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Partial Credits & AB 216 Procedures

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1 Partial Credits & AB 216 Procedures
Anh Nguyen, Foster Youth & Homeless Liaison

2 Records Request STEP 1: Request all records from sending school within 2 business days of a foster youth’s enrollment. STEP 2: Review transcripts to determine whether sending school issued partial credits and check out grades for all classes in which the youth was enrolled. STEP 3: If missing any check out grades or partial credits, send a follow up records request to the sending school identifying specific information needed.

3 Calculating Partial Credits
STEP 4: If partial credits were issued by a school district using a different credit scale (e.g., 1 credit per grading period, rather than 5 credits), use Calculation/Conversion Table to convert those credits to align with the current school’s credit scale from Allliance for Children’s Rights. STEP 5: When transferring all grades and credits earned from previous high schools to the receiving school district’s official transcript, include all check out grades and partial credits issued by the sending school, applying them to the same or equivalent courses.

4 Downloadable Toolkit Alliance for Children’s Rights
Toolkit includes: Fillable PDF formats Word Document for modification

5 Alliance for Children’s Rights Conversion Table
Seat time is pre-calculated AUSD is on a 5 credits/grading period

6 AB 216 Procedures Step 1: Request all education records from the youth’s previous schools, including all transcripts. Review transcripts to ensure that all earned credits, including partial credits, are included. Step 2: Review transcripts to determine whether the youth has completed their second year of high school. Step 3: Determine whether a youth can reasonably complete all local district graduation requirements within 4 years of high school. If the youth cannot reasonably do so, conduct a second analysis to determine which course requirements the student must complete in order to graduate under AB 167/216.

7 AB 216 Eligibility Calculation

8 AB 216 Procedures Step 4: Complete a transcript analysis to determine courses and credits need to meet AUSD graduation requirements within 30 days of transfer. *Use AB 216 Form

9 AB 216 Procedures Step 6: If the students is eligible for the Exemption, hold a meeting w/Counselor, Student, Liaison, Educational Rights Holder, School Administrator, Social Worker (if possible). Step 7: During the meeting, explain State mandated graduation requirements Explain that the waiver will affect the student’s ability to gain admission into a post secondary educational institution. Provide information on transferring to community college.

10 AB 216 Evaluation Form Page 2
Review the Safeguards & Notifications Have student and Ed. Rights holder initial each box that they have been notified.

11 AB 216 Procedures-5th Year of High School
Inform the student of their option to remain in school to complete graduation requirements Inform the student and education rights of how remaining in school for a 5th year will affect student’s ability to gain admission to a postsecondary educational institution. Provide information to the student about transfer opportunities available through the community colleges

12 AB 216 Procedures 130 credit requirement
Step 8: District Liaison will notify School Registrar to post the student’s expected graduation date and update transcripts to reflect 130 credit state minimum requirement. Counselor will update student schedule to reflect new requirements. 130 credit requirement New Graduation date

13 AB 216 Closing Procedures Step 9: File signed Eligibility form in student’s cum file. Make a copy of the Eligibility form for student and explain credit requirements under AB 216. District liaison retains a copy of the Eligibility form for record keeping.

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