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The Assessment Process

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1 The Assessment Process
The Assessor Assessment Methods Evidence of Assessment

2 The Assessor (1) Assessment decisions for competence based units must be made by an occupationally competent assessor. RSPH therefore has to be confident that assessors are themselves capable of carrying out all of the requirements of the unit(s) that they are assessing. Assessors are appointed by the centre, not RSPH.

3 The Assessor (2) Assessors should have a recognised qualification in assessment, or Be working towards one, or Meet the same standards of assessment practice set out in National Occupational Standards.

4 Assessment Methods Observation Questioning

5 Observation Direct observation by the assessor Witness statements NB. A witness is not an assessor

6 Questioning During an observation As part of a professional discussion Questioning of staff providing witness statements To confirm witness statement with candidate

7 Question Types Closed: Yes / No responses Open: More than 1 word answers, responses to why / how/ what etc. Follow up: To seek more depth, introduce alternative situations etc. Hypothetical: What if?

8 Conduct of Assessment Planning Agreement / Dialogue / Candidate / Mentor The visit Who to meet Opportunity Feedback Portfolio / Paperwork Next visit

9 Planning Range of activities Achievement of all learning outcomes Suitable, verifiable evidence

10 Agreement Etc Type of assessment Type of evidence / how evidence is provided What is to be assessed What you expect to be able to see / standard

11 The Visit Permission / access Timely Mentor, supervisor, authors of witness statements Colleagues? Opportunity

12 Feedback Positive Sign-off if possible What else needs to be done / how can candidate improve? Next visit

13 Evidence of Assessment
External Verification Confirm assessor decisions EV needs to know how assessment decisions arrived at

14 Possible Evidence Transcripts Written Accounts Brief statement of how witness statements etc provide evidence of assessment Annotated check-lists Record of questions and answers Recordings

15 Portfolio of Evidence Cross reference material in portfolio to assessment criteria Use of Candidate Assessment Summary Forms Candidate declaration

16 Make Sure Evidence is available for ALL assessment criteria. Candidates can only achieve a learning outcome if all the assessment criteria for that LO are met Candidates can only pass a unit if all the learning outcomes for that unit are met

17 Unit APT3.6A: Assist with post mortem examinations
Be able to carry out evisceration and dissection of a deceased person under the direction of supervisory staff: Remove the major organs from the deceased to include: Heart and great vessels, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, Brain Remove the major structures from the deceased to include: Gastro-intestinal tract, Genito-urinary tract

18 Unit APT3.7 Preparation and operation of a mortuary
Be able to store mortuary equipment and materials, by being able to meet the following assessment criteria: Follow established procedures for the storage of equipment and materials Retrieve equipment and materials from storage as requested.

19 Unit APT3.8 Prepare for post mortem examinations
Be able to prepare a deceased person for post mortem examination: Assess risks to self and others that the deceased may present prior to preparing the body for post mortem examination Establish the identity of the deceased Ensure information relating to the deceased is made available to the pathologist Prepare the deceased for post mortem examination according to relevant guidelines

20 Unit APT3.9 Team working Be able to carry out own role as part of a team: Organise own work in order to meet agreed aims and objectives on time Monitor own progress towards meeting aims and objectives Take appropriate action if aims and objectives are unlikely to be met within agreed timescales Evaluate own contribution to the work of the team

21 Unit APT3.11 Viewing of the deceased
Be able to provide support to relatives, friends and carers when viewing the deceased : Confirm the identity of relatives, friends and carers prior to allowing the viewing to take place Communicate appropriate information in a sensitive manner Follow established procedures when conducting the viewing of the deceased Advise relatives, friends and carers appropriately with regard to after death procedures Refer relatives, friends and carers to additional sources of support and guidance as required.

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