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Photos from the Fourth Annual St. Olaf Olympics

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1 Photos from the Fourth Annual St. Olaf Olympics
October 10, 2009 (co-sponsored by the Society for Ancient History and the Delta Chi chapter of Eta Sigma Phi) On a wintry autumn day...

2 “Wingless Hermes” wins the costume contest.

3 Doryphorus (without his spear) takes second.

4 Profs. Brunelle and Howe go at it beside the bust of Vergil.

5 Maddie and Elizabeth just won't give up.

6 The Horatii and Curiatii compete in triplicate.

7 What a tangle!

8 Hoplites model the latest fashions in cardboard armor.

9 The ancient historians prepare to pull...

10 but this time the classicists prevail!

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