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World Literature 2 August 31 & September 1

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1 World Literature 2 August 31 & September 1
Mr. Thomas

2 60 Second Warm Up How do you measure the success of a leader?

3 Essential Question & Learning Objectives
What makes an effective leader? What determines success as a leader? Students will evaluate the leadership of characters in Lord of the Flies. Students will evaluate their own leadership skills and set year-long goals.

4 Today’s Agenda Forbes Magazine on Leadership
Essential Leadership Skills Determining Success as a Leader Leadership in Lord of the Flies Pros and Cons of Jack and Ralph as Leaders Ralph’s Leadership - Advice Column Leadership Self-Assessment & Goals

5 Forbes Leadership Skills
Honesty Ability to Delegate Communication Confidence Commitment 6. Positive Attitude 7. Creativity Intuition Ability to Inspire

6 Forbes Successful Leadership
Successful Leadership Article

7 Jack vs. Ralph On a separate piece of paper, work with the people at your table to create two T-Charts, one for Jack and one for Ralph. On your charts, list the pros and cons of each boy’s leadership. Use the leadership skills from Forbes as a standard for your list.

8 Jack vs. Ralph At your tables, discuss which character is more successful as a leader. What specific criteria are you using to measure success and what details from the text support your evaluation of this success for each boy?

9 Advice Column On the handout provided, read over the letter from Ralph asking for advice. In a letter of response, write two scholarly paragraphs (5-8 sentences) to to give Ralph advice about leadership.

10 Leadership Self-Assessment
Make a T-Chart on a piece of paper. On one side you will list leadership traits that you believe to be your strengths. On the other side list leadership skills that you believe you can most strengthen.

11 Leadership Goal Setting
Below your T-Chart, create 3 goals for yourself this school year that will help you strengthen your leadership skills.

12 Closure Activity 3-2-1 Closure
Write 3 pieces of information that you learned today about leadership. Write 2 new insights about Lord of the Flies. Write 1 question you have OR 1 leadership skill you value that was not listed today.

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