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Channel Dimension Reduction in MU Operation

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1 Channel Dimension Reduction in MU Operation
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Channel Dimension Reduction in MU Operation Date: Authors: Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

2 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Abstract Channel dimension reduction (DR) is a means to reduce number of degrees of freedom (receive chains/modes) for users in MU operation Increases flexibility in MU group formation Reduces channel sounding overhead We show the benefit for the AP to report the reduced dimension to the users The case of non-resolvable LTFs Reduce CSI feedback overhead We present simulation results Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

3 What is Dimension Reduction
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 What is Dimension Reduction Dimension Reduction (DR) is a means for the beamformer to reduce the dimension of the channel matrix between beamformer and users In this context we treat only the case of User-side Dimension Reduction Dimension reduction can be done by removing user antennas (receive-chains) from the channel matrix Dimension reduction can be done by using only part of user’s eigen-modes Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

4 The Need For Dimension Reduction
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 The Need For Dimension Reduction Dimension reduction is needed in order to serve users that have many antennas/modes (the case where the sum of users antennas is larger than AP antennas) E.g. 4 antenna AP and 3 antenna users. W/O dimension reduction MU not used The option of serving only part of users’ antennas/modes adds more flexibility for making Grouping decisions Smart dimension reduction can significantly increase overall throughput Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

5 The Need For Dimension Reduction – cont’
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 The Need For Dimension Reduction – cont’ Dimension reduction can significantly reduce CSI feedback overhead CSI feedback overhead is a major issue in the effectiveness of MU operation Dimension reduction can reduce the computational complexity of precoding matrix and MU grouping decisions Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

6 Implicit Vs. Explicit Dimension Reduction
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Implicit Vs. Explicit Dimension Reduction Implicit Reduction – AP makes “internal” reduction decision AP sounds entire channel and makes “internal” DR decision Resolvable LTFs: user estimates full channel/interference from LTF’s. No need to report DR to user Non-Resolvable LTFs: not supported. User cannot “deduce” dimension reduction Explicit Reduction – AP reports dimension allocation decision to users The dimension reduction itself can be done by the users Supports both resolvable and non-resolvable cases DR on CSI feedback for reduced overhead Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

7 Explicit DR – Reduction in User
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Explicit DR – Reduction in User AP controls just the dimension size per user AP sends dimension νk to the k’th user νk ≤nk (nk number of user antennas) AP can still choose sk ≤ νk (sk number of user streams) per frame User makes reduction operation on CSI feedback User sees only channel from AP to user. DR decision is suboptimal Simulations show performance loss vs. a “know-all” user is small Opt 1: receive chain (antenna) selection User can choose the antennas having maximum RSSI User deletes rows of non-used antennas from CSI matrix In case of non-resolvable LTFs, user need to store indices of used antennas Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

8 Explicit DR – Reduction in User, cont’
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Explicit DR – Reduction in User, cont’ Opt 2: eigen-mode selection User calculates receive matrix U from SVD (H=UDV*, H being the full channel estimate) User selects first νk columns of U corresponding to best νk eigen-modes We denote as the first stage receive matrix equal to first νk columns of U User returns effective reduced dimension channel as CSI feedback In case of non-resolvable LTFs, user must store first stage receive matrix for MU packet reception Upon actual MU packet detection user can add second stage receive matrix Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

9 Explicit DR – Dimension Size Control
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Explicit DR – Dimension Size Control Dimension size per user can be defined in MU group definition and/or in a special DR control element In case user belongs to several MU groups, it can have a different reduced dimension in each group We recommend adding a “full-CSI” bit to NDP announcement in case AP wants to sound full channel AP might occasionally sound full channel to make new dimension allocation No need to redefine MU group Other alternatives: Per user dimension request in NDP announcement AP can sound users as single-users in case it needs a particular user’s full channel Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

10 Explicit DR – Reduction by AP
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Explicit DR – Reduction by AP AP has full channel knowledge and can make “globally optimal” dimension reduction for all users AP control of participating user antennas is most practical Control over user receive eigen-modes requires assumption on receiver design AP can signal the antenna selection decision in the MU group definition Add a bit-field per user, wherein each bit signifies selection/un-selection of user antenna (receive-chain) In the Reduction-by-AP option, the AP explicitly controls both the dimension allocation and antenna selection Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

11 July 2010 Simulation Results Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

12 Simulation assumptions
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Simulation assumptions TGn channel model D Users are equally distanced from AP Antenna correlation assumes a linear array with antenna spacing = 0.5 λ BW 20 MHz Channel aging of 20 mS, assuming Velocity = Km/hr Noisy channel estimation for CSI Interference cancellation in users’ side (resolvable LTFs) All methods aimed to maximize total AP throughput Optimization over serviced users in group, dimension reduction, assigned streams All MU methods use ZF block diagonalization See annex for more details on simulation methods Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

13 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Compared Methods Different methods differ by the degrees of freedom for optimization Simulated dimension reduction methods include: User-directed, RSSI-based antenna selection User-directed mode selection Exhaustive AP-directed antenna selection at the users For user-directed modes we have simulated 2 policies: Exhaustive optimization on dimension per user Equal allocation of dimension per user As a reference we simulated both TDMA and MU w/o dimension reduction Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

14 4→2,2,2,2 without estimation errors
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 4→2,2,2,2 without estimation errors Perfect CSI at AP (no aging and noise) 4 AP antennas, 4 users, each with 2 antennas Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

15 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Discussion As expected, high-SNR gain of SDMA over TDMA is 4 streams/2 streams = 2 Antenna selection at the clients side similar to AP-directed antenna selection Large gain from optimizing over dimensions vector At avg. SNR of 25 dB, comparing USER_MODE_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE vs. FULL_DIM_SDMA we see 25 % gain w/o correlation, and 45 % gain w correlation Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

16 Results: 4→2,2,2,2 with aging+noise on CSI
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Results: 4→2,2,2,2 with aging+noise on CSI 4 AP antennas, 4 users, each with 2 antennas Aging of 20 mS SNR dependant noise on CSI, assuming single LTF, no smoothing Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

17 Results: 4→2,2,2,2 discussion July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Results: 4→2,2,2,2 discussion SDMA Gain over TDMA reduced due to CSI errors Mode selection at clients slightly better than AP-directed selection (w correlation) At avg. SNR of 25 dB, comparing USER_MODE_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE vs. FULL_DIM_SDMA we see 30 % gain w/o correlation, and 20 % gain w correlation Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

18 Results: 8→3,3,3,3 with aging/noise on CSI
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Results: 8→3,3,3,3 with aging/noise on CSI 8 AP antennas, 4 users, each with 3 antennas Aging of 20 mS SNR dependant noise on CSI, assuming single LTF, no smoothing Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

19 Results: 8→3,3,3,3 discussion July 2010
doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Results: 8→3,3,3,3 discussion User mode selection similar to AP antenna selection At avg. SNR of 25 dB, comparing USER_MODE_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE vs. FULL_DIM_SDMA we see 10 % gain both w and w/o correlation Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

20 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Conclusions Dimension reduction is a good strategy for MU precoding design Increased throughput relative to system constrained to full dim Explicit DR can significantly reduce sounding overhead Explicit DR is essential for non-resolvable LTF mode User controlled DR can achieve most of the performance gain We recommend to adopt a mechanism whereby the AP controls the number of dimensions per user Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

21 Annex July 2010 July 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0803r0
Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

22 Simulation Method Optimized parameters are: July 2010 Rate selection:
doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Simulation Method Rate selection: TX matrix optimization already includes optimizing number of streams per user TX matrix + channel → SINR vector per active user (over streams and bins) SINR vector mapped to effective SNR, used to select modulation and coding from AWGN curves (same modulation for all streams of a given user) Optimized parameters are: Serviced subset of users Reduced dimension per serviced user Number of streams per serviced user after dimension reduction Number of streams may be smaller than the dimension For example, a single stream is possible regardless of the dimension Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

23 Compared Methods July 2010 TDMA FULL_DIM_SDMA
doc.: IEEE /0803r0 July 2010 Compared Methods TDMA Single user mode FULL_DIM_SDMA No dimension reduction Run over all subsets with total num. users antennas ≤ num. AP antennas Block diagonalization + per-user SVD + per-user num. streams optimization USERS_ANTENNA_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE: Exhaustive run over all subsets and over all dimensions per-active user For a fixed dimensions vector d: user k selects the d(k) strongest antennas Block diagonalization + per-user SVD + per-user num. streams optimization USERS_MODE_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE: Same as above, but now user k selects the d(k) strongest modes USERS_ANTENNA_SELECT_FIXED_DIM: Same as USERS_ANTENNA_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE, but with d vector forced to equal dimension per-serviced user USERS_MODE_SELECT_FIXED_DIM AP_ANTENNA_SELECT_EXHAUSTIVE: Exhaustive run over all subsets, all dim. vectors d and all selections of d(k) antennas for user k Nir Shapira et al, Celeno Communications

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