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Test on Friday 26th September 2014 Reading of a short story

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1 Test on Friday 26th September 2014 Reading of a short story
Comprehension Questions Literary terms that we have learned in the course

2 Theme; Moral; Allegory
Minds-On Look up the key vocabulary for the short story. Extension: Write down your favourite childhood stories that had a moral at the end of the story. Theme; Moral; Allegory Cause; Effect

3 What is the author really referring to? How is allegory being used?
To know the key vocabulary for the Gentleman in the Jungle. To understand the cause and effect of the events in the Gentleman in the Jungle. To be able to explain and analyse the conflict, theme and symbols used in the Gentleman in the Jungle. Theme; Moral; Allegory Cause; Effect

4 Kenya is an independent republic in East Africa
Kenya is an independent republic in East Africa. More than ninety percent of the population is African, but from 1895 to 1963, it was ruled by Great Britain. Most of the large plantations were owned by the British, and Africans worked as labourers on these farms. Only after many years of struggle, including violence and bloodshed,did Kenya become an independent nation in 1963.

5 Theme; Moral; Allegory
Cause; Effect

6 Theme; Moral; Allegory
To understand the cause and effect of the events in the Gentleman in the Jungle. To be able to explain and analyse the conflict, theme and symbols used in the Gentleman in the Jungle. Based on the information that we know about Kenya: What do you think the animals represent/symbolize? What do you think the gentleman represent/symbolize? ALLEGORY story or poem in which characters, settings, and events stand for other people or events or for abstract ideas or qualities. EXAMPLE: Animal Farm; Dante’s Inferno; Lord of the Flies Theme; Moral; Allegory Cause; Effect

7 Theme; Moral; Allegory
To understand the cause and effect of the events in the Gentleman in the Jungle. To be able to explain and analyse the conflict, theme and symbols used in the Gentleman in the Jungle. Activity: Is the title of the short story appropriate? Why or why not? Answer question #2 in the textbook page 189. Theme; Moral; Allegory Cause; Effect

8 Violence is a good way to create change.

9 Symbol; Imagery; Protagonist; Theme Setting; Point of View; Conflict
To be able to analyze the elements of the short story by justifying their answers. The final task of this unit, you will be creating a visual representation of one of the short stories. What does the word symbol mean? Symbol: Person, place, or thing that represents something beyond itself, most often something concrete or tangible that represents an abstract idea. Symbol; Imagery; Protagonist; Theme Setting; Point of View; Conflict

10 Literature Circle Someone who writes questions about the text.
Someone who draws an important part of the story. Someone who writes their opinion of the story. Someone who lists the characters and writes the main problem of the story. Someone who finds new words and writes the defintion; you also copy the sentence where you found the word (at least 5 words)

11 Consolidation Do you think that the author believes that violence is necessary in some circumstances? What do you think? Do you think you could read this story to any age group? Why or why not?

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