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EVALUATION RESEARCH These are those types of research that evaluate the impact of social interventions. Motivated by the desire of social scientist to.

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Presentation on theme: "EVALUATION RESEARCH These are those types of research that evaluate the impact of social interventions. Motivated by the desire of social scientist to."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVALUATION RESEARCH These are those types of research that evaluate the impact of social interventions. Motivated by the desire of social scientist to make a difference in peoples lives. Working for social change Should Sociologists work for social change? How can sociologists work for social change?

2 Why Evaluate? 1. Administrative Purposes -demanded by funding source -assess daily operations -improve services, become more efficient 2. Impact Assessment -what effects is program producing? -goals identified -- How well achieved? -Change, curtail, alter program?

3 3. Evaluate Conventional Practices
-more social scientific -evaluate general patterns in programs

4 Types of Evaluation Research
1. Formative -before program is established -planning, implementation, operation -target population and characteristics and demographics -aware of existing services for duplication? -knowledge of potential intervention strategies? -specify skills and staff needed -feasibility? -needs assessment

5 2. Summative -evaluate existing program’s effectiveness -assessing impact -typically more large-scale

6 Measurement A Specifying Outcomes 1. Response variables -have programs affected change? a. Program Operating as Planned? b. Program Quality? c. Program Impact? 2. Measuring the un-measurable -some concepts not operationalizable.

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