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DoIT FY09 IT Budget Review

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1 DoIT FY09 IT Budget Review
New Mexico Department of PUBLIC SAFETY Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project State Library / Yucca Room # October 23, 2007

2 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
EXECUTIVE STAKEHOLDERS Executive Sponsor - Secretary Gregory J. Fouratt Business Owners Pete N Kassetas, Chief DPS Adrian M Armijo, Deputy Chief RON BURTON, DPS CIO

3 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
The Department of Public Safety’s is here requesting funding to begin the Implementation phase of the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The project team comprised of members of DPS ITD, State Police, Communications dispatchers and other business owners have completed all requirements of the Planning phase including an initial assessment, RFP, vendor selection and finalizing a contract.

4 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
Replacing the existing 10 year old CAD is of the highest priority to the agency. Weekly CAD project meetings are held to keep the project on track and stakeholders informed of progress. An interagency team has been formed and a contractor hired to improve the CAD map which is critical to CAD and to other state agencies relying on accurate maps. A governance committee is being formed to provide the necessary controls for CAD usage and change control. Considerable upfront planning completed to ensure a successful project.

5 CAD Interfaces

6 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
Budget Comments: Description FY15 & Prior FY16 FY17 FY18 & After Total Staff - Internal Consulting Services CAD IV&V $128,060 CAD map data and refresh process $150,000 Professional services CAD Process Analysis and contract with Vendor to develop/refine RMS RFP $294,080 Hardware Servers, infrastructure, Dispatch Hardware $381,165 Software CAD Vendor Software, Project Management, training and implementation $2,114,138 System Maintenance $353,534 $364,140 $659,225 2,831,812 $3,785,117

7 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
Project Status Signed contract with CAD vendor Intergraph at State Purchasing Division, letters were sent to all the offerors (less Intergraph) notifying them of award of contract, protest period starts 12/8 and goes to 12/23 Signed contract with IV&V vendor POD, PO 39916 Signed contract with Geo-Comm, PO 39786 Project start on Implementation Certification approval December 16, 2015

8 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project

9 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Project
DPS requests release of all funds for CAD Implementation. Questions?

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