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State of Connecticut Department of Transportation PUBLIC LISTENING SESSION Planning for Connecticuts TransportationFuture September 2003 Beyond Ten… A.

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Presentation on theme: "State of Connecticut Department of Transportation PUBLIC LISTENING SESSION Planning for Connecticuts TransportationFuture September 2003 Beyond Ten… A."— Presentation transcript:

1 State of Connecticut Department of Transportation PUBLIC LISTENING SESSION Planning for Connecticuts TransportationFuture September 2003 Beyond Ten… A Twenty Year Outlook

2 Todays Speaker Roxane M. Fromson Supervising Transportation Planner Bureau of Policy and Planning Connecticut Department of Transportation


4 The States Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP) Long-Range Plan Overview A federally-mandated policy document (23 U.S.C. Sec. 135) The federally-recognized transportation plan for the State of Connecticut Updated every 3 to 5 years and submitted to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Covers a 20-year future time horizon

5 Support the economic vitality of the United States, the States, and metropolitan areas Increase the safety and security of the transportation system Increase the accessibility and mobility options Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life Federally Mandated Factors Long-Range Plan Overview United States Congress

6 Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes Promote efficient system management and operation Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system Federally Mandated Factors (continued) Long-Range Plan Overview

7 Participants in the Process Long-Range Plan Overview Coordination with Other Entities General Policy, Planning, Requirements, & Funding Cooperatives State & Local Planning Efforts Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Connecticut Department of Transportation Transit Districts Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) Local Government State & Municipal Airports Port Operators & Users Modal Freight Providers & Users Federally Recognized Indian Tribes Public

8 Regional LRPs&TIPs ConnDOT STIPs 2005 MTP Relationships of the Long-Range Plan To Other Planning Documents Long-Range Plan Overview Statutes & Public Acts TSB Report (January 2003) Various Studies & Reports 1998 Plan of C & D Regional LRPs&TIPs ConnDOT STIPs 2001 & 2003 MTP 2004 Long Range Plan

9 Comparison of Master Plan to Long-Range Plan Long-Range Plan Overview State mandated (13b-35, CGS) Published every two years Submitted to Governor & legislature by January 31st in odd-numbered years Includes list of proposed projects Federally mandated (ISTEA & TEA-21) Updated every three to five years Submitted to FHWA and subject to Public Review & Comment Policy document, does not have list of proposed projects 2003 Plan Completed Next Plan in 2005 Planning Process Currently Underway Ten Year Plan = Master Transportation Plan (MTP) Twenty Year Plan = Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRP)

10 Pre-Draft LRP Listening Sessions (September 2003) –During the LRP sessions (seven held in September 2003) –Submit input from the Departments website or by U.S. mail (prior to October 31, 2003) Draft LRP (Anticipated Publication Date: Spring 2004) –Document to be available in selected locations, upon request, and the Departments website –Submit comments from the Departments website or by U.S. mail (Spring 2004) Final LRP (Anticipated Publication Date: by Fall 2004) –Document to be available in selected locations, upon request, and the Departments website Departments Website go to Whats New Opportunities for Public Input - 2004 Long-Range Plan Long-Range Plan Overview

11 Todays Presentation II. NEEDS IDENTIFIED THUS FAR

12 Mandated by Section 134 of title 23 U.S. Code & Section 8 of title 49 U.S. Code Prepared by designated Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) (There are 10 in Connecticut.) Submitted to Federal Highway Administration Must cover a future 20-year period Must address the same 7 factors listed for statewide LRP Must be updated at least every 3 years Must be developed through a proactive public involvement process Regional Long-Range Plans Long-Range Plan Overview

13 Why: Who: What: Plan Objective: State Plan of Conservation & Development Long-Range Plan Overview Required by State statute (CGS Section 16a-24) Prepared by State Office of Policy & Management A statement of the States growth, resource management and public investment policies Provides framework for administrative & programmatic actions and capital & operational investment decisions of state government, which influence future growth & development of Connecticut To guide a balanced response to human, environmental & economic needs in a manner which best suits future of Connecticut

14 Mandated by Public Act No. 01-5 Proposes a transportation strategy to guide the State for the next 20 years Proposes actions and tactics to achieve those strategies during the next 10 years Estimates capital and operating investments to implement those actions Suggests the revenue sources to fund those investments Transportation Strategy Board (TSB) Report Transportation: A Strategic Investment (January 2003) Long-Range Plan Overview

15 Preservemaintain Preserve and maintain the existing system Improveefficiencyaccessibility Improve the efficiency of and accessibility to the system Expand Expand the existing system Enhanceintegrationconnectivity Enhance the integration and connectivity of the system, across and between modes Increasepromoteuse of mobility options Increase and promote the use of mobility options available to people and for freight The Big Picture Needs Identified Thus Far

16 Integrate land use planningtransportation planning Integrate land use planning and transportation planning at all levels of government Increasesafetysecurity Increase the safety and security of the system for motorized & non-motorized users Supportenhanceeconomic vitality Support and enhance the economic vitality of regions within the state Protectenhanceenvironment Protect and enhance the environment Promote energy conservation The Big Picture (continued) Needs Identified Thus Far


18 External Influences Future Directions-Influencing Factors Unforeseen Events Federal Government Transportation Users Political Interests Available Funding Weather Public Needs & Local Demands Demographics Transportation Providers State Government New Information & Technology

19 Funding - Special Transportation Fund Capital Program Source of Funds Future Directions-Influencing Factors SFY 1985-2003 Funds Authorized, Total = $13.7 Billion

20 U.S. Congress (The Federal Money Pot) Future Directions-Influencing Factors High Priority Projects as defined by Federal Gov.t Congestion, Mitigation & Air Quality Bridge Programs Interstate Maintenance - National Highway System Airport Improvemen t Program Airport Facilities & Equipment Program High Hazard Elimination Program Water Transportation Studies, Services, & Projects Surface Transportation Program AIR 21 (FY2001-2003) Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration Highway Trust Fund Airport & Airway Trust Fund TEA 21 (1998-2003)

21 State Government Connecticut General Assembly & the Special Transportation Fund (STF) Future Directions-Influencing Factors Estimated SFY2003 STF Revenues 52% Motor Fuel Tax 26% Motor Vehicle Receipts 22% Various Other Estimated SFY2003 STF Expenditures ConnDOT 39% Debt Service 46% Various Other 15%

22 Major Federal & State Factors Future Directions-Influencing Factors Reauthorization of Federal Funding Programs Connecticut General Assemblys Action on Proposed Transportation Legislation Public Law

23 HB-6805, An Act Concerning Recommendations of the Transportation Strategy Board (TSB) Future Directions-Influencing Factors Approves the principles (1) Approves the principles set forth in the initial TSB transportation strategy Requires completion of certain transportation projects and initiatives (2) Requires completion of certain transportation projects and initiatives recommended the initial TSB strategy; Authorizes more than $264 million (3) Authorizes more than $264 million over a 10-year period for use in funding transportation strategy related projects; Increasesfees (4) Increases driver's license, certain vehicle registration, and several other fees dedicates the revenue and dedicates the revenue for paying the costs of the strategy-related transportation projects; and Recognizesand address the need to better coordinate (5) Recognizes and includes provisions to address the need to better coordinate transportation planning and land use planning transportation planning and land use planning.

24 Current & Future Key Issues Future Directions-Influencing Factors Travel Delays Land Use Environment Aging Population Safety & Security Funding Priorities

25 What is Your Vision for Our Connecticut ? Future Directions-Influencing Factors Connecticuts Transportation System Twenty Years From Now

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