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Silvia Ceccarelli European policies office

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Silvia Ceccarelli European policies office Municipality of Ravenna (Italy) 17/01/2019

MUNICIPALITY OF RAVENNA UNIONE DEI COMUNI DELLA BASSA ROMAGNA UNIONE DEI COMUNI DELLA ROMAGNA FAENTINA Bodies involved Number Municipality; Province; Schools Associations Social Enterprises Professional Educational Centre Categories associations 17/01/201917/01/2019

3 THEMATIC FRAMEWORK The current economic crisis has a heavy impact on the social aspects such as reduced availability of the State and families expenses with obvious reductions in several sectors. Thematic areas and specific activities: 1. Education/school 2. Education/University 3. Participation/Citizenship 4. Culture/creativity 5. Clusters/spare time( leisure) 6. Communication/production 7. Work 17/01/201917/01/2019

Support the development of employment opportunities in the form of association, social enterprise or firm in the areas of artistic creativity and culture; Promote forms of contamination/connection between different skills; Encourage networks of relationships, guidance, advice, coaching and support in the start-up; Develop a network among businesses, schools and young people to promote synergies between enterprise and creativity; 17/01/201917/01/2019

5 Make young people aware of culture and business creation;
Offer adolescent and the young adult the chance to take advantage of meeting places in which to implement the exchange of experiences; Identify in game and in the practice of the rules that characterize it, the means of communication that can be considered as educational, uniting and training objectives/goals, related to the overall theme of work. 17/01/201917/01/2019

6 General objectives of the project
PROJECT PLANNING General objectives of the project Creation of employment opportunities in the arts and cultural care of the city; Facilitate knowledge and entry of young people into the world of work; Promotion of culture in its playful aspects of aggregation, educational and preparatory to the dynamics of the labour market and to support the creation of awareness of belonging to the newly formed Union of Municipalities 17/01/201917/01/2019

A Creation of employment opportunities in the arts and cultural care of the city Specific Objectives (O.S) Actions/Activities Thematic area Methods Period Places of realization OS A 1 Support to a group formed by young writers, graduates in "Cultural Heritage" and disadvantaged youth, in order to clean public and private walls defaced by writings and creation of artistic graffitis A 1.1 Training on specific techniques of cleaning and empowerment group Information/ Guidance Training Training meetings February –May 2013 Centre for mediating conflicts School Construction A 1.2 Awareness, promotion and advertising for citizenship and targets Participation/ Citizenship Communication Creation of a web page Meetings with secondary schools and citizens March-June A 1.3 Start testing and Employment Work Creativity Cleaning walls and Realization of murals with supervision June-December 2013 Other places of the town 17/01/201917/01/2019

8 A Creation of employment opportunities in the arts and cultural care of the city
Specific Objectives (O.S) Actions/Activities Thematic area Methods Period Places of realization OS A 2 Support to a group of organizers of musical events, musicians, sound and lighting technicians, management and hosting for public and private cultural events A 2.1 Education and training for sounds and lights technicians Information/ Guidance Education Training meetings February-June House of Music Studio 73 Arti e Mestieri A. Pescarini Institute. A 2.2 Identification and contact with public and private clients and empowerment group Communication Employment Meetings with Public and private Istitutions April-October A 2.3 Support for business creation Training and consulting meetings July-December 17/01/201917/01/2019

9 A Creation of employment opportunities in the arts and cultural care of the city
Specific Objectives (O.S) Actions/Activities Thematic area Methods Period Places of realization OS A 3 Coworking between VIRA2019 (Young Volunteers for European capital Ravenna, 2019) and associations of young artists and / or young professionals A 3.1 Call and public selection of associations / young artists / young professionals to coworking Information/ Guidance Writing a public call and selection May-June InfoGiovani Youth Office artists, coworking office A 3.2 Empowerment of coworkers group Education Employment Participation Coworking space organization Supervision meetings June-October A 3.3 Supervision of coworking group Creativity Work October-December 17/01/201917/01/2019


11 EXPECTED RESULTS General Objective A (50 young people aged involved) Acquisition of specific skills by young people; Creation of businesses / social enterprises / associations (= 3) Strengthening the network of associations / companies synergies and organization of cultural events (= <6) General Objective B ( 2000 young aged and their families) Dissemination of enterprise culture among new generations through the impact of Radio Sonora on Young people Increase synergies between business, institutions and schools General Objective C (440 young aged 12-35, families 300 citizens ) Increasing social cohesion and sense of leadership and citizenship of young people involved; Development of interest and curiosity about the natural sciences and scientific research and enlargement of academic skills; Development of organizational capabilities and business through the implementation of two major gaming events General Objective D (440 young aged 12-35, families 300 citizens ) Creation of a capital of knowledge shared and easily accessible on the whole territory trough the opportunities offered by modern technologies ITC. 17/01/201917/01/2019

12 Impact of the project at local level and sustainability
The territory will benefit under different profiles: Game: game-industry game-fun Labor market Development of job skills Life skills courses and start-up Creating synergies between young people, businesses and local agencies Creation of employment opportunities in the arts, culture and care of the city. Dissemination Meetings of young people and entrepreneurs promoted by local press, Radio Sonora, upper secondary schools, newsletters of associations 17/01/201917/01/2019

Overhead expenditure € Costs of production € TOTAL € Municipality of Ravenna € ( paid by the project and financed by local Authority) 17/01/201917/01/2019

14 Thank you very much for your kind attention!
Silvia Ceccarelli Municipality of Ravenna Directorate General European Policies Office tel website: 17/01/201917/01/2019

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