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Streaming, happily ever/after

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1 Streaming, happily ever/after
DeGroote Consulting Group Elizabeth, Chinomnso, Marley, Britney


3 ever/after Augmented reality Lightsaber enabled

4 How might Disney disrupt online streaming leveraging synergies in the organization?

5 Key issues

6 Changing consumer preferences
Key issues Disrupted industry Drastic changes within media and entertainment industry Online streaming is growing quickly Increased number of competitors Importance Urgency Disrupted industry Acquisition Changing consumer preferences Changing consumer preferences 43.6% YoY customers are leaving TV behind for internet Customers looking for low cost and high convenience Acquisition Culture must be considered when merging two companies Ability to generate maximum value from additional content 70-90% of acquisitions fail to deliver the adequate value

7 Analysis

8 Acquisition analysis You purchased… Fox film Fx Networks National Geographic Hulu Star TV India 39% of Sky to get… More content More direct relationships with customers Into the streaming market Increased Indian market share for… $71.3b cash & stock Key takeaway The Fox acquisition has potential to result in significant revenue growth and enable Disney to reimagine streaming.

9 Competitive analysis Key opportunities exist to capitalize on Netflix’s weaknesses Inconsistency Interactivity Transparency Key takeaway To disrupt Netflix, Disney must act strategically and leverage internal strengths to attack external weaknesses.

10 Analysis of Disney’s streaming capabilities
Valuable Disney is already generating value through existing streaming services (e.g. hulu), however value captured in the market is indirect and not maximized. Rare Disney has access and control of exclusive character and content use, however Disney allows other streaming services to benefit from their rare content. Inimitable Disney’s current streaming services were late to market and imitated other service providers rather than building a unique experience and/or business model. Organized to capture value Disney is not currently organized to capture value in the online streaming market. Key takeaway Disney must re-organize their business and leverage existing intellectual property to maximize streaming market revenues.

11 Opportunities

12 Opportunities 1 reimagine hulu kids 2 eTheatre 3
ever/after integrated experience platform

13 1 reimagine hulu kids Reimagine the existing hulu kids experience with interactive Disney games and unlockable content for Disney park visitors or individuals with specific Disney products Key benefits Leverages existing hulu platform Content can be exlusively used on hulu kids Existing content enables increased speed-to-market Knowledge and understanding of target market Key considerations Doesn’t improve strategic position relative to Netflix Difficult to capture existing Netflix kids users Only generated cash flows for limited period

14 2 eTheatre Develop a new direct-to-consumer release platform, eTheatre, where users can watch new Disney releases live with fans worldwide for limited time periods Key benefits Eliminates middle man and provides direct access to customer base Increased margin Increased control of user experience Key considerations Untested revenue model for direct-to-consumer releases only Inability to generate ongoing recurring revenue stream

15 ever/after integrated experience platform
3 ever/after integrated experience platform Develop ever/after integrated experience platform which allows user to stream content, and engage with Disney portfolio content and characters in new ways (e.g. using augmented or virtual reality, smart devices) and transition existing hulu users to ever/after Key benefits Disruptive user experience enabled by emerging technology Leverages strengths of acquisition and existing Disney portfolio content Increased control and ability to continuously engage customers Key considerations Requires contingent workforce to support interim activities prior to launch Additional content must be created to support new experiences

16 Decision matrix 1 reimagine hulu kids 2 eTheatre 3
ever/after integrated content streaming platform Valuable Rare Inimitable Organized to capture value ▲ Improves current state ● Maintains current state ▼ Harms current state

17 Preferred solution

18 ever/after Augmented reality Lightsaber enabled

19 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Year 2

20 Implementation

21 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Key activities Develop new content Market research Innovation lab Across all subsidaries Year 2 media Key considerations Exclusivity of content Changing media landscape

22 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Key activities Contingent workforce Advertisement development (interactive) Accessory development Investor relations Acquire top talent from Netflix content creations team Year 2 media operations Key considerations Ad team must agree to create interactive content Onboarding of contingent workforce

23 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Key activities Interactive shows Virtual reality Augmented reality Interactive ads (generate revenue) Connecting users Easter eggs to match accessories Year 2 media operations user experience Key considerations Compatibility of accessories Understanding customer preferences

24 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Key activities Eliminate redundancies (increase operating income) Create synergies between content (generate revenue) Reverse engineer content (generate revenue) Across all of Walt Disney Studios Year 2 media operations user experience Key considerations Cross functional teams required Ability to leverage content but remain distinct branding synergy

25 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Key activities Happily ever after Create social medias Allow Hulu users 1year free Influencer promotion Word of mouth Ever/after enabled packaging Year 2 media operations user experience Key considerations Entering a competitive market synergy ever/after

26 Investment Year 1 Year 2 media $3.5m $2.5m operations $10.6m
user experience $5.0m synergy $1.0m ever/after Grand Total $21.1m

27 Revenue Growth

28 Operating income

29 NPV 2019 2020 Incremental CF $15 Cost -$24 Rate 11% NPV 2

30 Key metrics

31 Initial screenplay adaptation
Key success factors factor target timeline People ever/after subscriber base 9.7mil 2 years Customer satisfaction 90% Profit Incremental cashflows 15mil YoY Net profit margin 5% 1 years Process Improve inefficiencies within workforce 1% increases 1 year Revamp key movie segment based on purchase of Fox Initial screenplay adaptation 1.5 years $

32 Risks + mitigation

33 Risks + mitigation Netflix provides similar survey H M
likelihood impact mitigation Netflix provides similar survey H M Disney content is exclusive to ever/after platform, which is marketed as an experience platform Customers do not want to engage in online platform due to preference for content on other services L Ensure wide variety of content across all Disney subsidaries, conduct market research High cost of integration across all platforms Research and development in innovation lab to ensure integration and ease of use

34 Next steps


36 ever/after Augmented reality Lightsaber enabled

37 mouse media ► operations ► user experience ► synergy ► ever/after
Year 2

38 Appendix

39 Detailed costing (1/3) Year 1 Year 2 media $3.5m $2.5m
Content development Innovation Lab Market research $1.0m operations $10.6m Accessory Development $2.0m Acquire Top Netflix Talent $5.0m Contingent Workforce $3.6m

40 Detailed costing (2/3) Year 1 Year 2 user experience $5.0m
Augmented Reality $1.0m Connecting Users $1.5m Easter Eggs Interactive Ads Virtual Reality synergy Eliminating Redundancies Reverse Engineered Content Synergies Between Content

41 Detailed costing (3/3) Year 1 Year 2 ever/after $1.0m Hulu Trial
Influencers Social Media Product labellinh Grand Total $21.1m $2.5m

42 Video streaming market (in millions USD)
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Video Streaming Market 32 37.44 43.80 51.25 59.96 70.15 82.08 CAGR 17% Capture 26% 26% 9.73 11.38 13.32 15.59 18.24 Ever after price 8 77.87 91.11 106.60 124.72 145.92

43 Revenue breakdown by segment
2019 2018 2017 Media Networks $6,620 $6,156 $5,866 Parks and Resorts $5,557 $5,193 $4,894 Studio Entertainment $3,461 $2,878 $2,393 Consumer Products & Interactive Media $924 $1,001 $1,085 Revenue Total $16,562 $15,228 $14,238

44 Segment operating income as a % of revenue
Media Networks $2,025.65 30% Parks and Resorts $1,488.30 26% Studio Entertainment $886.11 25% Consumer Products & Interactive Media $308.15 32% Total $4,708.20 IMPROVED OPERATING INCOME 12% 5%

45 Questions Can Disney battle digital disruption and shake up the streaming market? Can the Fox acquisition help Disney in gaining a timely advantage in streaming content wars or was it too late for it to succeed in streaming?

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