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S c i e n t i f i c M e t h o d s.

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Presentation on theme: "S c i e n t i f i c M e t h o d s."— Presentation transcript:

1 S c i e n t i f i c M e t h o d s

2 Your Job Write down everything in BLUE!!!

3 How have we come to know so much about science?
Solving Problems Answering Questions

4 How can understanding scientific methods be useful to you?
Learn how to formulate strategies to answer questions you will encounter in your own scientific studies or daily lives.

5 Ask a question… Who What Where When Why

6 Background Research! Observe Look at similar studies
Find out if the experiment is worth running

7 Form a Hypothesis After observations & research…
Create a statement that explains the observations and can be tested!

8 Usually a “if-then” statement
Hypothesis: A statement that predicts in advance the results that will come from testing the hypothesis. Usually a “if-then” statement If different potting soils are compared and tested for water holding capacity, then it will be shown that potting soil A will be more effective that potting soil B.

9 Variables and Terms Experimental Unit- The value being manipulated or changed (different breeds of sheep, different plant varieties, different potting soil.) Variables: Factors that change Independent Variable (manipulated)- The manipulated experimental unit. Dependent Variable (responding)- the results, the data, number, quantitative/qualitative data you collect Control/Constant- The experimental unit that you are not manipulating, or the constant in your experiment, something that doesn’t vary from subject to subject.

10 Example Experimental Unit: Dependent Variable: Independent Variable:
Control/Constants: Chicken feed trial!

11 Experiment Randomization- Randomize as often as possible when assigning treatments to experimental units. Eliminates bias. Replication- Replicate entire experiment at least twice.

12 Analyze Data Does data support the hypothesis?
What were the variables? Are there sources of error?

13 Draw a Conclusion Shed light on something previously not understood!

14 Make an Inference A conclusion based on facts rather than observations
Inferences can’t always be tested

15 Form a Theory This is not a “wild guess” or a hypothesis
Theories- well tested explanations for a broad set of observations “Can never be proved”-meaning we are leaving open the possibility that a theory may be changed at some point in the future. Scientific Law- concise statement that summarizes the results of many observations and experiments.

16 Steps of the Scientific Method:

17 Bubble Gum Experiment!

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