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MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)

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Presentation on theme: "MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)
Presentation to Ministero Della Salute Rome 30/5 – 1/6 2012

2 Overview of presentation
Introduction and background Technical details Data dictionary Concrete advise for developing a client Conclusions and Future

3 MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)
Introduction and background

4 Architecture Part of TRACES system
Allow MS to align TRACES with national DBs SOAP Protocol

5 Overview Users Possibility to manage organisations and cities:
EU Member states EU competent authorities (CCA, RCA) Possibility to manage organisations and cities: Avoid use of XLS files Real time modifications with simple WS calls Possibility to fully manage EU listed establishments (as of version 5.30 of traces)

6 Why exchange Cities by webservice?
Realtime approach – immediate result and feedback Avoid risk of errors due to conversions and templates used Support for GIS coordinates Reduce administrative overhead (Excel SANCO)

7 And why exchange Organisations?
Avoid duplicated establishments Very often duplication occurs due to manual input of data Manual input can be disabled when MDWS is in use by the MS Synchronize TRACES with national DB Ensure MS CCA/RCA has exclusive control of establishments

8 Operation supported Simple CRUD operations
Single operation Support for batch operation (max 1000 per call) TRACES: TRACES offload in MDWS XML format Listing of reference data Establishment types Business categories and chapters According to relevant legislation

9 MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)
Technical details

10 Cities data dictionary
XMLGate WS Call MDWS WS Call

11 Data Dictionary: CityType

12 Test case - cities Scenario 1: Scenario 2:
Reorganisation of postal codes Modification of GPS locations Scenario 2: Administrative changes – LVU offices closing, merging

13 Test cases – cities reorganisation
Excel file XTC format … with GPS locations

14 Organisations data dictionary
XMLGate WS Call MDWS WS Call

15 Data Dictionary: BusinessType

16 Data Dictionary: Transport Authorization
Business approval

17 Data Dictionary: LMS Type

18 Test case – create an organisations
Listed establishment types Address Transport auth. Means of transport Business approval

19 Some practical advise Known to work with: Java (JAX-WS, Spring-WS, Axis2), .NET First establish connectivity: SOAPUI: test cases available on EC circa website Run the SimpleClient Java program from HOWTO bundle Start with managing cities

20 Trouble shooting Error codes: "SXG…" means XMLGate related error
"XTB" or "XTC" means application level error

21 MDWS TRACES Metadata Webservice (Cities and Organisations)

22 Current Planning Support the launch of MDWS
Help MS implement clients Maintain and evolve according to feedback Phase out Excel-based exchange for cities Eliminate risk of problems due to templates and conversions used

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