% risk of SCD) Tx: ablation of pathway, medical tx (IC (propafenone), III (amio)) ECG Short PR (<0.12sec) Prolonged QRS > 0.10 sec Delta wave +/-T wave changes, large inferior Q’s

6 Case 2 31y F PMH nil Syncope at work
Feels fine, wants to return to work Exam unremarkable

7 Cae 2 - ECG Brugada – 131 (SR with sinus arrhythmia, STE in R precordial leads)

8 Brugada Issue? Autosomal dominant Na-channel disorder, first described in 1992 Predisposed to VT (poly>mono), sudden death Tx: ICD Mortality 10%/yr without ICD ECG Incomplete RBBB or RBBB in V1-3 & STE STE convex-up > concave-up Type I (coved with TWI) Type II/III (Saddle)


10 Case 3 25y M athlete Lightheaded, palpitations during basketball game
Feels well now, “Put me in coach!”

11 Case 3 - ECG HOCM – 158 (SR, large amplitude QRS, abN narrow Q’s in lat leads) LVH - V1/2S + V5/6R (tallest) > 35mm, or aVL-R > 11mm (only apply >40y)- get repol abN (abN T/ST) bc large muscle doesn't repol as N

12 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Issue? Dynamic outflow tract obstruction Predisposed to sudden cardiac death (initial sign in many) Annual mortality of 6% in young athletes (1% in elderly) Tx: BBl, +/-CCB, amio (for afib), septal myomectomy ECG (Any or all of) Large amplitude QRS like LVH Deep/narrow Q in inf and/or lateral leads Tall R in V1-2

13 Practice time WPW Brugada HOCM A few others…

14 31y M syncope Brugada (coved) – 111 (SR, LVH (V2S + V5R > 35mm), incRBBB with STE in V1-2)

15 51y M syncope WPW (short PR, QRS ?wide, delta, large Q’s in inf leads)

16 51y F CP x 3h then syncope 3*HB – 160 (ST, AV dissociation, jct rhythm, incRBBB, atrial rate 110, vent rate 40, STD V2-5 (?ischemia))

17 29y M severe lightheadedness & palpitations x 30min
HOCM – 186 (ectopic atrial rhythm (invP in III), large QRS voltage (?LVH), abN narrow Q’s in 1/aVL)

18 55y F occasional syncope, recent palpitations
WPW – 81 (short PR <0.12sec, QRS >0.10sec, delta, large inf Q’s) -

19 57y M schizophrenia, syncope
>QTc 147 – overdose of antipsychotic meds (sinus arrhythmia, >QTc, 0.581sec) -risk of developing TdP

20 30y F ongoing palpitations, lightheadedness
WPW + AF – 136 (irregular WCT, QRS marked morphology variation)

21 82y M syncope, bp 70/35 now 3*HB 151 (ST with AV dissociation, atrial rate 100, vent rate 25, TWI precordial leads, inf T flattening (nonSP)) ((-no P waves conducted = 3* HB, occasional P wave conducted = AV dissociation))

22 30y M presyncope HOCM – 122 (SR, large amplitude QRS (?LVH), abN narrow Q’s in I, aVL, tall R V1/2)

23 54y healthy F, found dead by family, ECG 1wk ago
Brugada (coved) – 182 (SR, incRBBB with STE in V1-2)

24 54y M homeless, long hx of syncopal episodes
WPW – 102 (SR, LVH, intermittent delta wave (complex 2, 5, 8, 9)) -amplitude/morphology of QRS changes within each lead (abN conduction)

25 85F syncope, still lightheaded
Mobitz II 42 (LBBB) -Mobitz II is usually associated with BBB

26 Questions?


28 36yF presyncope WPW (wide QRS, delta, short PR, tall R in V1, LAD)

29 71y F CRF, syncope >QT 44 – hCa? (septal Q’s (old), ant TWI (old), QTc 0.565sec)

30 44y alcoholic, vomiting, syncope during ECG
TdP 89 (hK, hMg)

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