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Encouraging more organisations to involve short term volunteers to develop skills and experience for employability Dave Cliffe VAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Encouraging more organisations to involve short term volunteers to develop skills and experience for employability Dave Cliffe VAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Encouraging more organisations to involve short term volunteers to develop skills and experience for employability Dave Cliffe VAL

2 Overview of the project
Project being led by Leicester City Council Covers City and County Developed from Apprenticeship Hub and other services VAL a delivery partner – focus on short term volunteering Other partners include Leics County Council, local colleges, LEBC

3 Networking and Potential Partners
YES project GREAT project Shaw Trust Adult Learning – City and County Interserve Training – for training courses APM in Hinckley Job Centres Social care support services – possibly if people are ready Local Area Coordinators

4 Meetings/ Conversations with Organisations
John Storer House Loughborough Fareshare East Midlands (based in Narborough) RPSCA On the Scene Event Management – Community Events in Braunstone, Melton Mowbray and Spinney Hill Inclusion Healthcare Oadby Owls Football Club Leicestershire County Cricket Club Hinckley Concordia Theatre Barnardos The Well, Kibworth

5 VAL Volunteering Website
Searches for opportunities that could be suitable as short term volunteering to develop/ boost skills Searches for existing opportunities that could be adapted for this project (if organisations are willing) Encouraging new organisations to sign up

6 Volunteers’ Week 2018 Promotion at Leicester Train Station
Volunteering Fair and Celebration at Loughborough Library – Age UK Learning for the Fourth Age Baca Housing Matters Abbeyfield House Enrych CAB Great Project Living Without Abuse Nicky Morgan MP’s Office Work Club Employability Event with Supporting Leicestershire Families in Barwell – Thursday 7th June

7 Work with Local Colleges
Discussions with North Warwickshire and South Leics College about connecting local volunteer involving organisations with specific departments at their Hinckley and South Wigston campuses Discussions about small volunteering fairs/ events to invite organisations into the colleges Ideally this work could be replicated at Leicester College, Loughborough College and Stephenson College

8 Progress So Far VAL has taken on 3 volunteers to support the City drop-in service City funding no longer allows for a paid service, so we are looking at volunteer led mdels Volunteers we have taken in board are being trained to pvoide volunteering support and signposting Helping them to gain experience 1 volunteer supported to explore counselling/ mental health 1 volunteer being supported into possible media/ marketing roles

9 Plans for the Future Presence at VAL Funding Fair in Ashby – 18 June 2018 Oadby & Wigston Loneliness Event – 22 June 2018 Presence at Employment Hub launch event – 29 June 2018 Market Harborough event in August – working with partners Volunteering Fair in Leicester City Centre (date to be confirmed) Something in Lutterworth – an event?? Work with colleges Intern from DMU working with me 11June – 20 July Utilising VAL’s volunteers Website presence Understanding the skills gap more with job seekers and local businesses/ employers – what do they need to get?

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