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Department of Land Affairs

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1 Department of Land Affairs
Vote 29 Presentation to the Select Committee on Land and Environmental Affairs 19 June Annual Report /06 Presented by Mr Glen S Thomas Director-General

2 PURPOSE The purpose of this presentation:
To report on the Department’s performance in respect of the 2005/06 financial year.

Strategic Framework 2005/06 Operational performance per programme 2005/06 Financial performance Challenges Interventions

4 Strategic Framework

5 VISION An equitable and sustainable land dispensation that promotes social and economic development
MISSION To provide access to land rights and extend rights in land, with particular emphasis on previously disadvantaged communities, within a well-planned enviroment.

6 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Provision of access to land
2. Provision of rights in land 3. Effective land planning and information 4. Improvement of stakeholder relations

5. Promotion of intra-departmental excellence 6. Improvement and alignment of systems and processes

8 2005/06 Operational Performance per programme

9 PROGRAMME 1: Administration (1)

10 PROGRAMME 1: Administration (2)

11 PROGRAMME 1: Administration (3)

12 PROGRAMME 1: Administration (4)

13 PROGRAMME 2: Surveys & Mapping (1)

14 PROGRAMME 2: Surveys & Mapping (2)

15 PROGRAMME 2: Surveys & Mapping (3)

16 PROGRAMME 2: Surveys & Mapping (4)

17 PROGRAMME 2: Surveys & Mapping (5)

18 PROGRAMME 3: Cadastral Surveys (1)

19 PROGRAMME 3: Cadastral Surveys (2)

20 PROGRAMME 3: Cadastral Surveys (3)

21 PROGRAMME 3: Cadastral Surveys (4)

22 PROGRAMME 4: Restitution(1)

23 PROGRAMME 4: Restitution (2)

24 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (1)

25 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (2)

26 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (3)

27 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (4)

28 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (5)

29 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (6)

30 PROGRAMME 5: Land Reform (7)


32 PROGRAMME 6: Spatial Planning & Information (1)

33 PROGRAMME 6: Spatial Planning & Information (2)

34 PROGRAMME 6: Spatial Planning & Information (3)

35 PROGRAMME 6: Spatial Planning & Information (4)

36 PROGRAMME 7: Sub-Programme – Deeds Registration (1)

37 PROGRAMME 7: Sub-Programme – Deeds Registration (2)

38 PROGRAMME 7: Sub-Programme – Deeds Registration (3)

39 PROGRAMME 7: Sub-Programme – Deeds Registration (4)

40 PROGRAMME 7: Sub-Programme – Deeds Registration (5)

41 2005/06 Financial Performance per programme

PROGRAMME NAME FINAL APPROP. ACTUAL EXPENDITURE VARIANCE VARIANCE AS A % OF FINAL APPROP. R’m 1 Administration 288 239 49 17.16% 2 Surveys and Mapping 84 73 11 13.45% 3 Cadastral Surveys 85 78 7 8.10% 4 Restitution 2,706 b 1,789 b 917 33.87% 5 Land Reform 705 645 60 8.49% 6 Spatial Planning and Information 19 17 2 11.50% 7 Auxiliary and Associated Services 10 6 4 40.97% TOTAL 3,897 b 2,847 b 1,050 b 26,96%

43 Although the under spending is a cause for concern, this bar chart depicts that in real terms year on year expenditure has actually increased 73,04% 97,98% 97,19% 98,66%

44 Challenges facing the Department

High staff turnover Development taking longer than the settlement process High land cost based on market values in terms of the constitution Un-surveyed and unregistered land rights (no title on land), this requires detailed mapping and walking on the land with communities Protracted negotiations with landowners and claimants (Expropriation period of six months before finalization) Community disputes, Traditional authorities’ jurisdictional issues as well as disagreements with landowners (landowners disputing validity of claims) Incoherent land use practices and need for alignment of priorities – i.e. communal and commercial land use practices

Escalating land prices on average between 14% and 19% in the past 10 years will have a big impact on the budget Lack of specialized skills required in the sector to drive massification programme Poor level of alignment in the agrarian reform sector (public and private) Willing buyer-willing seller – the state becomes the only buyer in the market and that affects its bargaining power.

47 Interventions

48 INTERVENTIONS Pro-active land acquisition strategy
ASGI-SA: Bio-fuels strategy The approach of Area-based planning will contribute to the massification programme New land delivery models currently being developed e.g. special purpose vehicle, agency agreements and developer models Decentralization framework for fast tracking state land management and administration Completed Business re-engineering processes to re-position the department to fast track delivery


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