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Writing skills: Business letters, memos and electronic communication

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1 Writing skills: Business letters, memos and electronic communication

2 Qualities of business letters
Concise keep sentences short but vary length for interest Simple and clear - avoid technical jargon Accurate information Courteous Positive and non-discriminatory language Logical sequence Maintain goodwill “You” attitude

3 Simple and clear language
Examples of formal language in business letters …enclosed please find our brochure for your viewing. …we’ve sent, under separate cover… …enclosed herewith… …please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned …we refer to your letter of 27th instant, and wish to advise that...

4 Words to avoid; words to use
Avoid these Use these You’ll see I’ve attached Get underway / start Discover / find out Will try / will attempt Make it easier for you If So / so that you’ll About Before Because Herewith Commence Ascertain Endeavour Facilitate In the event of In order to With regard to Prior to Due to the fact that

5 Replace the following phrases
At this particular point in time Now Kindly advise Please let us know Receipt is acknowledged Thank you for … Subsequent to After

6 Courteousness You have obviously misunderstood our earlier letter
We apologise for any misunderstanding our first letter caused Your letter concerning the alleged loss of goods in transit Thank you for informing us about the loss of your goods during delivery

7 Positive language Negative Positive Possibly this can …..
Company policy prevents… Your order is on its way to you now. You will be delighted with your new television. I have successfully completed work experience as an assistant in an accounting firm. It is not unlikely that … Company policy does not allow …. Your order will be filled. You will not regret buying this fine television. My only work experience is two Christmas vacations as an assistant in an accounting firm.

8 “Me” vs “You” attitude We are pleased to announce that Smith Health Food Emporium is expanding its premises. You will be pleased to know that the Smith Health Food Emporium is expanding its premises. We sent your merchandise last Tuesday. Your merchandise was sent to you last Tuesday.

9 Business letter layout
letterhead date inside address salutation body complimentary close signature and author’s identification references

10 Types of business letters
Good News or Neutral News letters convey positive or neutral information letters of enquiry, acceptance, sales letters etc. Bad News or Refusal letters convey unwelcome news may still provide an opportunity to promote goodwill unsuccessful job applications, declining invitations etc ….cont.

11 Types of business letters cont.
Persuasive letters encourage behaviour change or specific action sales / marketing letters, job application letters, debt collection letters etc.

12 Good News or Neutral letters
Identify purpose Include the good news in the first paragraph Provide supporting details in middle paragraph Close with a goodwill statement

13 Bad News or Refusal Letters
The opening should be neutral Explain the situation State the bad news Close with a positive statement

14 Persuasive letters Catch the reader’s Attention
Develop an idea that will Interest the reader Develop the reader’s Desire to have what you are selling Conclude with a statement specifying the Action to be taken

15 Letter of Apology Statement of empathy for inconvenience caused
Apology based on facts of situation Outline action taken to prevent re-occurrence Offer remedy Express desire for continued relationship Provide contact details

16 Memoranda (Memos) When should you use a Memo?
For internal communication Written record Need to be brief and concise

17 . . . Think outside the box Use 4 lines
Without lifting your pen, the line must pass through all the dots.


19 Electronic communication
E.mail Internet & www Intranet Discussion groups/chat rooms CD ROM

20 Advantages & Disadvantages?
E.mail Internet & www Intranet Discussion groups/chat rooms CD ROM

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