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Chapter 16, Education Key Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16, Education Key Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16, Education Key Terms

2 Schooling Formal, institutionalized aspects of education.
Credentialism The insistence upon educational credentials for their own sake.

3 Cognitive ability Capacity for abstract thinking.
Standardized ability tests Tests such at the SAT that attempt to measure intelligence.

4 Achievement tests Intended to measure what has actually been learned, in addition to ability or potential. Predictive validity of tests Extent to which tests predict later college grades.

5 Labeling effect Once a student is assigned to a particular track and labeled, the label has a tendency to stick, whether or not it is accurate. Teacher expectancy effect The effect of teacher expectations for student performance has a dramatic influence on how much students learn and on how students define themselves.

6 Self-fulfilling prophecy Merely applying a label has the affect of justifying the label.
Tracking Separating students according to some measure of cognitive ability.

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