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Which teacher is the most effective and why?

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Presentation on theme: "Which teacher is the most effective and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which teacher is the most effective and why?


3 “Quizzing provides a reliable measure of what you’ve learned and what you haven’t yet mastered. Moreover quizzing arrests forgetting. Forgetting is human nature, but practise at recalling new learning secures it in memory and helps you recall it in the future. Periodically practising new knowledge and skills through self-quizzing strengthens your learning of it and your ability to connect it to prior knowledge.”

4 Memory Platforms – making learning stick
First ten minutes of the lesson… Q1 – Q3 – retrieve key knowledge from last lesson. Q4 – retrieve key knowledge from last week. Q5 – retrieve key knowledge from last term. Q6 – retrieve key knowledge from last lesson and connect it to knowledge from last term.

5 The potential permutations of this kind of quizzing are huge, so what follows is just a possible example: Surface knowledge Which word is missing from this line? “I sit in the _____ of the wood, my eyes closed.” What is the hawk from the poem a personification of? What does the hawk now hold in its foot? What did the hare in Bayonet Charge symbolise? Which character from An Inspector Calls is said to be ‘cold’ in the opening stage directions? Which character from Of Mice and Men does the hawk most resemble? Deeper understanding


7 What to know more?

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