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[Hospital Name] [presenter name and credentials] March 14, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "[Hospital Name] [presenter name and credentials] March 14, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 [Hospital Name] [presenter name and credentials] March 14, 2013

2 About Us [Hospital Name] Location, # beds, etc. Other info
A picture, if you’d like!

3 [Intiative Name]at [Hospital Name]
More about your story of this initiative goes here

4 Successes Include data/graphs as appropriate
You may use Apprise workbook graphs/run charts here

5 How We Got Started Why did your hospital want to do this?
How did you engage staff and get buy-in? To what extent was your hospital’s administration involved? Did you have a patient involved? If so, how?

6 Barriers and Solutions
List barriers here List how you overcame those barriers here

7 Advice for Others & Lessons Learned
What advice would you give to other hospitals who want to do this initiative? What have you learned? How can others take your lessons and apply them at their hospitals? What did not work?

8 Plan for Spread How did you approach the process?
How did you gain momentum for spread? How did you get buy-in? Where did you spread to? How did you engage patient/families?

9 Next Steps What’s next for your hospital in terms of this initiative?
What resources will you need?

10 Contact Info Name, hospital, , phone Add pictures if desired

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