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Presentation outline General classification

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation outline General classification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opioid receptors Classification Cellular mechanisms Agonists and antagonists

2 Presentation outline General classification
Cellular actions of opioid receptors Mu receptors Delta receptors Kappa receptors Review ORL-1 receptors

3 Classification: opioid receptors
Classic Mu Kappa Delta Non-classic ORL1

4 Opioid receptors are 7 transmembrane receptors
3 N- terminus 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 1 2 C- terminus

5 Before opioid receptor activation
Presynaptic neuron Ca2+ channels open K+ channels closed G-protein coupled receptor

6 After opioid receptor activation
Ca2+ channels closed K+ channels open Morphine

7 Ca2+ channels closed K+ channels open Presynaptic inhibition
Glutamate, Ach, NE, 5-HT, substance P

8 Mu opioid agonists Endogenous peptide Exogenous drug

9 Mu antagonist

10 Anatomical distribution
Spinal cord Brainstem (periaqueductal grey) Thalamus Cortex

11 Effects upon activation:
Supraspinal analgesia Respiratory depression Euphoria Sedation Decreased GI motility Miosis Physical dependence

12 Delta receptors Endogenous peptide Exogenous drug

13 Delta antagonist

14 Anatomical distribution
Olfactory bulb Cerebral cortex Nucleus accumbens Amygdala Pontine nucleus

15 Effects upon activation:
Spinal (mainly) and supraspinal analgesia Inhibition of gastrointestinal motility Respiratory depression (controversial)

16 Kappa receptor agonists
Endogenous peptides Exogenous drug

17 Kappa antagonist

18 Anatomical distribution
Limbic system Hypothalamus Brainstem (periaqueductal grey) Spinal cord

19 Effects upon activation
Spinal analgesia Sedation Dyspnea Dependence Dysphoria Inhibition of ADH release

20 Exogenous drug agonists
Receptor review Endogenous peptides Exogenous drug agonists Antagonists

21 ORL1 receptor Opioid-like-subtype-1 receptor Also known as:
nociceptin receptor (NOP) Orphanin FQ receptor

22 ORL1 receptor- Natural ligand
Nociceptin or orphanin FQ only acts at the ORL1 receptor.

23 ORL1 receptor Effects upon activation: Central modulation of pain.
Effects on locomotion, stress, anxiety, feeding, learning and memory, reward/addiction and urogenital activity.

24 References and further reading
Katzung, B. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 11th ed. McGraw Hill Medical, 2009 Koneru A, Sreemantula S, Rizwan. Endogenous Opioids: Their Physiological Role and Receptors. Global J. Pharmacol., 3 (3): , 2009 McDonald J, Lambert DJ. Opioid Receptors. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain :1 Trescot A, Sukdeb D. Opioid Pharmacology. Pain Physician 2008; 11:S133-S153

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