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Published byAase Christophersen Modified over 6 years ago
SECRETARIAT OF POLICE Police Civilian Secretariat Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Police 10 March 2010
BACKGROUND The National Secretariat derives its mandate from the Constitution and the Police Act. Section 208 of the Constitution requires the Minister of Police to establish a Police Civilian Secretariat which operates directly under the Minister’s direction and authority. The Minister of Police has indicated in several meetings that in view of the new policing environment, the Secretariat should be made stronger in its oversight function.
Advise the Minister in the exercise of his or her powers and the performance of his or her duties and functions; Perform such functions as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient to ensure civilian oversight of the Service; Promote democratic accountability and transparency in the Service; Promote and facilitate participation by the Service in the Reconstruction and Development Programme; Provide the Minister with legal services and advice on constitutional matters; Provide the Minister with communication, support and administrative services; Monitor the implementation of policy and directions issued by the Minister and report to the Minister thereon;
Monitor the implementation of policy and directions issued by the Minister and report to the Minister thereon; Conduct research into any policing matter in accordance with the instructions of the Minister and report to the Minister thereon; Perform such functions as may from time to time be assigned to the Secretariat by the Minister; and Evaluate the functioning of the Service and report to the Minister thereon.
RESTRUCTURING The Secretariat is being re-organised in order for it to perform its function and provide the Minister with the required advice. A new legislative framework for the Secretariat is being finalised. The Secretariat has developed five key components that will engage in the process of policy development and research; monitoring and evaluation; partnership management; support services, and the Office of the Secretary.
Primary focus and priority for the coming year is the development of a five year strategic plan together with the fulfillment of key priorities while implementing our mandate. The key role and functions of the Secretariat are to: To provide the Minister with policy advice To monitor and audit the police To provide support services to the Minister To mobilise role-players, stakeholders and partners outside the Department
KEY FUNCTIONS Key functional areas with respect to civilian oversight and policy advice to the Minister are provided through our components in the following manner: Policy and Strategy: Strategic and indicative planning, research and the formulation of departmental policy proposals, which when approved by the Minister, would guide the activities of SAPS. Audit and Monitoring: The monitoring of the Department’s budget to ensure alignment with the policies approved by the Minister. Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of these policies. Providing Ministerial support services: Including the management of international and stakeholder liaison as well as provide legal services. Communication: The implementation of a communication strategy aimed at informing and mobilising role players, stakeholders and partners outside the Department regarding the delivery of Safety and Security. Accountability: To account to the Minister and to Parliament on issues and activities from time to time or as requested.
In order to fulfil these functions effectively, two important requirements should be fulfilled. The Secretariat is currently undergoing institutional reform in order for the Minister to fulfil his constitutional and legislative obligations. The Secretariat is undergoing a process of re-organisation in order perform its role to the standard required. A new management team led by the new Secretary of Police has been appointed by the Minister together with three new chief directors in the Policy and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation and the Partnership Units.
KEY PRIORITIES Our priorities are based on six key result areas:
1. The re-organisation of the Secretariat 2. Provide Legislative Support to the Minister 3. Provide Leadership and Direction to the Secretariat 4. Provide policy advice support to the Minister 5. To play an activist and interventionist role with regard to civilian oversight of the Police 6. Build active partnerships that will deepen the national dialogue on safety and crime prevention
Purpose: Strategically direct the Secretariat of Police and render support services to the Minister Sub-Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Re-Organization Development and Finalisation of legislation for the Secretariat which will empower and capacitate the Secretariat Finalise secretariat legislation (detail will be addressed in legislative support to the Minister) Implementation plan approved by Minister and portfolio committee June 2010 Quarter 1 Effectively enhance organizational capacity building in the Secretariat Enhance DPSA restructuring investigation Approved organisational structure for the Secretariat April 2010 Support to the Minister Provide technical support to the Minister Regular briefings and meetings by the Secretary with the Minister Quality and timeous reports on support provided 100% compliance in terms of Ministers need Quarterly Assist and provide support to the Minister with regard to International obligations Determined Minister’s calendar of engagements with SADC, SARPCCO and other foreign countries Determined international cooperation agreements and invitations requests Technical support provided to the Minister Engage and liaise with international counter parts Minister’s calendar Negotiated and concluded international agreements M&E Reports on implementation of agreements Approved communication strategy and plan Number of agreements Quarterly reports March 2011 Annually
Sub-Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Provide Leadership and direction Provide institutional leadership and direction to the Secretariat Developed strategic plan (MTSF/MTEF) Monitored SMS performance through Performance Agreements (details of measurement to be reflected under HR) Managed Secretariat budget (addressed under Support Services) Approved aligned strategic plan Budget over/under spending variance 5 year strategic plan 3% spending variance April 2010 March 2011 Legislative support to the Minister Ensure implementation of Departmental legislative programme and assist the Minister with his statutory mandate in this regard Present the following instruments to Parliament Secretariat Bill ICD Bill Firearms Control Regulations Private security training regulations PSIRA Bill Number of Cabinet approved Bills Number of regulations promulgated in government Gazette 3 Bills 2 regulations Secretariat Bill – Quarter 1 ICD Bill –Quarter 1 PSIRA Bill – Quarter 4 FAC Regulations – PST Regulations –
Sub-Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Relationship with parliament Ensure effective accountability to and liaison with Parliament Active participation and presentation in parliament regarding budget and other reporting matters relating to Secretariat Parliamentary feedback on presentations made Reporting feedback of committee activities Provincial visits 100% attendance of committees Monthly reporting As determined by the Portfolio committee Quarterly Monthly Annually Alignment with Provinces Ensure consistency and alignment in the implementation of the Secretariat oversight mandate Provincial and national structures aligned with legislation Established provincial secretariat management forums Engaged Provincial HOD on civilian oversight Technical support to MINMEC Aligned provincial organisational structure Functional provincial secretariat management forums with action plans HOD and Secretariat meeting reports Attendance of MINMEC meetings April 2010 May 2010 Quarterly meeting reports As required Quarter 1 Bi-monthly Relationship with the ICD Ensure co-operation and engagement with ICD Establishment of functional ICD and Secretariat forum ICD Moderation committee participation Feedback report on forum activities Monitor the implementation of ICD recommendations Ensure the implementation of ICD recommendations Progress reports on implementation of recommendations Quarterly reports
Sub-Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Effective communication services Render communication support for the Secretariat and the Minister Upgrade and maintain Secretariat Website Develop a communication strategy on the release of crime statistics To provide advice on annual reports submitted to the Minister on statutory organs (SAPS, ICD, PSIRA) Upgraded Secretariat Website Developed communication plan Analytical report submitted to Minister June 2010 Annually As required Quarter 1 Quarter 3 Special projects Manage and monitor the implementation of special projects Develop project plans Implement special projects (Firearms amnesty project) Approved project plan Achievement of due dates within the limited budget Progress and final project report submission to Minister and parliament Approval of plan prior to project execution 100% achievement of due dates 5% budget variance Quarterly reporting depending on nature and duration of project Project dependent After project finalisation During project and thereafter
Purpose: To provide the Minister with policy advice Sub Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Policy and research To provide evidence based strategic research and policy advice A fully developed, flexible and responsive research programme with concrete deliverables Policy advice reports to the Secretary/Minister Policy and research briefings Published reports Completed reports 2010 March 2011: State of Policing Victim perception Survey Sector Policing Review 90% reporting accuracy levels As and when requested by the Sec of police Reports published in academic journals Quarter 4 Annually Establishment of information hub of best practices and policy for utilisation by the Secretariat and any relevant stakeholders Fully functional National Resource Centre Established resource database with evidence based information Provision of information Regular reports on National resource centre utilisation April 2010 Customer quality satisfaction level of 80-90% Monthly reporting feedback Quarter 1 Ongoing Monthly
Sub Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Policy and research To develop strategic partnerships with parliament, civil society on the Police Managed partnerships through establishing Policy and Research Reference Group Conducted reference group workshops MOU signed and agreed by all members Minutes and reports of workshops April 2010 Quarterly feedback Annually Quarterly To strategically access and analyse raw research SAPS data Develop policy database and access SAPS databases Performance Chart, reports and other crime data Fully functional database Regular meetings with SAPS efficiency services management Regular research reports and analysis June 2010 Feedback reports Submit research reports monthly Quarter 1 Monthly To work in partnership with SAPS and other research organisations Joint research teams set up and working on joint research projects: Reservists, Metro Police, CIT robberies etc. Minutes of Project Team Meetings Quarterly research briefings and seminars on findings held Reporting on research project Number of Yearly research briefings /seminars conducted to Secretariat, Minister and National Commissioner Quarterly reporting
Sub Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Policy and research To collect relevant research material on police practice and methodologies locally and internationally A well managed research database with catalogued research papers, reports and analyses A completed index of available research material, data sets and internal research reports Audit of research material Functional database Update of research material Completed index Conducted audits April 2010 Quarterly May 2010 September and March Quarter 1 Bi-annually
Purpose: To monitor and audit the Police Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Monitoring and evaluation To provide a professional civilian oversight capacity through active monitoring evaluations of SAPS systems, process and approaches A single comprehensive streamlined M&E Tool developed and implemented Monitor and evaluate the SAPS performance, ICD recommendations and SAPS complaints mechanism Monitor and evaluate the 2010 Firearms Amnesty with civil society partners nationally and provincially. Monitoring and evaluation plan M&E system and tool implementation including provinces Finalised database system for monitoring and evaluation Report on SAPS performance monitored against Performance Chart Report on the ICD recommendations monitored and evaluated SAPS complaints management mechanism monitored and evaluated Analyse implementation data: Readiness of SAPS Training provided to amnesty task teams members All Amnesty related process Present and report on the impact of the implementation of the amnesty process April 2010 June 2010 September 2010 4 performance reports 4 performance reports 4 complaints management reports Weekly task team reports Monthly evaluation reports t the Minister Annually Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarterly Weekly
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Monitoring and evaluation Monitor and evaluate the legal implications emanating from the promulgation of the FA act An inclusive Monitoring and Evaluation Forum established and convened. Management of special M&E projects (ad hoc) M&E Report on legal implications emanating from the promulgation of the FAC act submitted to the Minister Monitoring and Evaluation Forum meetings and reports Implementation of project in time June 2010 Quarterly reports Relevant feedback in appropriate intervals Quarter 1 Quarterly Ongoing To monitor and evaluate the transformation of SAPS with respect to the management and deployment of human and material resources Monitored SAPS systems, including the transformative program. Improved SAPS station service delivey Established SAPS system database on police station management and practises and transformation Report on SAPS resource deployment and performance against transformative programme including DVA. Developed and deployed interventionist oversight strategies on police station service delivery in the form of a plan Station level police practice and governance reports November 2010 3 provincial reports Quarter 3 Annually
Purpose: To mobilise role-players, stakeholders and partners outside the Department Sub- programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Community Outreach Programmes Facilitate the participation of communities in crime prevention initiatives Develop criterion for identifying areas to implement community outreach programmes Implemented quality outreach programmes Implement Public Participation Programmes (Ministerial Izimbizo) Approved community outreach programmes criterion Implemented programmes Report on the impact of the implemented programmes April 2010 10 Outreach programmes implemented Quarterly reports 5 programmes Programme reports Quarterly 1 March 2011 Quarterly As required Crime Prevention Public-Private Partnerships Ensure an collaborative effort between government and business on crime prevention Joint crime prevention programmes between governance institutions and the business community Functioning reference group Develop and sign off of memoranda Regular meetings with business organizations 4 Memoranda to be implemented Quarterly meetings Annually
Sub- programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Civil Society Partnerships Ensure an collaborative effort between government and civil society organisations on crime prevention Engagement of civil society organizations in crime prevention and safety Labour Faith based organizations Political organizations Women’s organizations Youth organizations Civic organizations CPFs and St Ctts Specific interest Keep CPF’s informed of latest crime prevention initiatives Civil Society Partnership Plan Report on engagement Developed CPF engagement guidelines CPF meetings Report on CPF meetings March 2011 Quarterly reports April 2010 12 monthly meetings Annually Quarterly Quarter 1 Monthly Intergovernmental Partnerships Enhance intergovernmental co-operation on safety and security through an coordinated effort in tackling challenges and blockages Drafted CSF policy (functioning model) Developed project criterion Implement pilot CSF projects Monitor provincial pilot projects Approved CSF policy (incorporated successes in pilot projects) Approved project criterion (consultative process) Implemented projects Report on project progression Meetings and the reporting thereon End of May 2010 10 pilot projects Quarterly meetings and reports
Purpose: Render support services to the Secretariat a) Human resource management Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target for 2010/2011 Reporting period Human Resource To re-organise and align the Secretariat of Police Develop and implement MTSF/MTEF Approved organisational structure by the Minister of Police in consultation with the Minister of the DPSA (including JE) with the Secretariat direction and legislation as mandate Implement ed change management process Effective financial planning relating to Human Resources Medium tern strategic framework Submit HR Plan to DPSA and report on HR plan implementation Alignment of the organisational structure with the Secretariat mandate Minister Approval on final organisational structure Appropriate matching and placing implementation Approved change management report Estimate HR compensation need for 2011/2012 January 2011 Approved organisational structure by end of April 2010 Completed by end March 2011 April 2010 March 2011 September 2010 Quarterly Quarter 1 Quarter 4 Annually
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target for 2010/2011 Reporting period 2. To attract , recruit and retain appropriate skilled and qualified human resources Appoint qualified, competent and skilled personnel on the Secretariat establishment Conduct internal and external Induction programmes as required Employment equity plan Reduced vacancy levels Appropriate appointments made within 3 months of advertisements New appointment s inducted within 3 months of appointment Submit EE plan/inputs and adhere to EE targets Vacancy levels to be reduced by 50% All advertised posts should be filled within 3 months All new appointments should undertake induction programmes EE plan to be submitted by September (in accordance with DOL: Women, disabilities focus) Quarter 4 Quarterly Half yearly 3. Skills enhancement Implement approved Workplace skills plan (WSP) Report on WSP implementation Submitted WSP plan % WSP compliance Annual training report April 2010 100% compliance March 2011 Annually
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target for 2010/2011 Reporting period 4. Manage performance management systems Align performance management practices with DPSA guidelines Established comprehensive performance agreement database DPSA performance management compliance report Chapter 4 SMS handbook training in performance management for SMS members Update and report on database Signed Performance agreements Quarterly assessments Report submitted to DPSA (SMS) All SMS members to be trained Report quarterly Report quarterly on: Number of signed performance agreements (100% compliance – 2 months in cycle ) Quarterly assessments conducted (100% compliance) Quarterly DPSA report Quarter 1 Quarterly Annually 5. Plan for employee wellness services Draft employee wellness framework according to required needs Approved employee wellness framework March 2011
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target for 2010/2011 Reporting period 6. Institutionalize professional ethos Alternative dispute resolutions Engage in disciplinary cases Finalise formal disputes and grievances in 3 months Report compiled for Secretary Report compiled for PSC 3 months March 2011 Within 30 days of finalization of cases Annually 7. To revise and align all HR Policies of the Secretariat to that of the Public Service Establish HR policy repository Drafted HR policies Policy accessibility and availability Revised HR policies Provide recommendations on the repository accessibility (Secretariat intranet) by March 2011 3 drafted policies submitted by September 2011
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Financial management and reporting Manage the finances of the Secretariat (Ministry) in accordance to the PFMA and NT regulations Draft and cost consolidated Secretariat strategic plan Expenditure control Financial Risk management Consolidated strategic plan Audit qualifications Irregular expenditure Expenditure reports Report on financial misconduct/non compliance Risk management plan Report on risk management January 2011 No audit qualifications No irregular and wasted expenditure Monthly reports 100% accurate Monthly reporting Implemented in May 2010 Monthly Annually Half yearly
DIRECTORATE: SUPPORT SERVICES c) Supply chain management
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Supply chain management To provide procurement services to the Secretariat and the Ministry in compliance with the PFMA and other related prescripts Ensure compliance with SCM policy Demand and acquisition Asset and facilities management Logistical services and facilities management Develop and maintain a database of accredited suppliers Risk management Information technology support Ensure full compliance with all prescripts on supply chain management Duration of acquisition Integrity based and updated asset registers Payment lead times Updated Secretariat supplier database Approved and implemented risk management plan Turn around time on logged calls 100% compliance 30 days Quarterly 30 days per payment Quarterly updates April 2010 2 days Annually Monthly Weekly
Sub- Programme Objective Output Performance Indicator Target 2010/2011 Reporting period Document management To provide an integrity based document management in compliance with the relevant prescripts relating to document registration and security standards Develop document registration, filing, retrieval and disposal (or destruction) systems in compliance with prescripts (National Archives Act and MISS) Develop policies and procedures Report on automated management document system for development Approved policies and procedures March 2011 Quarter 4 Effective communication services Render communication support to the Secretariat and the Minister Upgrade and maintain Secretariat Website To provide advice on annual reports submitted to the Minister on the statutory organs Upgraded Secretariat Website Ministers approval June 2010 Quarter 1
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