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Jellyfish Aurelia aurita (moonjelly) By Jessie Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Jellyfish Aurelia aurita (moonjelly) By Jessie Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jellyfish Aurelia aurita (moonjelly) By Jessie Justice

2 Measurements: At birth the jellyfish are as small as 12 mm. The largest is 200 feet in length. The bell is 8 feet in diameter. The tentacles can get longer that 40 meters.

3 Some jellyfish are known for their alternation of generations.
The male medusa release sperm and the female release the egg. Then they form hook on the a rock and form a polyp.(A larval jellyfish). Reprodution Some jellyfish are known for their alternation of generations.

4 Habitat Jellyfish live in the water. Jellyfish usually live in saltwater. There is one known jellyfish that can live in either, the Craspedacusta sowerbyi.

5 Diet What it eats Jellyfish are carnivorous, feeding on fish and other animals which they catch by means of stinging capsules present on their tentacles.

6 What eats it

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