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Heddlu Gogledd Cymru Richard Brunstrom North Wales Police

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Presentation on theme: "Heddlu Gogledd Cymru Richard Brunstrom North Wales Police"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heddlu Gogledd Cymru Richard Brunstrom North Wales Police
Diprwy Brif Gwnstabl Deputy Chief Constable Trosedd ac Anhrefn - Ymdriniaeth ar y Cyd Crime and Disorder - A Joined Up Approach 14/07/2000 North Wales Police

2 Awdurdodau sy’n Gyfrifol Responsible Authorities
Y Cyngor Council Prif Gwnstabl Chief Constable a5(1) DTA 1998 s5(1) CDA 1998

3 Cydweithredu Co-operation
Awdurdod yr Heddlu Police Authority Pwyllgor Prawf Probation Committee Awdurdod Iechyd Health Authority Y Cynulliad (10/3/00) National Assembly A dyletswydd i gydweithredu a5(2) DTA 1998 And duty to co-operate s5(2) CDA 1998


5 Pwyllgor Llywio Trosedd ac Anhrefn Crime and Disorder Steering Group
datblygu a chyd-drefnu arfer da develop and co-ordinate good practice rhoi gwerth ychwanegol i’r strategaeth drwy amcanion a buddiannau sy’n gyffredin i bawb add value to strategy with common purpose and interest cynrychioli’r Rhanbarth e.e. gyda’r Cynulliad represent Region e.g. with Assembly

6 Llwyddiannau Achievements
Cyffuriau - Rhybudd Positif Drugs Caution Plus Gwasanaeth Ymyrryd Cyfiawnder Troseddol Criminal Justice Intervention Service Seniorlink Sir y Fflint Flintshire Seniorlink

7 Llwyddiannau Achievements
Cynghrair Beiciau Modur Gogledd Cymru North Wales Motorcycle Alliance Protocol Rhannu Data Data Sharing Protocol

8 Cyfarwyddwr Trosedd Crime Director
Ysgodiad o’r canol Centrally driven Meddwl aneglur Woolly thinking Dim awdurdod No authority Manteision? Benefits?

9 Materion Issues Gwrthdrawiad buddiannau yn y Cynulliad a5(2) DTA Assembly conflict of interest s5(2) CDA 1998 Ffiniau Boundaries


11 Materion Issues Gwrthdrawiad buddiannau yn y Cynulliad a5(2) DTA Assembly Conflict of interest s5(2) CDA 1998 Ffiniau Boundaries

12 Materion Issues Gwrthdrawiad buddiannau yn y Cynulliad a5(2) DTA Assembly Conflict of interest s5(2) CDA 1998 Ffiniau Boundaries Swyddogaeth y Cyfarwyddwr Trosedd Role of the Crime Director

13 Materion Issues Swyddogaeth y Cynulliad Role of the Assembly

14 Heddlu Gogledd Cymru Richard Brunstrom North Wales Police
Diprwy Brif Gwnstabl Deputy Chief Constable Trosedd ac Anhrefn - Ymdriniaeth ar y Cyd Crime and Disorder - A Joined Up Approach 14/07/2000 North Wales Police

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