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European Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "European Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Impact

2 Reasons for European Exploration:
Gold Glory Goods

3 European Countries that colonized:
England France Spain Portugal

4 First Europeans Brought: tools, goods, weapons, horses
Route to Asia to get spices and goods Race between Spain and England 1496 Columbus looking for wealth

5 Spanish Caribbean launching point (Barrier Islands) spread catholic religion and looking for wealth (gold). Fort Caroline (Destroyed French fort) Answered to colonial government Population shrank due to death

6 Desoto First to explore Georgia JOURANLS!
Looking for gold conquering natives

7 Other countries soon follow
France made it down to SC established Fort Caroline. Spanish Armanda was defeated left new world to England. Looking for wealth/gold. England focused more on slaves and control

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