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Functions and Long bones

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1 Functions and Long bones
Skeletal System Functions and Long bones

2 Functions Framework The bones form a framework to support the body’s muscles, fat, and skin

3 Functions 2. Protection Bones surround vital organs for protection

4 Functions Levers Muscles attach to bones to help provide movement

5 Functions 4. Production of blood cells
- Bones help produce red and white blood cells and platelets 5. Storage - Bones store most of the calcium supply of the body

6 Review What are the five functions of the skeletal system?

7 Long Bones

8 Skeletal System Axial Skeleton Appendicular skeleton
Skull, spinal column, ribs, and sternum Appendicular skeleton Shoulder girdle, arm bones, pelvic girdle, leg bones

9 Skull Cranium Facial Made of eight bones Made of 14 bones
One frontal, two parietal, two temporal, one occipital, one ethmoid, and one sphenoid Facial Made of 14 bones One mandible, two maxilla, two zygomatic, two lacrimal, five nasal, two palatine



12 Skull Sutures Sinuses Foramina
Areas where the cranial bones have joined together Sinuses Air spaces in the bones of the skull Foramina Openings in bones that allow nerves and blood vessels to enter or leave the bone

13 Review How many bones make the cranium?
Name all the bones of the cranium. How many bones comprise the facial bones?

14 Spinal Column Made of 26 bones called vertebrae
Protect the spinal cord and provide support for the head and trunk


16 Ribs 12 pairs of ribs First seven are called “true ribs” because they attach directly to the sternum Bottom five pairs are called “false ribs”

17 Sternum Breastbone Manubrium Body or Gladiolus Xiphiod process

18 Appendicular Skeleton

19 Shoulder Girdle Consists of 2 Clavicles 2 Scapulas


21 Pectoral Girdle









30 Brave: Lakshmi Tatma, dressed in her school uniform and standing proudly on her own two feet, smiles at her home in Jodhpur earlier this month (Jan. 2010) Read more:


32 Her father Shambu, 28, said: 'I believe with all my heart that Lakshmi is indeed a goddess. The operation removed her extra legs so that she can lead a normal life but she is not a normal child. 'She's special, I think anything is possible for her. I'd like her to be educated so she can become

33 Review How many vertebrae make up the spine?
What are the two functions of the spine? How many pairs of ribs do humans have? What is the proper name for the “breastbone”? What bones make the shoulder girdle?

34 Arm Humerus Radius Ulna Carpals Metacarpals Phalanges Upper arm
On thumb side Ulna Larger of the two lower arm bones Carpals wrist Metacarpals Palm of hand Phalanges fingers



37 Wrist Bones For test Carpels Metacarpals Phalanges
*extra credit opportunity

38 Name the carpals for extra credit on test.

39 Review What bones comprise the upper extremity?
Which side is the radius located?

40 Pelvic Girdle 2 Os Coxae (hip bones) Join with sacrum

41 Pelvic Girdle


43 COXAL BONES - separated



46 Review What is the name of the two bones that join the sacrum to comprise the pelvic girdle?

47 Bones of the lower extremity
Femur Patella Tibia Fibula 7 tarsals ankle 5 metatarsals Instep of foot Phalanges toes

48 Femur Patella Tibia Fibula


50 What is the weight bearing bone of the lower leg?

51 Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splint)
After jogging or running you can develop shin splints. Throbbing and aching feeling in your shins. Irritated and swollen muscles, often caused by overuse. Stress fractures, which are tiny, hairline breaks in the lower leg bones.

52 Overpronation or ''flat feet" -- when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, stretching the muscles and tendons.



55 Review Which bones comprise the lower extremity?
How many tarsal bones do you have? How many metatarsals do you have?

56 Joints Areas where two or more bones join together
Three main types of joints Diarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Synarthrosis

57 Joints Diarthrosis Freely movable; examples include the ball-and-socket joints of the shoulder and hip, or the hinge joints of the elbow and knee

58 Joints Amphiarthrosis
Slightly movable; an example is the attachment of the ribs to the thoracic vertebrae

59 Joints Synarthrosis Immovable; an example is the cranium

60 Review What are the three main type of joints?

61 Diseases and Abnormal Conditions
Arthritis Inflammation of the joints Bursitis Inflammation of the busae (small fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints)

62 Diseases and Abnormal Conditions
Fracture Crack or break in a bone Dislocation When a bone is forcibly displaced from a joint

63 Diseases and Abnormal Conditions

64 Diseases and Abnormal Conditions
Sprain Twisting action tears the ligaments at a joint Osteomyelitis Bone inflammation usually caused by a pathogenic organism Osteoporosis Increased porosity or softening of the bones

65 Diseases and Abnormal Conditions
Ruptured Disk Herniated or slipped pad separating the vertebrae


67 Abnormal curvatures of the spine
Kyphosis “hunchback” Scoliosis Side-to-side or lateral curvature Lordosis “swayback”




71 Review List at least five diseases or abnormal conditions of the skeletal system.

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